Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1030 1030 [Weird skills added]

Jiang Xia couldn't help but flap her wings and float around the room, experiencing this magical feeling of weightlessness.

However, just after flying a few circles, there was suddenly nothing behind him. The wings disappeared, and Ke Xue's buoyancy disappeared immediately. Jiang Xia's body was heavy and fell back to the ground - the time limit for that puff of cigarette was up.

In a very short period of time, the wings turned back into puppet clay, and then into pieces of shikigami, returning to Jiang Xia's seal space.

"..." Jiang Xia stood on the ground, feeling the empty back. After thinking for a moment, he turned to look at the bedside table.

There was an ashtray with a burnt cigarette in it.

——After Jiang Xia choked on this "feather-flavored cigarette" before, she pressed it into the ashtray.

He originally planned to put out the cigarette, but it seemed that he failed - because after Jiang Xia remembered, Matsuda Jinpei also curiously inhaled the smoke and gained a pair of wings.

After that, Jiang Xia puffed out the cigarette again, but still couldn't put it out.

——This seems to be a cigarette that once lit, will continue to burn until it burns out.

However, although it has been burning quietly, the smoke that will make people grow wings has not been wasted.

Jiang Xia moved closer to the ashtray and took a closer look.

At this moment, above the gradually cooling soot, there was a cloud of white mist the size of a head.

The mist did not disperse, but gathered together quietly, occasionally trembling slightly with the wind in the air.

"...Although I have never seen it before. But I always feel that this kind of thing can be contained in the seal space." Jiang Xia muttered to himself, tentatively stretched out his hand, touched the fog, and used the usual way to contain murderous aura. Throw it into the print space.

The mist disappeared from his hand in a whoosh.

When it reappeared in Jiang Xia's perception, it had already stayed quietly in the pattern space - indeed it could be preserved in this way.

Jiang Xia's eyes lit up, and he took out the white mist again and held it in his hand.

The saving method has been figured out.

As for how to use doesn't seem too hard to guess.

Jiang Xia exerted her strength and pulled a wisp off the smoke ball.

Miyano Akemi happened to be the closest, so Jiang Xia conveniently handed the wisp of white mist in front of her.

"...?" Miyano Akemi was startled, then reached out to take the mist and held it in her arms.

She lowered her head and looked at it for a moment, then took a sip like she usually did on lit ghost mint.


The two shikigami flew out of the seal space, just like when they were spliced ​​on Matsuda Jinpei's back, they landed behind Miyano Akemi and formed a pair of small wings.

Miyano Akemi turned her head curiously and looked at the strange extra organ. Mermaid and Miss Spider also approached curiously, stretched out their hands to touch her new wings, and then grabbed the foggy dog ​​to pluck them out, comparing the feel of the two.

The foggy dog ​​tried to slip away, but was caught again, and the ghosts soon rolled into a mess.

Jiang Xia put away the white mist, glanced at the pair of dissipating wings on Matsuda Jinping's back, and estimated the possible time for the wings to take effect.

——The white mist just now was more solid than the puff of cigarette Jiang Xia just took.

Calculated this way, when used on humans, the effect of a cigarette can last for about twenty minutes.

Jiang Xia put away the fog and felt quite satisfied. This strange new function is quite interesting - although usually if you want to go to the sky, you can summon foggy dogs to work as coolies, but the feeling of flying by yourself is obviously different from that of being taken flying.

Jiang Xia recalled the magical feeling of growing wings just now.

He looked at the cigarette case in his hand, and then at Noah, who had unintentionally turned his murderous intent into a magical white mist, and thought deeply.

A minute or two later, Noah woke up faintly after being rubbed.

It had just sat up weakly when it suddenly stirred and found Jiang Xia staring at it quietly.

"Only half of it was pinched out just now, and the other half of the white mist remains in your body." The master of the psychic medium showed a considerate smile to him, and then stretched out his claws, "This can't go on like this - come, let me help you Get the rest out."

Noah: "!!"

It instinctively turned its head and bounced away from Jiang Xia.

But after just two bounces, Jiang Xia grabbed the short tail behind it and dragged it back.

"Including the white mist later, it's only enough for four cigarettes. One was already used just now..."

Jiang Xia played with the three cigarettes left in his hand.

Although the incident happened suddenly, he still remembered the steps of "summoning wings" just now.

——After lighting the smoke that was blended into the "white mist", the nearest fog dog was suddenly sucked over and bumped into the smoke. After that, the cigarette turned into a magical wing cigarette that "can grow wings with one puff".

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia turned her head and looked at the ghosts forming a circle around the bed.

When the ghosts were stared at by him, they recalled Noah's tragic situation just now and instinctively backed away, from a small circle to a large and sparse circle.

Jiang Xia looked at them with hesitant eyes: "..."

Wutiangu bumped into the new cigarette, and the cigarette had the function of growing wings.

By analogy, it is not difficult to guess what changes will happen to the mermaid, Ms. Spider and the cat when they hit the smoke - it is nothing more than gaining some of their characteristics and possessing corresponding abilities, becoming good at swimming or good at climbing walls. .


What if it was a ghost in human form?

And among the humanoids, they are divided into male and female...

Jiangxia looked at Miyano Akemi, then at Matsuda Jinpei, Xiaobai, and the ghosts of his parents who were stuck together... He tried to superimpose various elements together, and strange images gradually appeared in his mind.

Jiang Xia: "..." I always feel like nothing useful can be added together.


"Curiosity" and "pursuit of practicality" briefly put Jiang Xia in a dilemma.

After being silent for an unknown number of seconds, he suddenly took a deep breath, took out one of the three remaining cigarettes, and looked at several humanoid ghosts.

Anyway, there are three more, just give it a try - just in case you can bet on some surprising magical changes.

Miyano Akemi, Xiaobai, Matsuda Jinpei, and the ghost parents: "..."

"Come here." Jiang Xia stretched out his hands on the quilt and pulled all the ghosts who were trying to escape back to him, "You scissors and burden hammers - the losers come here and smoke."

After several rounds of fierce duels, Xiaobai soon became the final loser.

Jiang Xia carried the limp ghost to the side and looked at the other ghosts, especially the ghosts in monster form: "Stay back a little bit," so as not to interfere with the experiment.

The ghosts dispersed obediently.

Jiang Xia touched the lighter, took out a brand new white mist cigarette, held it in her mouth, clicked it and lit it.

Xiao Bai raised his hand to cover his eyes and peeked out from between his fingers - although he would not be burned by the cigarette, the scene where the foggy dog ​​was rolled over by the cigarette still looked a bit scary.

However, unexpectedly, the expected "huge suction force" did not come.

Xiaobai and a few humanoid ghosts still stood firmly in place, nothing happened.

Instead, there was a chaotic murmur from the side.

——The retreating monsters and ghosts were pulled towards the cigarette butts as if they were suddenly caught in a cyclone. At this time, they were fluttering instinctively... No, it seems that "Qi Shu" shouldn't be used. The word "brush" - unlike the mermaid, foggy dog, and Miss Spider, the cat, which is only the size of a coin, is obviously not as stable as them.

Before it could react, the whole cat was pulled closer by an invisible pull, and it bumped into the smoke in a daze, letting out a panicked meow.

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