Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1031 1031 [Akai Shuichi climbs over the wall]

Jiang Xia looked at the cat that flew over and hit the smoke: "..."

He lifted the flapping cat ghost away and looked down at the cigarette in his hand.

After being hit by the foggy dog ​​just now, the cigarette paper turned from white to black, and there was a wing pattern on the cigarette butt.

But now, after hitting the cat, the paper roll also changed from white to black, and the extra one on the cigarette butt became a simple cat paw print.

Jiang Xia looked at the smoke, then at the humanoid ghost next to him, and sighed.

Before, he was worried that something strange would come out of the synthesis. Now it seems that he is simply overthinking it - a humanoid ghost seems unable to combine with this strange new smoke.

Although it is inconsistent with the expected experimental purpose. However, it’s all done...

Jiang Xia stared at the burning smoke for a moment, then cautiously approached and took a small puff.

The paper shikigami flew out, and an immediate change occurred on his body - the surrounding sounds suddenly became clear, and he even heard the tiny crawling sound of insects on the wall outside.

Jiang Xia briefly adapted to the new senses.

Then he remembered something and raised his hand to touch the top of his head. Unsurprisingly, he found that there was a pair of standing ears.

"..." He lowered his hand and touched his face again, touching normal human skin.

When he looked down, he saw that his body was still a normal human body. The only thing wrong is probably the extra cat ears.

Jiang Xia secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, it's not a human head and a cat body, or a cat head and a human body..."

In the past, he often went out patrolling the streets in a cat vest, and he has accepted the changes well. And this time he was well prepared and was not as shocked as when he suddenly discovered a pair of wings behind him.

However, some ghosts seem to be unable to accept this.

The mermaid swung its tail, swam next to Jiang Xia, turned around and looked at his head.

After a moment, she looked at the pair of cat ears with a look of disgust, turned around and drifted away.

But not long after it floated out, a long tail rolled up and drew a shadow in the air. The tip of his tail hooked up, trapping the mermaid around the waist and pulling her back to Jiang Xia's eyes.

"!!" The mermaid was startled. After regaining consciousness, she flapped her tail angrily and protested.

"Increase hearing and smell, plus a tail that is convenient for catching fish..." Jiang Xia muttered to this, and the tip of his tail suddenly went numb. When he came back to his senses, he saw the mermaid baring his teeth, holding the tip of his tail and biting hard.

"..." What a irritable fish, Jiang Xia changed his words perfunctorily, "Okay, a tail that is convenient for maintaining balance."

...In addition, there seems to be something else.

Jiang Xia didn't care about the flapping fish anymore. He looked down at his hand while the effect of "Cat Brand Cigarette" had not dissipated.

It is still a pair of normal human hands, looking no different from usual.

Jiang Xia stared at her fingers, studied them for a moment, and then followed her intuition and flicked her wrist.

Suddenly, there was a blur in front of his eyes, and several sharp shadows flashed across his eyes.

When he stopped, he saw five sharp claws on his fingertips - transparent and slightly curved blades, attached to the fingers like an exoskeleton, extending out from the joints.

With a slight flick of the finger, the light from the bedside lamp slid over the edge of the blade, the cold light blowing and breaking the hair.

Jiang Xia: "!"

He admired this strange new weapon against the light, then plucked out a piece of hair with his other hand, placed it across the claw blade, and blew hard.

Her hair was bent by the wind, slipped between the two claw blades, and fell to the ground faintly.


Jiang Xia was silent for a moment.

Then, as the ghosts watched curiously, he said calmly: "...Normally, the cat's claws are actually only sharp at the tip, so they cannot be used as knives."

The ghosts seemed to understand. But they looked up and glanced at Jiang Xia's expression at this time, and nodded their heads with a strong desire to survive.

After Jiang Xia had fooled the ghost, he lowered his head and looked at the cool claw knife in his hand.

After hesitating for a moment, I felt that what I just said actually made sense - the claws looked very powerful, so they couldn't really be just for decoration.

After thinking for a while, he stood up without giving up, went down to the kitchen, rummaged around in the deserted kitchen, and brought out a pressing stone.

This was a stone that he brought back when he went to the flower and bird market to buy potted plants. He originally planned to use it to press the vat when making pickles, but because he could go to the next door to buy potted plants, he was too lazy to make his own pickles, and has never done so until now. Not used.

But now, this stone has other uses.

Jiang Xia flicked her wrist and popped out the claw knife that she had just put away. Her eyes narrowed slightly and she raised her hand to stab it.

There was a muffled sound, and the five sharp claws penetrated the stone easily like piercing tofu.

When he took his hand back, there were several more transparent holes in the hard bluestone.

"..." Wonderful.

Jiang Xia weighed the stone, felt its hardness, and estimated the power of the new weapon, feeling comfortable.

Just as the effect of that puff of cigarette disappeared, the non-human parts of the body turned into shikigami again and flew back to the seal space.

Jiang Xia glanced at the burned out smoke in his hand with admiration, put away the mist it produced, and put it into the pattern space for storage. The ash is shaken into the trash can.

Finally he disposed of the stone, washed his hands, and returned to the bedroom.

Originally, it was already bedtime for healthy people.

But Jiang Xia remembered the wonderful equipment she had just acquired, and couldn't sleep after thinking about it. Finally, she got up and caught Noah, who was trapped in a puddle.

He lit a stick of ordinary ghost mint to try to create that peculiar "white mist".

However, after researching for a long time, I failed to succeed in the end - this "mist" with murderous aura as its raw material seems to have to go through a set of complex operations to operate the consciousness space before it can be successfully separated. Just ordinary feeding failed to achieve the effect Jiang Xia wanted. After feeding a whole cigarette, Noah was still a crystal ball with no impurities inside.

"Forget it, I'll try again when I have a chance..."

After struggling for a long time with no results, Jiang Xia finally gave up.

He carefully put away the remaining two "White Mist" cigarettes, gave up research for the time being, turned off the light and went to sleep.

After playing the game, the high school students all quickly fell asleep.

But on the other side of the bustling city, some people couldn't sleep at all.

Residential area near Toto University.

In a dark apartment, Okiya Subaru walked around silently, occasionally peeking out from the cracks in the curtains, waiting with bated breath for something.

After a while, there was a sudden noise on the balcony.

"!" Subaru Okiya held a gun unskillfully and looked over warily.

When he saw the person coming clearly, his eyes suddenly lit up and he waved silently over there: Mr. Akai!

Shuichi Akai avoided the apartment and surrounding surveillance cameras and entered his accomplice's home.

He quickly checked the room and found no eavesdropping equipment, so he stopped and turned to Subaru Okiya.

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