Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1032 1032 [Uzo likes you very much]

When Subaru Okiya received the news of Usa's appointment, he told Shuichi Akai about it.

So now, he did not reiterate how scary Uzo was, but simply recounted his experience during the meeting. Especially regarding the new task he received - to plant bombs in the Nishitama City Twin Towers the night before the opening ceremony next Sunday.

After getting down to business, Subaru Okiya hesitated for a moment. He didn’t know whether he should say something like “On the day of the appointment, Usa was very interested in the female high school student and the child at the next table.” Maybe Usa was just being a bitch at that time. Let's listen to it, don't you plan to do anything to them? Or maybe it was just an impromptu test by Uzo...

While secretly trying to figure out his boss's thoughts, Subaru Okiya followed his previous impressions and drew out the diagrams in the information:

"The bomb needs to be installed the day before the opening ceremony. Although the twin buildings are not yet in use, there will be security inspections at 23:00 every night, and they must be installed after their inspection.

"This is the installation location they requested - the power generation room on the 4th floor underground, the generator room, the machine room on the 40th floor, the liaison bridge connecting Building A and Building B on the 60th floor, and the roof of Building A."

Akai Shuichi took the piece of paper and glanced down: "Besides the content of the mission, what else did they say?"

Although he asked this casually, Akai Shuichi didn't expect to get very useful information - Subaru Okiya was still just a peripheral tool after all, and the organization would not tell him the true goal of the mission.

Sure enough, Okiya Subaru shook his head: "I was only given an action plan."

Akai Shuichi responded without any surprise.

He looked intently at the bomb distribution map given by Subaru Okiya, and after a moment asked: "How much information can you find about this building?"

Subaru Okiya opened his computer, flipped through it, and dragged out a folder: "There is its layout diagram and some related news, all in it."

Akai Shuichi took the mouse, looked at it for a while, and suddenly said thoughtfully: "The organization should assassinate someone attending the banquet on the night of the opening ceremony."

"...Assassination?" Although Okiya Subaru has been a peripheral member for some time, he has obviously not been able to adapt to the organization's style of conduct. "Assassination with a bomb?"

"The bomb is just a means to force the target to show up. Of course, if the target never refuses to show up, it will also become the ultimate murder weapon."

Akai Shuichi was indeed a former undercover agent of the organization who had become a cadre. He quickly connected with the organization's brain circuit and was quite familiar with this model.

He raised his hand and clicked on the layout of the building:

"In addition to bombs, the 40th floor and the roof of Building A are also required to install combustion accelerants. The organization wants to blow up the computer room and seal the 40th floor to the roof with fire. The opening ceremony will be held at 75th Floor of Building A. In the banquet hall on the first floor, if there was an explosion downstairs, the people in the banquet hall would definitely evacuate as soon as possible.

"When the electrical room and backup power supply are blown up at the same time, there are only two most suitable escape routes. One is to take the observation elevator outside the building to the first floor, and the other is to take the stairs from the 75th floor. Go to the 60th floor, then cross the Unicom Bridge on the 60th floor, and escape from the burning building A to building B - by forcing everyone into two groups, you can easily observe all the people in the banquet hall and find out who they want to kill. Target."

Akai Shuichi whispered: "The walls of the observation elevator and the Unicom Bridge are made of transparent materials, so you can see the people inside clearly. However, considering the height of the building opposite, the observation elevator is more suitable for being sniped. .

"You can take the elevator first in an emergency. The target of the organization this time is probably an old man, a woman or a disabled person. That person must have been out of the control of the organization, so it takes a lot of effort to force the person out. In addition, he ...Or she may have some knowledge of the organization and stay calm in the building to avoid snipers, so the organization placed additional bombs in the banquet hall as a final insurance."

Okiya Subaru: "..." It's so miserable for a person to be targeted like this by an organization...

Akai Shuichi thought more: to be targeted like this by the organization, he must be an important person. And that person must have become hostile to the organization. If there is a chance to find him and rescue him, he should be able to get a lot of important information.

"On the day of the opening ceremony, I will use your identity to go to the scene to take a look at the situation." Shuichi Akai thought of this and quickly made a decision, "After all, it was 'Okiya Subaru' who was responsible for installing the bomb. This identity appeared in Being near the building ensures that the detonation goes smoothly and is not too abrupt.”

Okiya Subaru was startled, and suddenly grasped the key point, with a hint of surprise in his eyes: "Have you found someone who can help you disguise yourself?"

——Can I finally leave behind the dangerous Japan, leave behind the terrible boss Uzo, change my name and go to the other side to breathe the free air?

Akai Shuichi heard the surprise in Okiya Subaru's words and guessed what he was thinking.

So he poured some cold water politely: "You will probably have to stay for a while - the person who can disguise himself will not stay in Japan all year round. I have to learn how to disguise myself first..."

Seeing Subaru Okiya's expression, Akai Shuichi added: "It's not about learning the whole set, but just learning one face. It won't take long."

"...That's it." Okiya Subaru's sweet dream was shattered, and he sighed inwardly, "Then do your best."

"In addition..." Akai Shuichi was silent for a moment, thinking that Subaru Okiya was a fairly smart adult after all, so he also mentioned another reason why "can't change people immediately":

"As a mysterious cadre, Wu Zuo sees you too frequently. Although this may be because he is an outgoing cadre who likes to communicate with his subordinates, it is more likely that he is suspicious of you or favors you. Considering the consistent efficiency of organizational cadres, among these two possibilities, I actually prefer the latter."

Okiya Subaru thought of Usa's rumors about "inviting anyone he's interested in to star in a death drama". For a moment, his face turned pale: "...favor me?!"

Akai Shu nodded: "You are a graduate student studying at Toto University with a bachelor's and master's degree. Your tutor is a well-known figure in the industry. You will study for a Ph.D. with him in the future. Among peripheral members, this is already considered outstanding. The organization should also think that you are There is still more room for development, and not many dangerous tasks have been arranged before.

"But now, since you are suddenly assigned to Uzo's staff, it means that they have taken a fancy to your abilities and intend to make the best use of you."

"..." Subaru Okiya didn't feel the glory of "about to shine" at all. He only felt like a poisonous snake was wrapped around his neck, as if Uzo was hissing in his ear. He shuddered, "Then I should now what to do?"

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