Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1033 1033 [Zha Zha Akai]

"Don't be nervous, just be a normal peripheral member first." Akai Shuichi said calmly, "When I master the disguise, I will replace you. During this period, I can confirm Uzo's specific attitude towards you. , for future handover - in short, before that, remember to go to a place to check the situation."

He pulled out a map near the Twin Towers in Nishitama City and zoomed in on a certain spot. There is a tall building opposite the Twin Towers.

This building was originally a landmark building, but it was eclipsed after the construction of the Twin Towers. But it faces the observation elevator, so it is very suitable to be used as a sniper point.

"Since the organization has made a complete set of assassination plans, they may also go here to set up locations. It is inconvenient for me to show up."

Akai Shuichi patted Okiya Subaru on the shoulder: "Leave it to you."

Okiya Subaru: "..."

the next day.

The peaceful rice flower town.

Because Jiang Xia discovered a new skill last night, he tried to make "white mist" all night. He didn't go to bed until dawn. When he got up, it was almost noon.

In addition to him, there were several other people who also overslept - running to participate in the "game" was an exhausting task, and the high school students who were forced to play with them had all just woken up.

Jiang Xia looked at the sun outside and was thinking about whether to take the opportunity to visit her classmates when her phone suddenly vibrated.

He picked it up and looked at it, and the caller ID turned out to be "Hattori Heiji".

"..." Jiang Xia was a little surprised: It's really rare. His friend in Osaka usually seemed to reject him thousands of miles away, but today he took the initiative to call... Could it be that Conan hadn't gotten up yet and the phone couldn't be reached, so he called him?

He quickly picked up the phone: "Hello?"

Opposite him, Hattori Heiji took a deep breath and said straight to the point: "The weather is good today."

Jiang Xia: "...?"

Just as he was looking at the phone with some confusion, he heard Hattori Heiji click his tongue and murmur in a low voice: "...That's true."

Jiang Xia: "Really?"

Hattori Heiji said solemnly: "Sure enough, the weather is very good, suitable for traveling."


Jiang Xia couldn't help but glance at Noah and began to think about whether Osaka's classmates were screwed last night.

But soon, he suddenly understood.

——Before entering the game, several players "voluntarily" clicked the consent button and signed the "User Confidentiality Clause" for the suspected Noah skill.

It now seems that this clause may cause participants to unconsciously turn the topic elsewhere when they want to talk about the relevant situation of the "game", just like "forgetting the word when picking up the pen", "I wanted to memorize the word but suddenly opened it" game, and quickly forgot that I just wanted to memorize words"...the same.

From the perspective of those who firmly believe in science, this is probably the "Anonymous" who has mastered high-end technology. With the help of electric current, he has planted some kind of psychological hint on them - the black organization can make people grow bigger and smaller. Miraculous drugs, and Anonymous, who is even more mysterious than them, masters an incredible hypnosis technology, which is actually very reasonable.

Hattori Heiji tried to bring up the game twice, but both times he accidentally turned the topic to the weather.

He sighed, verified his suspicion, stopped chatting with Jiang Xia, and quickly hung up the phone.

Jiang Xia put down her phone, recalled Hattori Heiji's tone just now, and secretly studied in her heart so that when she met other "players", she would behave like them.

Then he packed up and got ready to go out.

However, just as he pushed the door open, a young figure suddenly appeared in his peripheral vision.

——The wall between Jiang Xia's house and Dr. A Li's house would have holes blown out by some strange inventions every now and then.

Hui Yuan Ai was currently wrapped in pajamas, holding her furry head as she skillfully slipped out of the hole.

When he looked up and saw Jiang Xia at the door, Hui Yuan Ai was startled, then breathed a sigh of relief.

——After being forced to log off last night, she fell into a deep sleep.

When she opened her eyes just now, she realized that it was already dawn. After sitting on the bed for a while, remembering the situation before falling asleep, Haiyuan Ai was shocked and immediately got up, planning to go next door to see Jiang Xia's situation.

No matter how friendly the Anonymous may seem, they are still a mysterious and dangerous organization. Since they said rules such as "the game fails and the player team is destroyed", it must not be a lie.

——Although she is still alive, Haihara Ai remembers that she is considered a "peripheral member" of the anonymous organization. She was worried that the reason why she was still alive was because she was transformed from a "player" into "the first NPC to die tragically and promote the plot", so the anonymous people gave her a wide berth...

Now that he saw that Jiang Xia was still alive, Hui Yuan Ai felt a little relieved.

She slowed down her pace and looked at Jiang Xia, wanting to ask about the situation in the game: "Have you eaten in the morning?"

Haibara Ai:"……?"

No, she didn't mean that!

When Jiang Xia heard her words, she was startled and nodded towards her.

The two people stared at each other for a moment, and Haibara Ai suddenly remembered the "user confidentiality clause".

A flash of enlightenment flashed in her heart and she looked at Jiang Xia: "Have you had lunch?"

Jiang Xia: "..."

Haibara Ai:"……"

...She wanted to talk about the "User Terms"!

"..." Haiyuan Ai's forehead twitched slightly, and she raised her hand to rub her hair - her brain and mouth were out of sync, which made her a little irritable.

I tried several times but failed to break through the limit. In the end, she breathed a sigh of relief and gave up challenging Anonymous' psychological suggestion technology.

Fortunately, judging from Jiang Xia's calm expression and the meaningful nod just now, the matter of last night's "game" should be perfectly resolved.

Hui Yuan Ai pulled up the fluffy nightcap to cover her messy hair, and the two short rabbit ears on the hat stood up.

She started talking about normal topics: "I'll go back and wash up first. Well, what do you want to eat later?"

"No need to help me prepare. I'll go to the office first - I made an appointment with a client before and it's almost time. I'll eat over there." Jiang Xia glanced at the top of her head and couldn't help lowering her hand and ruaing. This tasteful pajama hat.

He seemed to know exactly what Haibara Ai was thinking, and shook his phone with his other hand: "Hattori called just now and said that the weather in Osaka was very good. He also said that he had a nightmare, but fortunately it was just an ordinary dream. "

Haiyuan Ai was startled and nodded: No wonder Jiang Xia didn't try to violate the "confidentiality clause" just now. It turned out that he had already talked to relevant people.

She also quickly understood Jiangxia's hint - Hattori Heiji probably died once, and then came back to life because of the desire to successfully pass the level.

Even Hattori Heiji is fine, and the other three people who are more familiar with Jiang Xia must be fine too.

Hui Yuan Ai was completely relieved.

She nodded to Jiang Xia, turned and walked to the wall, skillfully crawled through the hole in the wall, and crawled back to A Li's house.

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