Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1034 1034 [You also want to go to the building opposite]

Jiang Xia looked at Huiyuan Ai's back in the cave for a while.

After she disappeared, she glanced at the courtyard wall again: "..."

According to the frequency with which this wall is bombed, it would be better to just dig a door out of it... But then I thought about it, the location of the hole is different every time. If we really want to make mistakes, I'm afraid the entire wall will have to be destroyed. Became bumpy.

"..." Forget it, let Dr. Ali work harder and make repairs frequently - maybe while repairing the wall and chatting, the doctor will talk about some interesting old friend, and then take him to visit...

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia looked at the hole in the wall and suddenly felt much more pleasing to the eye.

He thought expectantly about the future of visiting relatives and friends, then came to his senses, found his motorcycle, and prepared to go to the detective agency.

However, before getting to the place.

When passing by the street near the Maori Detective Agency, Jiang Xia stared blankly.

——There is an acquaintance on the street corner in front.

Suzuki Sonoko had just gotten out of the subway and was waiting at the red light.

When she heard the sound of the motor, she turned around and saw Jiang Xia. She waved happily and ran over: "Good morning!"

"Good morning." Jiang Xia opened his helmet cover and responded. For a moment, he couldn't tell whether Suzuki Sonoko was really saying hello, or if his thoughts didn't match his words.

However, he soon discovered that it was probably the former.

——Suzuki Sonoko has obviously had a phone call with Mao Lilan and has some understanding of the effect of the "User Confidentiality Clause".

She didn't have a very serious character to begin with, so she didn't make any random attempts. She quickly pulled Jiang Xia and went straight to the Maori Detective Agency diagonally ahead.

Jiang Xia thought of the client she had made an appointment with, and originally wanted to refuse.

But he looked up at the three-story building that housed Conan, Mouri Kogoro, Mouri Ran, and Suzuki Sonoko. He was silent for a moment, and finally joined the team silently.

Jiang Xia: "..." Thinking about it carefully, when a normal person encounters that kind of fatal "game", he should put his work aside first and discuss the situation.

As for the customers…

There are actually many other detectives on that street. Although the boss is unreliable and absent all year round, there are still some dedicated people.

Jiang Xia sent a message to Gunda Yumi and asked her to help receive it.

Then he threw down his cell phone and followed Suzuki Sonoko upstairs, occasionally glancing behind him to see if any murderous clients came to Moori Kogoro to place a commission.

The second floor of the office.

Maori Kogoro was dozing off in the room, Conan had gone somewhere, and Maori Lan was the only one in the hall.

She was standing next to the phone, whispering something.

Hearing someone entering the house, Mao Lilan hung up the phone and turned around. Seeing Jiang Xia and Suzuki Sonoko, she sighed: "Shinichi..."

She didn't say the rest of the words, just shook her head.

The two classmates quickly understood what she meant: Kudo Shinichi couldn't tell anything about the "game" - the anonymous "hypnotic technology" seemed to be terrifyingly advanced and did not affect their memory, but it could actually interfere with it. their expression.

The three people sat sadly in front of the sofa, drinking tea and eating snacks, trying to break through the restrictions of the "user confidentiality clause" by "accidentally blurting out", "hinting" and other methods.

But after trying for a while, it didn't work.

At this time, the door rang lightly.

Jiang Xia looked at the door and saw Conan sneaking in.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko followed Jiang Xia's gaze and saw Conan entering the door. After being startled, they all stopped talking.

——In last night's "game", Conan used the appearance of "Kudo Shinichi". Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan didn't know that the "kid" in front of them had been involved in the game. So I didn’t continue to try related topics.

They were worried that if they succeeded in telling Conan something about the "game", Conan would be dragged into it because he "knows too much"... It would be better not to let children come into contact with such a terrifying script. .

The three of them then turned to chatting about other things.

Suzuki Sonoko remembered something and smiled and moved next to Mao Lilan: "Xiaolan, do you know Michi Uemori?"

When Jiang Xia heard them suddenly talking about someone else, her body unconsciously turned a little in the direction of the two of them and listened intently.

"Michi Uemori? Is he the chef who is good at French cuisine?" Mao Lilan does know this person. The family usually relies on her to cook, and she is very interested in cooking. When chasing stars, she also included "celebrity chefs" in the scope. "I even bought her new cooking book."

When Suzuki Sonoko heard Mao Lilan's yearning tone, she suddenly smiled and secretly made some calculations:

"A while ago, Michi Kamimori opened a cooking training class, and I signed up. The next class is the night after tomorrow, but I happen to have something to do that day... Why don't you go to the class for me and then come back to teach me? , what did you learn that day?”

——It’s true that I have something to do the night after tomorrow, and it’s also true that I don’t want to go to class.

Suzuki Sonoko thought of Uemori Yoshitomo's bad temper and sighed inwardly.

Next to him, Mao Lilan's eyes lit up. He didn't expect to have such an opportunity to get up close and personal with a famous chef.

Seeing her heart move, Suzuki Sonoko explained in detail: "The class time is from 6:30 to 9:30 in the evening. The location is not far from the Nishitama City Twin Buildings where I went yesterday - in the tall building opposite it. There are still classes between classes. You can enjoy the scenery and the night view is great.”

After saying that, looking at Mao Lilan's increasingly longing look, Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but feel a little pain in her conscience.

She cleared her throat and added calmly:

"However, there is a little bit of a bad thing - Teacher Uemori's actual personality is different from the kind appearance she usually shows in public. Her temper... is just... um..."

A voice floated next to her, summarizing for her: "Very fierce?"

"It's not fierce." Suzuki Sonoko pointed a finger at her chin, thinking about the words, "Very harsh, a bit eccentric, and picky... But Xiaolan is already good at cooking, and it's our first time meeting her, so she shouldn't be able to Make things difficult.”

After saying that, Suzuki Sonoko was slightly startled.

——She suddenly realized that the person who answered just now was not Mao Lilan, but Jiang Xia.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Jiang Xia suddenly, a little surprised: Jiang Xia is also interested in French cuisine?

"..." By the way, Jiang Xia lives alone, and probably has to cook by himself... Hey, I have to find a chance to have a meal and try Jiang Xia's cooking... Suzuki Sonoko's eyes flashed with anticipation.

Just as he was thinking secretly, a discordant voice broke in from beside him.

"Nishitama City, classes don't end until 9:30 in the evening?"

Mouri Kogoro woke up at some point.

He tilted his ears and eavesdropped on the young man's conversation for a while. Seeing Mao Lilan looking like he wanted to go, he interrupted: "No! It's too late, and it's too far away. It's not safe!"

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