Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1035 1035 [The boss is coming over to play] Please give me a monthly ticket oo

Chapter 1035 1035 [Boss is here to play] Please vote for me monthly o(〃'▽'〃)o

Suzuki Sonoko came back to her senses and glanced at the uncle who suddenly entered the room: "The banquet I'm going to that night is also in the same building. I can go with Xiaolan. Besides..."

She suddenly pulled Jiang Xia over and said happily: "Jiang Xia is also interested in French cuisine, he can go with us!"

Conan looked at Jiang Xia, then at Mao Lilan, and remembered the bloody scenes of these two people beating people and knocking on doors: "..."

This level of security is indeed enough. It's even a little over the standard...

After Mouri Kogoro reluctantly agreed, Jiang Xia happily finalized the itinerary for the day after tomorrow with his classmates.

After that, he went to his own agency...well, to the Amuro Detective Agency to finish the work.

In the evening, Jiang Xia returned home, thought for a moment, and began to craft a sincere invitation letter to send to her busy boss:

[I heard that in order to find out my identity, you did not hesitate to waste the precious time of the cadres and played a seven-day stalking game with high school students.

Since you are chasing my back so sincerely, as a colleague, it seems that I should give you some tips to get closer to me.

——Welcome to Nishitama City Municipal Building.

Recently, a grand fireworks festival will be held here. ]

"Sign the signature, Ouzo..."

After Jiang Xia finished typing the email, he scrolled to the beginning and looked at it again, feeling quite satisfied.

——Such a provocative tone, coupled with the mysterious "Uzo" as a bait, even if Toru Amuro was a bottle of real wine, he might not be able to help but come to see the situation with a gun, not to mention he is a curiosity Very exuberant undercover.

The Nishitama City Municipal Building is the tall building opposite the "Nishitama City Twin Buildings". The two sides are not far apart.

In this way, if the Twin Towers explode in the future, Toru Amuro, who was wandering around the Municipal Building, will be able to immediately notice the situation and rush to the Twin Towers, making the already muddy water even muddier.

In addition to evacuating the crowd, he could also happen to meet Akai Shuichi on a narrow road and provide a small bonus to the hard-working psychic.

Thinking like this, Jiang Xia pressed the send button expectantly and sent the invitation letter to Toru Amuro, who worked part-time somewhere.

Then log out of the newly registered email address, no longer check the other party's reaction, and become a conscientious and cold-blooded Riddler.

Time flew by, and soon it was time to go out as scheduled with a few classmates.

Before leaving the house, Jiang Xia glanced at her watch, thoughtfully.

——The cooking class doesn’t start until half past six in the evening.

But the time Suzuki Sonoko arranged to meet was at one o'clock at noon.

Moreover, when we discussed the departure time together, she looked mysterious and seemed to have prepared other "surprises"...

Jiang Xia recalled Suzuki Sonoko's complicated circle of friends, and couldn't help but feel a sense of expectation in her heart.

He deliberately brought some extra business cards and walked briskly to the meeting place.

"Jiang Xia! This way~!"

Just after he passed the corner, someone waved to him from a distance.

Jiang Xia looked around and saw a car parked low-key on the side of the road.

Three classmates stood on the sidewalk, and on the other side, they were beating the driver of the Suzuki family.

"..." Jiang Xia walked over and looked at Suzuki Sonoko with slight surprise - she was actually wearing a dress today with a coat loosely draped over her shoulders, as if she was going to a banquet. No wonder she was going to a banquet this time. There is no option to travel by metro.

The vehicle quickly set off and drove all the way towards Nishitama City.

"Oh, my mother insisted on letting me go to that commemorative dinner..."

Suzuki Sonoko sat in the passenger seat, raised her hand to support her chin, and sighed quietly. The crystal bracelet on her wrist reflected fluorescence: "Fortunately, I heard that there will be a special flower arrangement performance, which won't be too boring. Otherwise, I would pretend to be sick at home. Rest."

In the family of the chairman of the Suzuki Foundation, there are only two daughters - Suzuki Sonoko and her sister Suzuki Ayako.

Now that Suzuki Ayako's marriage has been decided, Mrs. Suzuki has completely placed her hope of "heir" in Suzuki Sonoko, hoping to raise this carefree daughter to be a talented person as soon as possible.

However, Suzuki Sonoko has her own ideas. Every time the topic of inheritance comes up, the mother and daughter break up unhappy. Suzuki Sonoko continues to live her daily life of an "ordinary high school girl".

Therefore, a while ago, when Sonoko Suzuki was coquettishly trying to get the game data of "Cocoon", Mrs. Suzuki immediately seized the opportunity - as a condition of "customizing a game room for Sonoko", she accelerated the development of her daughter. The training process includes letting Suzuki Sonoko go to more social banquets and adapt to the life of her heir as soon as possible.

Nowadays, the data and game cabin of "Cocoon" are of course of no use, but it is not easy to let go of what has been promised.

Suzuki Sonoko had no choice but to sigh and complete the py transaction with her mother, while trying to find fun for herself - for example, when attending a boring banquet, she would kidnap a few friends to accompany her to be bored together.

She secretly thought expectantly: Teacher Uemori who teaches French cuisine is so fierce, maybe Xiaolan can't stand her, and then suddenly runs away in the middle of class - it just happens to be the location of the dinner, and the cooking training of Teacher Uemori Classes are held in the same building, so it is very convenient to meet up.

Also, one more thing.

"It's just past two o'clock now. Whether it's a dinner party or a cooking class, it's still early."

"In this case, it's time to come -"

As Nishitama City got closer and closer, Suzuki Sonoko turned around with a smile, rested her chin on the back of the seat, looked at Mao Lilan and Jiang Xia, and suggested secretly: "Why don't you each take a set of costume photos? "

Mao Lilan: "...?"

Jiang Xia: "...?"

As Suzuki Sonoko finished speaking, the driver drove to the roadside very cooperatively and parked the vehicle firmly in front of a building.

——Not the Nishitama City Twin Towers, nor the Nishitama City Municipal Building.

Instead, there is a business building with more than ten floors high sandwiched between the two buildings.

Although in terms of height, this building cannot be compared with the two buildings next to it, its appearance is very tasteful and its momentum is not inferior at all.

Suzuki Sonoko got out of the car and dragged two confused classmates out of the car. Conan didn't need her to drag him. He jumped out of the car consciously and looked up at the surrounding situation.

"Qiang Qiang Qiang——" Suzuki Sonoko raised her hand and gestured to the commercial building behind her:

"Auntie Towu recently wanted to design a set of student-themed fashions and asked acquaintances to recommend some amateur models to restore the most authentic student atmosphere - I think you are a perfect fit!

"Actually, when I signed up for this cooking class, it was recommended by Aunt Toya. The location of Mr. Uemori's classroom is hard to find. I'll let Aunt Toya go there with you after taking photos later."

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