Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1037 1037 [Toru Amuro: There is something wrong with this person]

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Jiang Xia, and then at Okiya Subaru who was chatting with Jiang Xia, her eyes lit up: It has appeared, the law of handsome guys gathering!

"..." It's a pity that the handsome guy attracted this time is slightly different in age from her. Suzuki Sonoko looked at Okiya Subaru and touched her chin with a little regret.

However, since he seems to be Jiang Xia's friend and looks good...

Suzuki Sonoko was still much friendlier than usual. She took the initiative to say hello: "You can come with us to sit with Aunt Toya first. Then we can go to the classroom together in the evening - the location of that classroom is not easy to find. I'm afraid you can find it yourself." Not even there." - This person is so confused that he can even misjudge the time, and his path-finding ability must not be very good.

Jiang Xia was about to nod in agreement.

But at this moment, he was suddenly startled, turned his head and looked at the municipal building diagonally behind him.

Under the sun, the windows of the building flashed with reflections, making it difficult to see inside.

However, Jiang Xia always felt that someone in the building was staring at this place.

He was confused for a moment, then suddenly remembered something, and a figure appeared in his mind.

Jiang Xia: "..." Is he the boss?

If he received the "Usa special invitation", Toru Amuro would indeed come over to check it out - after all, in the invitation letter, Jiang Xia did not specify a specific date, but only said "in the past few days."

In the past, Toru Amuro had endured seven days of staying up late in a closed room in order to verify the identity of "Usa". In this case, it is quite normal for him to come to the municipal building and stay there.

Okiya Subaru noticed Jiang Xia's sight.

He also looked towards the building, but also failed to see clearly the scene behind the window, so he had to ask: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Xia shook his head as if nothing had happened: "It feels like being spied on...but it's probably an illusion, or maybe someone is just resting their eyes and looking outside casually."

Listening to his relaxed tone, Okiya Subaru's expression changed slightly: "..." Is it Usa? definitely is! He is indeed nearby!

I don’t know if the boss is here for Mao Lilan or Jiang Xia...

Okiya Subaru wrapped his coat and suddenly felt a hint of coldness.

He glanced at his phone subconsciously.

But there was no email from Uzzo. It seems... Uzo doesn't seem to mind his current actions?

Maybe he just felt that leaving an informant among these high school students could better promote the development of the script.

Okiya Subaru: "..."

...How about following this group of people to see the situation before the boss sends instructions?

There is a war between heaven and man in my heart. At this time, there was a sound of footsteps suddenly coming from the corner of the street.

Okiya Subaru raised his head suddenly and saw a woman running over quickly, carrying a bag and wearing a tailored suit.

Suzuki Sonoko also heard the movement.

Looking through the sound, I saw it was Toya Eiko. She immediately turned to look at the driver.

The driver also took out a bouquet of flowers prepared in advance from the car and handed them to Suzuki Sonoko.

"Miss Toya!"

Suzuki Sonoko didn't call her aunt in person.

She waved to Eiko Towu, walked up to her, handed the flowers to the top designer who hurriedly approached, and raised her chin proudly: "Long time no see, I brought you a suitable model——"

As he said this, Suzuki Garden happily raised his hand back, signaling to Mao Lilan and Jiang Xia whom he had abducted.

I originally thought that Toya Eiko would be surprised and happy. She would praise her, "What a good vision!" and then start frantically changing clothes and taking pictures of the models. I would give her a refined photo album in the future...

But no.

Eiko Toya was obviously much calmer than Suzuki Sonoko expected. In fact, her eyes fell on Jiang Xia, and the corners of her eyes seemed to twitch slightly after recognizing the detective.

Suzuki Sonoko was startled: "...What's wrong?"

"...Huh? It's nothing. It's just such a surprise."

Chairman Toya took the bouquet from her hand, quickly regained his elegant look, and said with a kind smile: "Come in first. I'm really sorry - I was in the coffee shop just now, forgot to check the time, and was almost late."

With that said, she quickly walked into the building.

Seeing this, several high school students also followed him.

Okiya Subaru hesitated for a moment. He looked up at the municipal building diagonally behind him, and then glanced at his mobile phone which had no message. After hesitating for a moment, he had no choice but to follow.

at the same time.

In the building nearly a hundred meters away, behind the reflective floor-to-ceiling windows.

A pair of purple-gray eyes stared quietly at Okiya Subaru's back, with a look of inquiry in his solemn gaze.

The door of the House Building.

Jiang Xia and the others followed Towu Eiko and walked towards the hall.

Toya Eiko seemed to be distracted, and she didn't even notice the guests behind her, and strode ahead alone.

Conan looked at the exquisitely designed building in front of him, then at the empty hall, and muttered, "It's so deserted."

"Because today is a regular holiday." Mao Lilan thought of something and whispered:

"In addition, a while ago, the fashion show of Toya Design Company was suddenly suspended. I heard that it was because their finale work overlapped in a lot of details with the works that their competitors had shown earlier. The company has received a lot of attention because of this incident. We have fired some employees, and some employees have resigned voluntarily..."

While they were talking, they had already arrived in the hall.

Without the buffering of street noise, conversations will be much clearer than before.

A few young people who loved gossip stopped discussing the bleak scene of Toya Company and entered the hall quietly.

It's really deserted here.

In the huge hall, apart from their group, there were only two elderly security guards.

However, after they entered, another person walked in.

——That was a fashionably dressed woman who was obviously an employee here and looked very young.

She entered the hall in a familiar manner, raised her eyes and glanced around, nodded and greeted the chairman, and said in a perfunctory tone: "Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon." Chairman Toya also nodded to her, and then gave a brief introduction to both parties, "This is Taniguchi Mika, my secretary."

Then he motioned to Mika Taniguchi to the group of people behind him: "This is Miss Sonoko and her friends, who are also our models today."

Taniguchi Mika glanced at it with interest, and responded through her nose, obviously disdainful of this behavior of "looking for laymen to be models".

Seeing her lack of interest, Chairman Toya felt a little embarrassed and cleared his throat: "I'm really sorry that I asked you to come over to help me on a regular holiday."

"Nothing." Taniguchi Mika waved her hand indifferently:

"However, if you are really sorry, please let me complete the resignation procedures as soon as possible. Your personnel efficiency is too low - I really can't stay in this kind of company that allows employees to come and work overtime on their days off."

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