Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1038 1038 [He lit a cigarette and talked about the past]


The air was quiet for a moment.

In front of a group of guests, Chairman Toya felt even more embarrassed.

She shook her head, changed the subject, and stopped talking to Taniguchi Mika. Instead, she turned to Suzuki Sonoko: "I'll go to the office first to put down the flowers and take down the corresponding contract documents - please wait over there."

She raised her hand and gestured to the hall - there was a seating area with carpets and a simple bar on the south side.

Suzuki Sonoko nodded and expressed understanding. Customers are generally not allowed to enter the work area: "Okay."

Chairman Toya looked at Mika Taniguchi again: "You go to the clothing accessories room on the 8th floor to prepare. Today we are going to take pictures of those sets of college-style clothes. The guests have things to do in the evening, so hurry up."

Taniguchi Mika snorted and agreed.

The two people walked to the elevator door and waited for the elevator in silence.

Okiya Subaru looked at their backs silently, and couldn't help but think of "Usa"'s gaze just now from behind the building next door. He raised his hand and pushed up his glasses, feeling that something was going to happen today.

With something on his mind, Okiya Subaru took a few steps slower.

As a result, I heard the mutterings of two security guards. They seemed to be talking about Taniguchi Mika.

The young one was full of complaints: "Who would steal a plan and sell it to a rival company just because they didn't want to work overtime? She actually asked the captain to help her erase the surveillance, but now a large number of people have left... I don't want to lose my job. If this continues, the company will not go bankrupt."

"How can it be possible? It's such a big company." The older man said, "If it really goes bankrupt, I'll probably take the compensation and find another job."

The young security guard shook his head: "How can it be so easy to change jobs..."

The older man held the thermos cup and comforted him with a smile:

"Don't overcomplicate things. If you don't do it, how will you know you can't do it?

"To be honest, my last few presidents were unfortunately killed, and I have changed jobs several times now. Look, am I still living well?

"Actually, at the beginning, when I came here, I found that President Toya always made people work overtime, and I thought I wouldn't be able to work for a long time this time. I didn't expect that the employees here were all good-tempered, but they were just secretly planning projects and selling them to rivals... …”

Okiya Subaru couldn't help but glance at them: "..."

He thought that his life experience was rich enough, but he didn't expect that compared with a real social person, he was still far behind... Wait, why is it always the president who dies? Is it possible that there are actually many people like Uzo in the dark side of society, and that Uzo's assassination skills are actually some kind of profession passed down from family, or a type of work specially trained by an organization?

"..." Hiss, it seems that he accidentally thought of something extraordinary.

Okiya Subaru's expression couldn't help but stiffen for a moment. Then he quickly returned to normal and took a few quick steps to catch up with a few other people.

Jiang Xia and several classmates came to the rest area. I saw a beverage cabinet placed here.

He walked to the side and studied it for a while, then took out the paper cup and took a cup of Coke.

While drinking, he turned around and saw Mao Lilan looking at the elevator from a distance, seeming a little confused:

"They all go upstairs, why don't they take the same elevator?"

"Huh?" Suzuki Sonoko turned her head and glanced towards the elevator.

There are three iron doors on the wall over there, which are three elevators.

At this time, President Toya and Mika Taniguchi each entered one, and the elevator went up.

"That's right. Those elevators have different functions."

Suzuki Sonoko also came to Jiang Xia's side, drinking Coke while casually giving science knowledge to her friend:

"I remember that there is one elevator for customers that stops on the 1st to 8th floors, one is the elevator for the president that goes directly to the 15th floor, and there is another elevator that goes directly to the 8th floor and stops normally on every floor starting from the 8th floor - because 8 The upper floors are staff areas, and customers can only enter the floors 1-8 below."

"..." Jiang Xia looked over there and vaguely remembered something.

At this time, out of the corner of his eyes, a figure walked next to him.

"?" Jiang Xia turned around and saw his new subordinates.

Okiya Subaru seemed to be hesitant to speak as he spoke.

Looking at each other for a moment, Jiang Xia assumed the attitude of a high school detective and asked proactively: "What's wrong?"

Okiya Subaru wanted to quietly find out why Jiang Xia appeared here today.

Although curiosity killed the cat, he was really curious about whether Uzo's dark hand was behind the scenes today.

After hesitating for a moment, Okiya Subaru said casually: "I just heard from the chairman that you are today's models - is this also your part-time job?"

Jiang Xia: "..." Did this person just follow in without even understanding the situation? ...Speaking of which, why did Okiya Subaru get together with them so naturally?

Although I don’t mind having another member of the organization next to me, when I think about it carefully, I feel like something is not quite right...

Jiang Xia looked at Okiya Subaru for a moment, then thoughtfully explained: "It's not a part-time job, it's just a temporary help."

"That's it..."

Okiya Subaru pushed up his glasses, and the lenses flickered and reflected light. Although he looked like a calm scholar, Jiang Xia always suspected that he was doing random reading comprehension in his mind.

As he thought about it, the conversation progressed very slowly.

Before Okiya Subaru could successfully extract any information, there was a sudden "ding" sound from the elevator.

Someone came down.

Several people were startled, stopped talking and looked over.

Then the door of the elevator "direct to the 15th floor" opened with a bang, and Chairman Toya ran out quickly.

She ignored several guests sitting in the lounge area and ran straight to the security guard: "Is Taniguchi gone?"

"Ah?" The security guards were startled and shook their heads, "No, no one came in or out of the hall just now."

"Really?" Chairman Towu frowned and looked at his cell phone, the wrinkles under his eyes piling up. "She answered my call but didn't say anything. I thought she was having a temper again... …”

Several guests heard the commotion, put down their Coke cups, and came over.

Jiang Xia looked at the elevator, her eyes fixed on the display screen above: "The elevator Miss Taniguchi took is still on the 8th floor. She probably has never gone downstairs."

Chairman Toya looked back, sighed, walked over and pressed the elevator call button: "Really... I'll go to the eighth floor to have a look."

However, after waiting for a while, the elevator that went directly to the 8th floor was fixed on the 8th floor and did not move at all.

The old security guard was startled.

After hesitating for a moment, he turned to press the button for the ordinary elevator next to him: "Let's take this one and see what's going on."

This time, the elevator opened smoothly.

Chairman Toya walked into the elevator, thought of something, and looked back at the guests: "You guys can come together, too. The clothing room is on the ninth floor. I just happened to take pictures on the way up, so as not to have to make another trip later... Taniguchi might I don’t want to work overtime, so I’ll sort out the accessories.”

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