Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1039 1039 [Okiya Subaru: Usa’s flaw! 】


Others didn’t quite understand the steps of taking photos and didn’t think much about it.

With President Toya's greeting, they all got on the elevator that stopped on floors 1-8 and headed to the 8th floor together.

Okiya Subaru stood in the corner of the elevator, looking at the constantly jumping numbers. For some reason, he always had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Ten seconds later, he discovered that his premonition had come true.

——With the sound of "ding", the elevator stopped on the eighth floor.

President Toya stepped off the elevator, looked left and right, and suddenly his eyes were fixed on the side.

She let out a shrill scream of "Ah——!!" and sat down on the ground in horror. She raised her hand tremblingly and pointed to the elevator next door: "Mei-Mei Xiang...!!"

Okiya Subaru: "..."

...It couldn't be what he thought.

There was some silence when, at this moment, two figures huffed and danced by the side——

Jiang Xia and the primary school student rushed out of the elevator. After seeing the scene outside clearly, they were startled at the same time, and their expressions gradually became serious.

Okiya Subaru looked at Jiang Xia and then at Conan: "..."

...Detectives are so contagious. A little kid in first grade now looks like a complete detective.

Putting it this way, Okiya Subaru suddenly thought: The kid "Conan" must have been engaged in detective activities with Jiang Xia, otherwise it would be impossible to be so similar from expression to action.

If you find an opportunity to talk to Conan, you might accidentally discover traces of the existence of "Uzo" - what if Uzo is actually kinder to children and forgets to take more precautions against them.

Of course, after silently writing down this possible breakthrough point, Subaru Okiya had no intention of trying it.

Instead, he planned to throw this information to Akai Shuichi when he was about to retreat, and then while Uzuo was busy competing with Akai Shuichi, he quietly escaped...

The graduate student who was keen on trying to survive, while secretly making small calculations in his mind, quickly came to his senses.

He pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose and stepped out of the elevator.

Turning around, he saw a woman lying on the ground with her head facing out at the elevator entrance a few meters away, with fresh blood on her chest.

——Taniguchi Mika fell half in the elevator and half outside. The elevator door closed from time to time, and when it pinched her waist, it would move back because of the foreign object, and then come out again after a few seconds, going back and forth.

The sound of the elevator reporting an error, the sound of the iron door moving back and forth, and Mika Taniguchi's eyes fixed on her eyes, gave the whole scene a hint of creeping weirdness.

Jiang Xia came to his senses, came to the body, knelt down and took a look.

Then he shook his head regretfully: "Call the police."

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko understood immediately. While taking out their mobile phones, they couldn't help showing a look of sadness - Jiang Xia didn't mention the ambulance, which showed that Taniguchi Mika was already dead.

Subaru Okiya looked at the elevator that was constantly opening and closing, and suddenly felt like he was in a ghost story.

Seeing Jiang Xia's unresponsiveness, he couldn't help but walk over, trying to get the body out, let the elevator door close peacefully, and let the body lie peacefully.

But at this moment, a scream suddenly came from the ground behind him——

"... Shoe prints!" President Toya fell down in fright. She seemed to have suddenly discovered something. She was shocked, "There are a series of shoe prints on the ground!"

"Huh?" Jiang Xia ignored the opening and closing of the elevator door, and first pulled Okiya Subaru away as he walked over, reminding him, "Protect the scene."

Then, under Okiya Subaru's complicated gaze of "You are so skilled", he looked away, followed President Toya's prompts, and looked at the ground:

"There are indeed footprints..."

The footprints were stained with dust, taken from the safe passage.

These dust marks are very inconspicuous when viewed standing up. But squatting down and looking at it at an angle, the footprints suddenly became eye-catching - they spread from the safety passage, passing by the elevator where Taniguchi Mika was lying upside down, and suddenly turned towards the elevator, then wandered in place for a while, and then returned to the elevator. The safe passage disappeared.

after a while.

"Judging from the footprints, the situation may be like this -

"The murderer broke in from the safe passage and planned to steal. However, when he walked to the elevator door, the elevator the deceased was riding in happened to open. Some of the deceased's actions disturbed the murderer, so he was killed by the murderer. After that, the murderer was at a loss for a while. , fled in panic."

The Mumu Police Department came with a bunch of police officers upon summons.

He looked at the information in front of him, then at Jiang Xia who was loading the answers, and made the simplest guess: "Shoes are size 26. It looks like the murderer is a man."

Okiya Subaru happened to hear these words while passing by.

He lowered his head and glanced at the shoe prints marked by the police, and couldn't help but mutter: "The shoe size is indeed big enough, but the stride is not like a man's stride, but like..."

He looked at the group of people who had just gone upstairs, recalling the way these people walked, and his eyes slowly fell on President Toya.

Jiang Xia quickly noticed something unusual about his new little brother.

He followed Subaru Okiya's gaze and saw President Toya. He couldn't help but raise his hand and patted Subaru Okiya on the shoulder, encouraging him in a low voice: "It's a shame you don't become a detective."

Okiya Subaru: "..."...No, he doesn't want to be a detective at all. He just wants to run to a place where there are no murder cases as soon as possible and spend the rest of his life leisurely.

However, after briefly imagining the peaceful sea and beach, Okiya Subaru suddenly realized something.

He turned his head to look at Jiang Xia, remembering the detective's terrifying speed in solving the case: "So the murderer is... um!"

He slapped him in the face and suppressed the remaining half of his sentence.

Like a senior, Jiang Xia retracted his hand and whispered reliably: "Don't say such things before you collect the evidence. If you encounter a vengeful murderer, you will be prosecuted."

After a pause, he rounded out what he had just said: "I just think you... well, you have sharp eyes like a detective, so I compliment you. I am not agreeing with your inference."

"...That's it." Okiya Subaru's eyes twitched, and he raised his hand to straighten his glasses that were crooked by Jiang Xia.

Although he was slapped in the face, if he thought about it carefully, Jiang Xia actually had good intentions...

Okiya Subaru sighed, but did not hold on to the sudden action of the young detective. He said politely: "I didn't say anything just now, I just noticed a little violation."

Jiang Xia nodded happily: This new little brother is quite witty and can be taught.

Next to them, Conan looked up at them and felt a little emotional:

Jiang Xia really loves the "detective" industry very deeply: even if she stays in the detective agency every day and doesn't go home, she is always thinking about recruiting new people to join the industry - but this is also a good thing. With more detectives, the efficiency of solving crimes will increase. , should have a considerable deterrent effect on criminals, thereby reducing crime...probably...

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