Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1047 1047 [Jiangxia, be careful with Wu Zuo] Please vote for me

Chapter 1047 1047 [Jiang Xia, be careful with Wu Zuo] Please vote for me (づど)

Toru Amuro: "..."

"Sorry, I still have something to do." He raised his hand to hold Jiang Xia and pushed her forward skillfully, "You can ask him to investigate the case."

"Huh, just a so-called 'threat letter', and yet I'm asking for help from a detective. Do I look like the kind of woman who can't hold my breath?"

Okano Rika shook her sleeves and let out a disdainful snort from her nose.

After humming, she glanced arrogantly at the person Amuro introduced, her eyes fell on Jiang Xia, and her tone gradually became less firm.

After a while, Okano Rika thought about it and said:

"However, anyway, there is still some time before the banquet starts, so I have nothing to do. If you want to help, I will reluctantly agree - after the matter is over, I can give you a set of autographs for you to take. Show off to everyone around you.”

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

Conan: "..."

Toru Amuro was used to customers with various tempers, so he had no special reaction to Okano Rika's attitude.

He whispered to Jiang Xia behind him: "If you encounter anyone suspicious, contact me immediately. Also..." He sighed, "Pay attention to safety - there may be other cadres nearby tonight."

Jiang Xia was startled, nodded, and his expression became a little more serious.

His eyes swept across the hall, seemingly instinctively searching for that dangerous "other cadre."

Amuro Toru saw that Jiang Xia was vigilant and felt relieved.

He took the tray and quickly wandered away.

A few meters away, Conan turned around and caught a glimpse of the scene just now. He originally wanted to get closer and eavesdrop.

However, in order to solicit customers, Conan went to Okano Rika and the others. When he came back to his senses and wanted to come over, Toru Amuro was already gone.

Conan: "..."

He had no choice but to walk next to Jiang Xia, glance at Toru Amuro's back, and ask with a hint of vigilance: "What did he just say?"... He was so sneaky that he always felt like this boss was up to something.

Jiang Xia came back to her senses and looked down at Conan, looking embarrassed as she wanted to tell him but couldn't: "It's a confidential matter of the firm, related to the client."

"That's it..." Conan retreated unwillingly - although he was doubtful about the authenticity of the answer, Jiang Xia said this, and he might not be able to get anything out if he asked again.

I was debating whether to follow Toru Amuro secretly.

At this time, a voice from the side intervened.

"Um, hello."

Okano Rika's assistant, the woman wearing a suit and skirt, came over.

She looked at the two high school students in front of her, especially the elementary school student. Since she rarely had contact with such young work partners, she seemed a little at a loss. After a few seconds, she regained her working status.

"I am Ozaki Sui, assistant to Miss Okano Rika." She bowed lightly to the three of them, then straightened up and gestured to the corridor behind her, "——Please follow me here. "

Of course, threatening letters should not be discussed in public.

Ozaki Sui quickly led the three of them and followed Okano Rika who was walking in front.

The group of people came to an elegant lounge.

The lounge was filled with the fragrance of flowers. Ozaki Sui invited them to sit down at the coffee table and poured a few cups of tea.

After being polite, she carefully took out an envelope and placed it in front of Jiang Xia.

"This is the threatening letter we received in the morning. I don't know when it was thrown into the crack of the office door. I checked the surveillance and found no one..." She shook her head helplessly, "I have no choice but to trouble you."

Jiang Xia nodded, picked up the envelope and checked it briefly, then opened it and checked.

There is only a piece of thick letter paper inside. The paper is of very good quality. You can even feel the uneven texture on it if you run your fingers along it.

The paper was folded in half. After unfolding, there is no written text on it, but a collage like a traditional kidnapping letter - the sender cuts out the required individual words from various places and spells out a letter like this:

[The flower of death will bloom at tonight’s party]

The signature in the lower right corner is not words, but a rose, bright red, as if blood will ooze out at any time.

"Ozaki just loves to make fuss out of molehills."

A few meters away, Rika Okano was sitting in front of the dressing mirror, holding a small brush to touch up her makeup.

When she heard several people discussing the threatening letter, she came closer to the mirror and took a look at her perfect makeup. Then she turned her head and said with a cheerful smile:

"If you ask me, this must be a prank deliberately left by someone who is jealous of my achievements. If I affect my performance because of fear, that person will be very proud. If I am as cautious as Ozaki and directly stop the performance, then he He made a lot of money - ha, he thought well, but unfortunately, I won't do this kind of loss-making business, so I don't have time to waste on them!"

"Is this the avant-garde flower arrangement artist?" Conan whispered to Jiang Xia and Suzuki Sonoko, "I don't know if flowers are avant-garde. Compared with traditional artists, their temperaments are quite avant-garde..."

"Flowers are also very avant-garde." Suzuki Sonoko also whispered to him across Jiang Xia:

"I haven't seen the actual scene, but I heard that her performance is like a powerful magician - the flowers that were closed a second ago will suddenly appear as if they can hear her orders when the work is completed. Blooming, extremely beautiful.”

Okano Rika has very pointed ears.

She looked at the few people who were whispering together, frowned and observed for a moment, then suddenly looked at Conan accurately and said suspiciously: "Kid, what were you secretly saying about me just now?"

Conan: "?!"

His eyes twitched and he waved his hand, trying to fool him.

However, before he could think of his words, the door of the lounge was suddenly knocked from outside.

Okano Rika was startled and was about to respond impatiently.

But before she spoke, the person who knocked on the door had already pressed the doorknob, pushed the door open, and entered the room.

It was a sturdy man, wearing a suit, with a flower on his chest like all the guests, and he walked like the wind.

Ozaki Sui looked up and saw him, her face changed slightly.

She stood up quickly, with a hint of respect in her movements: "Mr. Bai Mu."

Daisuke Shiraki frowned when he saw a few unfamiliar faces in the room. He was obviously very dissatisfied with the behavior of bringing "miscellaneous people" into the lounge.

However, after a moment, his eyes glanced around Suzuki Sonoko's dress, but in the end he said nothing.

——Those are the guests who came to the banquet after all. As long as he carries the title of "guest", as the banquet organizer, Daisuke Shiraki must be polite. This is the default rule of the industry.

He then withdrew his gaze again, pretending not to see the three extra guys in the room, and turned to Ozaki Sui.

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