Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1048 1048 [Go find the bomb]

President Shiraki asked Ozaki Sui in a deep voice: "I heard that you received a boring threatening letter?"

Ozaki Cui nodded slowly: "...Yes."

Okano Rika laughed and looked at Daisuke Shiraki: "Such a trivial matter has actually reached you. You guys take it too seriously - I have said it many times, but some people are jealous of my talent and Achievements, that’s why I sent that kind of thing.”

"Yes, I think so too."

President Shiraki nodded in agreement and looked at Okano Rika: "As long as you know it in your mind. In short, don't delay tonight's banquet because of such boring things - I worked hard to invite so many celebrities , not to let you let their pigeons go."

"You don't need to say that?" Okano Rika frowned, "This is a banquet held for me, I will definitely let it go on as usual."

The two hit it off and quickly reached a consensus.

President Shiraki seemed to have something else to do. After confirming Okano Rika's attitude towards the banquet, he did not stay long and left quickly.

Ozaki Sui breathed a sigh of relief and sat back on the sofa.

Looking up, she saw three young people opposite looking at the door. She introduced in a low voice:

"That's Mr. Shiraki Daisuke. He is Okano-sensei's patron and has always praised her avant-garde art."

"Praise? Huh, he just thinks there are business opportunities here." Okano Rika kicked off the stool under her feet, stood up, raised her middle finger towards the closed door, and cursed, "I thought I could buy it with just a few stinky money. Art, that face is really disgusting - my flowers are not blooming for him, flowers should only bloom as they please."

While she was talking, she stopped next to the coffee table, turned her wrist, and suddenly there was a flower branch between her fingers.

The green branches, connected to the buds that have not yet bloomed, were handed to Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia was startled and looked down at the flower. Conan and Suzuki Sonoko also looked over at the same time.

Under the gaze of the three people, the buds that were originally tightly closed suddenly bloomed, and the soft and bright petals stretched out piece by piece.

"Wow——!" Suzuki Sonoko's eyes lit up.

A second later, I suddenly felt something was wrong: "...Huh?"

Okano Rika smiled at her, stretched out her hand and pinned the flower to Jiang Xia's collar: "It doesn't matter about threatening letters or anything like that. You can check it if you want, but don't get me in trouble."

After saying that, she looked at Ozaki Sui: "Go and prepare things for the performance."

"...Okay!" Ozaki Sui came to her senses and quickly stood up to follow her.

The two people went out one after another, and the door to the lounge closed with a click.


Suzuki Sonoko looked at Jiang Xia with a gloomy look, and then at the flower. For a moment, she didn't know whether to pick up her phone to take a photo or condemn the hateful artist who touched her at will.

However, before she could finish her confusion, Jiang Xia had already raised her hand and took down the flowers.

He found a wet wipe and wiped the area on his neck that was in contact with the flower branches. Then he looked at the flower in his hand and sniffed it closely: "It seems to smell like refrigerant."

"Huh?" Conan suddenly thought of something, took the flowers and studied them, and then showed an "I see" look, "The mechanism that controls the blooming of flowers should be the refrigerant - first use air conditioning to close the flowers, After a certain period of time, the petals will open again... Although the principle is not difficult, it is really amazing to come up with this idea."

Suzuki Sonoko gave a thumbs up to his evaluation.

Jiang Xia, on the other hand, doesn't seem to have much interest in exploring other people's magic secrets.

He quickly stood up like a serious social person, patted his suit, and seemed to have put in work: "Let's go to the venue first."

Conan nodded, thinking the same way:

Since the threatener clearly mentioned tonight's "banquet", whether he appears in person, kills people, or installs bombs or other killing mechanisms at the venue, he will definitely leave traces at the venue.

Of course, the best outcome is that the threatening letter is really just a prank, so no one will die at the dinner.

Conan secretly prayed that he would be able to spend today safely.

The three people walked around the scene several times, but this kind of investigation was obviously completely different from the usual reasoning of choosing one from three, four, or five.

Conan looked up at the people coming and going, feeling that everyone was suspicious, but upon closer inspection, no one was that suspicious.

He finally sighed, withdrew his gaze, walked to Jiang Xia, and tried to secretly flip through the reference book:

"Do you see anything?"

"This..." Jiang Xia touched her chin and turned to look to the side, her eyes solemn and somewhat thoughtful.

Conan was startled and immediately became vigilant. He turned his head quickly and followed Jiang Xia's gaze.

I originally expected to see a suspicious person with a sinister look on his face.

But no.

——At the end of the sight is a dining table, the height of the table is at the waist of an adult, and it is covered with a tablecloth that reaches to the floor.

A lady happened to pass by with her long skirt in tow, and the breeze caused the tablecloth to sway slightly.

"It's not easy to catch a deliberately disguised suspect among so many people. Since there is no gain in this aspect, I think..."

Jiang Xia squatted down, leaned into Conan's ear, and whispered: "Why don't you look for bombs or other lethal objects - I always feel that it's easy to hide things under the table."

Conan Pin made some unspoken remarks.

He looked at the table covered with tablecloth, then at his height, and finally met Jiang Xia's expectant eyes: "..."

"Haha, it seems I didn't bring you here for nothing today." Suzuki Sonoko also understood Jiang Xia's meaning, slapped Conan on the forehead, and said in a deep voice, "Go, detective plane!"

Conan: "..."

He stared accusingly at the two old classmates who abused child labor and wanted nothing to do with them.

However, when I thought about it again, it made more and more sense - what if there was really a bomb hidden under the table?

Conan raised his head to estimate the number of people in the banquet hall, and finally took advantage of the cover of Jiang Xia and Suzuki Sonoko while no one was paying attention, and got into the tablecloth.

After some investigation, unfortunately... no, fortunately, there is no strange thing hidden under the dining table.

Conan sighed and crawled out from under the table.

He was about to tell Jiang Xia and Suzuki Sonoko about his results.

As a result, when I looked up, I saw a secretary-looking person standing next to the two classmates.

"You are the famous detective, right?" The secretary clicked his glasses and stared at Jiang Xia, his eyes bright, "Well, I have something to trouble you with..."

When Jiang Xia heard this, he felt like he understood something - as if he was here to ask for an autograph.

So he skillfully took out an autographed business card and handed it over.

——The signature is of course not given in vain.

No matter what, you have to exchange it with the other party's own business card.

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