Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1052 1052 [Deadly Trap from Uzo] Please vote for me oo

Chapter 1052 1052 [Deadly Trap from Uzo] Please vote for me o(〃'▽'〃)o

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro couldn't help but scan the venue again.

Before he could find anything, his eyes flashed from the side.

Toru Amuro turned around and saw Jiang Xia heading towards the corridor, quietly following Okano Rika and her assistant.


Toru Amuro looked at the wrestler who was gradually being beaten to the ground by Sato Miwako, then looked at Jiang Xia's back, hesitated for a moment, and followed suit.

Jiang Xia's analysis just now makes sense.

Compared with the burly wrestler who doesn't understand art, it is indeed Okano Rika who is closer to the center of the case and the "flower".

Okano Rika's lounge is not too far from the banquet hall.

When Toru Amuro walked halfway, he suddenly noticed that Jiang Xia was acting strangely in front of him - he seemed to want to knock on the door, but he suddenly stopped after hearing something.

"?" Toru Amuro vaguely felt something was wrong, so he took a few steps and eavesdropped with Jiang Xia.

As soon as he got closer, he heard a burst of undisguised laughter coming from the room.

"Haha, that bastard is finally dead!" It was Okano Rika's voice. "He was just a stepping stone for me to succeed. It was great to support me honestly, but he actually wanted to control me in turn. , You really overestimate your capabilities - die well!"

Ozaki Sui hurriedly tried to dissuade her: "Teacher, stop talking. If others hear such words, you will be misunderstood."

"As long as you keep your mouth shut, no one can hear it." Okano Rika didn't get the echo and waved her hand in disappointment.

It’s almost time for the flower arrangement show to start.

Okano Rika didn't say anything more. She stood up and walked to the full-length mirror. She checked her appearance for the last time and was quite satisfied with her appearance. Then she said: "Okay, let's go."

The two people left the lounge, locked the door, and left quickly.

After they left.

Two figures poked out from the corner, and returned to Okano Rika's lounge with a hint of sneakiness.

Jiang Xia lowered his head and looked at the locked door, then turned to look at Toru Amuro next to him.

Toru Amuro took out a piece of wire from nowhere, put it into the keyhole, and poked and hooked it a few times. Not long after, the door clicked open.

Jiang Xia nodded and pushed the door open with satisfaction.

Toru Amuro put away his tools and glanced at Jiang Xia's back. He was a little confused: Why does he always have the illusion that he is working for employees...

But that's not the point. The focus is obviously on the case at hand, and Uzo's possible conspiracy.

Toru Amuro quickly put aside the thought that came out of nowhere.

He followed in and closed the door behind him.

Looking around the lounge, he saw Jiang Xia walking towards a corner, squatting down, and seemed to be checking something.

Toru Amuro then walked over there.

Looking down, Jiang Xia saw a double-layered fresh-keeping box in front of her.

——In this place where the organizer provided a sumptuous dinner and fruit wine, this box seemed a bit redundant.

And things that seem superfluous at first glance often mean "there's something else going on."

"Open it and take a look?" Jiang Xia touched the lid of the box, pondered for a moment, then turned to look at the policeman next to him.

Even if you are a detective, you should not break the law blatantly. As for things like "slipping doors and picking locks" and "turning over other people's luggage without authorization", of course it is most convenient for Toru Amuro to take the blame.

Toru Amuro didn't think much about it, obviously he was used to doing this kind of thing. He nodded, squatted down, held the lid of the box through his gloves, and carefully lifted it up.

As the lid of the box was opened, two bottles of medicine placed side by side were revealed in the top compartment.

"Refrigerant?" Jiang Xia leaned over to take a look, and his eyes quickly fell on the larger bottle.

Seeing that Toru Amuro was a little confused, he explained: "Rika Okano's 'magic flower arrangement' probably uses refrigerant to freeze the flowers in advance to shrink them into buds, and then use the rise in temperature to make the buds suddenly bloom at a certain point in time. In full bloom... But I remember just now, when the staff were helping them move their performance equipment, they had already moved the refrigerant to the stage."

"Maybe this is a spare and I forgot to bring it with me." Toru Amuro looked away from the refrigerant and looked down at the other bottle.

After seeing the label clearly, his eyes narrowed slightly: "...silicic acid hydrocyanide?!"

Although this kind of thing is not as common as potassium cyanide in daily life, it is still a deadly poison. It is easy to vaporize and spread. If a high concentration of the gas is inhaled in a short period of time, people will die immediately. Even if it is not used for inhalation, it may cause an explosion when it reaches a certain concentration.

Toru Amuro thought about the lethality of this drug, and his eyes became more and more solemn: the murderer actually brought hydrocyanic acid silicide, and judging from the amount left in the bottle, he must have used a lot - this is no longer simple. It was a murder, but a premeditated large-scale attack, targeting many celebrities coming and going in the banquet hall!

——The "Fireworks Festival" created by Uzo is indeed not a simple thing like "blow up a cooking classroom". When Subaru Okiya went to the cooking class before, it was probably just to divert his attention, or to leave this dangerous banquet hall on his own initiative... In short, an attack of this scale must be stopped by every means!

When Toru Amuro stared at the dangerous drug in his hand and fell into deep thought.

Next to him, Jiang Xia was still carrying out normal activities - perhaps because he was not targeted by "Usa" or sent a strange invitation letter. At this time, Jiang Xia was quite calm, far more calm than Toru Amuro's inner self. calm.

"He even brought poison. It seems that the murderer who sent the letter will indeed do other things in the future."

Like an ordinary detective at work, Jiang Xia briefly commented on the bottle of dangerous drugs that made Toru Amuro's body tense.

Then before Toru Amuro could react, he lifted the top grid with a click through his handkerchief: "There is another layer below, let's take a look at what's inside..."

Before he finished speaking, Toru Amuro suddenly stood up and pulled Jiang Xia away at the same time.

"???" Jiang Xia was suddenly pulled so hard that the refrigerant in the grid almost fell to the ground. He caught the flung bottle and turned to look at Toru Amuro in surprise.

Toru Amuro was staring at the box on the ground.

His eyes fell on the bottom of the box that was exposed after Jiang Xia opened the top.

There was some crushed ice stuffed inside for thermal insulation, and an ordinary ice tray was placed on the ice, with a few small ice cubes frozen in it. Other than that, there was no fatal mechanism as imagined.

There was a brief moment of silence in the room.

Toru Amuro: "..."

Just now, after seeing hydrocyanide silicide on the upper layer of the safe and guessing Usa's plan to "release poison gas and cause an explosion", Toru Amuro inevitably became vigilant.

——He always felt that this step of "investigating and uncovering Uzo's conspiracy" was so smooth.

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