Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1053 1053 [cadre shark hand]

After all, Toru Amuro remembered that according to the rumors that came from unknown sources in the organization, Uzo was by no means a simple person - even towards innocent colleagues who had done nothing, he was often full of malice and almost put them in harm's way on several occasions. Death place.

Although in Toru Amuro's view, there are no "innocent" cadres in the organization. But it can make cadres find it difficult, and they have not been able to fight back so far, which shows how difficult "Uzo" is.

So just now, when the poison in the fresh-keeping box was found, the investigation was too smooth and the resistance was too small, so Amuro Toru's mind instantly flashed some unpleasant scenes of extreme joy leading to sorrow and then death in the line of duty:

Like how the protagonist sneaked into the villain's secret room alone, accidentally found a thick secret letter, and gained a lot of information through peeking. Originally he thought this was the dawn of victory, but when he excitedly turned the secret letter to the last page, there were no longer those confidential words on the page, but only two lines of bloody words - "Congratulations on your victory." What you get. But unfortunately, you know too much, so please stay here forever"... something like that.

Toru Amuro was trying to be cautious about this increasingly suspicious container.

Unexpectedly, before he could do anything, Jiang Xia had already opened the lid.

"..." Fortunately, nothing happened...

Toru Amuro sighed, and then let go of Jiang Xia, who had a question mark on his face. He cleared his throat as if nothing had happened, squatted next to the fresh-keeping box again, and examined it carefully.

Jiang Xia looked at him and vaguely guessed something.

So he squatted next to the fresh-keeping box, fanned the wind inside and sniffed it, and said in surprise: "It seems to smell of anesthetic... Did you just guess that there were other dangers in the box, so you suddenly backed away?"

Toru Amuro: "...Ahem, um." Just take it as such...

On the lower floor of the fresh-keeping box, there was nothing except small ice cubes filled with anesthetic and some crushed ice.

He put the medicines back in their place, and at this moment, Jiang Xia's cell phone suddenly rang next to him.

Jiang Xia took out her cell phone and took a look and found that the caller was "Police Officer Sato".

He looked around and suddenly realized that he was breaking into the house illegally, so he turned around and walked to the door, and at the same time answered the phone: "Hello?"

"Jiang Xia? Where are you now? The test results are out." Sato Miwako's breathing sounded a little heavy, as if she had just finished some bad exercise:

"Similar to the first speculation you gave, the deceased seemed to have inhaled anesthetics before his death. Someone must have put him down first and then strangled him from the front, so he showed no signs of struggle.

"But what's strange is that we didn't detect fiber fragments or traces of covering his mouth on the skin of his face, and there were no pinholes on his body... If someone really attacked him with an anesthetic, maybe he used a highly effective one. Strong spray.

"In addition, Mr. Katagiri, the python who made a scene at the venue just now, is finally willing to communicate with us peacefully - this guy actually has an alibi. When the deceased was killed, he was at the venue with many friends."

Jiang Xia: "..." He thought of the policewoman who rolled up her sleeves and rushed over, and vaguely understood the reason why the python Katagiri was willing to "peacefully communicate".

At the same time, he also heard the hidden meaning of Miwako Sato's words that she "wanted to hear the answer."

So he took the initiative and said: "The anesthetic that brought down the deceased should be contained in the flower pinned to his chest."

As he said that, Jiang Xia lowered his head and glanced at his chest.

There was a blooming rose decorated there: "The theme of today's banquet is 'Flower Arrangement', and the organizers have also spent a lot of money. All guests entering the venue will have a staff member pin a flower on their chest as a guest's gift." certificate.

"Although most of the flowers are in bloom, there are also some budding flower bones. The flower worn by the deceased should be this kind - its flower center is wrapped with a kind of tiny ice particles, and the ice particles are frozen with anesthetic .

"After wearing it, the ice slowly melts at room temperature, and the flower gradually blooms, releasing the anesthetic wrapped in it. It floats upward and just invades the mouth and nose of the deceased, making him fall asleep. The murderer can then kill easily. "

"So that's it." Sato Miwako suddenly realized.

After realizing it, I suddenly felt something was wrong: "...tiny ice particles? Why do you know so clearly?"

... Could it be that Jiang Xia, like the other detectives, started to move evidence without authorization?

Officer Sato couldn't help but feel sad when he thought of Jiang Xia who was diligent in taking notes, didn't disturb the scene, and called the police first when he found evidence. You are such a good detective, why do you...

On the other side of the phone, Jiang Xia was silent for a moment as if guilty, then changed the subject nonchalantly and got down to business:

"Just now, the boss and I felt that Ms. Okano and the others were a little suspicious, so we went into the lounge to take a look while they were gone. Then we found a bottle of hydrocyanic acid silicide that was almost empty, and ice containing anesthetics. piece……"

Miwako Sato: "..." Boss? that the blond and dark-skinned mixed-race detective?

...The disgusting adult detective led an upright high school detective to break into other people's rooms and develop illegal habits. It seems that Jiang Xia is becoming more and more lazy to come to the Metropolitan Police Department to take notes. It is probably this person who taught him.

However, now is obviously not the time to worry about these things.

Thinking of the "silicon hydrocyanide" in Jiang Xia's words, Sato Miwako immediately grasped the key point and decided to turn a blind eye to other things: "You come out quickly, don't be seen by others. I will find someone Use the excuse to search the house and control Okano Rika and her assistant as soon as possible."


Jiang Xia has already walked to the door.

He hung up the phone and opened the door.

When he turned around, he saw that Toruya Amuro had restored the fresh-keeping box and walked to the door.

The two men left quickly.

Amuro Toru also heard what Jiang Xia said on the phone just now: "Since the things are in their room, those two people are likely to be related to the case. Silicon hydrocyanide will vaporize quickly at 25.7°, and those 'flowers' must be stopped as soon as possible. Bloom.”

Jiang Xia nodded: "From the time the guests entered until now, the temperature of all the flowers pinned to the chest has returned to normal. The same goes for the decorative flowers placed in the hall. If the murderer plans to continue using flowers to poison, they will use flowers..."

Having said this, the two people just walked out of the passage.

Jiang Xia looked far away at the stage. Looking sideways, I can catch a glimpse of the background.

There were baskets of flowers there. Okano Rika and her assistant were surrounded by flowers, and the buds of all the flowers were tightly closed. Okano Rika is good at making all the flowers bloom suddenly the moment she completes the flower arrangement. Now, those flowers naturally bloom. Still in a closed state.

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