Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1054 1054 [Death Touch] Please vote for me

Chapter 1054 1054【Death Touch】Please vote for me (●`●)~

In the corner of the banquet hall, a group of police officers in civilian clothes walked back and forth.

Jiang Xia glanced around the hall and soon saw Miwako Sato standing near the stage, speaking in a low voice to the intercom. Officer Sato noticed his gaze, looked over, and nodded towards Jiang Xia.

——Understanding the reason behind President Shiraki's death, she also knew what she should do now.

A beam of light was quickly lit on the stage in front of the banquet hall.

"Today is the commemorative reception for Ms. Okano Rika to win the World Art Award. Thank you all for taking the time to come!" The host tried to make his voice as relaxed as possible.

According to the pre-planned process, at this time, there should have been an introduction about "President Shiraki" and related speeches.

However, just now, the host was notified that President Shiraki suddenly disappeared. Of course, these procedures had to be cancelled, otherwise the body bag would never be brought up.

After the host announced the opening, he went straight to the topic a little awkwardly:

"Then, please enjoy Mr. Okano's flower arrangement performance!"

Okano Rika walked onto the stage, looked down at the celebrities in the audience, and bowed to the audience with high spirits. Her assistant stood respectfully behind her.

After a brief speech, Okano Rika arranged the vase, inserted a few dry branches, and then moved to the side of the stage in an elegant dance, preparing to hold the flower buds out to complete the rest of the look.

However, when I arrived at the place and reached out to pick up the flowers.

She suddenly found a person standing next to her flower basket.

——Jiang Xia held a palm-sized air bottle in her hand and was looking down at the basket of flowers on the ground.

When Okano Rika looked at him in confusion, Jiang Xia suddenly bent her fingers slightly and pressed the switch of the spray bottle.


A burst of white mist surged out in a cone shape and enveloped the flower basket. The surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and the flower buds that had been blooming at the right time suddenly shrank back when they encountered the cold.

"...What are you doing?!" Okano Rika was angry - her performance has extremely high requirements on temperature and time. Those flowers would bloom at the calculated time, but Jiang Xia suddenly refrozen the flowers... Then wouldn't she have to wait for them to bloom and dance on the stage for a long time, so that the flower arrangement could match the time when the flowers are in full bloom? !

...This is a shameless act of destroying art!

She angrily wanted to rush over to stop him.

But before he could take action, there was another similar sound of "chi——" and "chi——" all around him.


Okano Rika turned her head and looked in disbelief. She saw not only the basket of flowers in front of her, but also various other lilies and roses...all were surrounded by the police. They carefully sprayed air-conditioning on them, then opened the bags with a bang and put them in. Hua tightly wrapped it up.

"...What are you doing?? What are you doing?! Ozaki! Stop them!"

Okano Rika was furious as never before. How dare these bastard police officers forcefully terminate her dinner party without her consent? !

Assistant Ozaki Sui stood behind her, watching all this silently and with complicated thoughts, without moving.

"Miss Okano, Miss Ozaki."

A hand was placed on each of their shoulders. Sato Miwako glanced at the colleague in the forensics department next to her. The other party held a set of reagents and nodded solemnly to her, telling her that there was indeed poison in the closed buds.

Sato Miwako then continued to say to the two people: "You are suspected of poisoning in public places and killing Daisuke Shiraki. Please come here and cooperate with the investigation."

"..." Okano Rika was confused.

She stared at Officer Sato, and after a moment, she looked at Ozaki Sui.

She knew in her heart that she did not poison, let alone kill. So the murderer is...

A few minutes later.


Ozaki Sui laughed and tucked her hanging hair behind her ears. Her expression was still gentle and humble, but her words were not at all "gentle": "——Of course it's because Shiraki and this woman deserve to die."

"What, what did you say?!" Okano Rika couldn't believe that this little assistant dared to say such a thing. But remembering that Ozaki Sui had just strangled Shiraki and almost succeeded in killing her, she didn't dare to go there.

Ozaki Sui raised his eyes and looked at the reporters crowding around the police eavesdropping, and suddenly said:

“This flower arrangement technique was pioneered by my sister.

"Rika Okano was my sister's student at the time - my sister taught her everything without reservation, but after she learned it, she took the initiative to hook up with Daisuke Shiraki.

"Rika Okano knew that she would never be able to get ahead as long as my sister was here, so she colluded with Daisuke Shiraki and made her the number one person in 'avant-garde flower arrangement', suppressing my sister in every possible way.

"My sister finally got over the blow of student betrayal, but her new skills and performances were nowhere to be shown. Those involved were all afraid of Daisuke Shiraki's power and rejected her. In the end she...she..."

The reporters' flashbulbs connected together, illuminating Ozaki Sui's angry face and Okano Rika, who fell slumped to the ground.

Next to him, Toru Amuro glanced at the number of flowers and sighed:

"Fortunately, it was stopped in time, otherwise not only the few people on the stage, but also the other guests in the hall..."

Halfway through, he felt that this was not what "Bourbon" should say, so he added nonchalantly: "I'm afraid we will also be in a lot of trouble. Even if we don't die, we will inevitably have to go to the hospital a few times."

After saying that, Toru Amuro thought of something and looked down at his phone.

There were a few more messages on the phone, but after looking through them one by one, they were all daily emails, and there was no letter from "Uzo" that he was particularly concerned about.

Toru Amuro: "..." Logically speaking, since he stopped this "bloody fireworks", Uzo should have had some reaction. But now...

Could it be because Uzo's spy was cooking upstairs and didn't know about the changes here?

...It would be great if that were the case.

But Toru Amuro always had an ominous premonition in his heart - although tonight's "murderous fragrance" was dangerous, the investigation process was so smooth, it was as if the murderer was deliberately pushed out to test their abilities. ...The "appetizers" are so harmful. What scale of "fireworks" does Uzo plan to set off later?

As Toru Amuro was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a real chill, as if something extremely cold was caressing his back - perhaps it was Uzo's secretly observing gaze.

Toru Amuro couldn't help but frowned, turned back quickly, and looked behind him with sharp eyes.

No suspicious persons who were secretly observing were found.

I only saw Jiang Xia curiously playing with a refrigerant spray bottle.

——The sprayed white mist fell gracefully from the air and brushed against Toru Amuro's back, bringing a chill that was hard to ignore.

The two sides looked at each other, Jiang Xia looked at Amuro Toru's complicated expression, and stopped in confusion: "What's wrong?"

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