Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1075 1075 [Akai Shuichi’s shark energy]

Jiang Xia: "..." Next time, put on a sack and squeeze out more of the murderous aura from the vodka - it's not that I like the murderous aura that tastes like vanilla ice cream, it's just that the hatred of vodka for not answering the phone needs to be explained.

He touched his neglected cell phone comfortingly and made an extra note on the recipe in his mind. Then he threw the phone back into his pocket.

Thinking of the location of the bomb, Jiang Xia decided to follow the plan and go to the computer room to take a look.

——The phone call just now was considered a greeting in advance. Even if he suddenly appeared after that, Gin wouldn't be too vigilant and would shoot him without even looking.

Thinking like this, Jiang Xia glanced at the watch, lifted her parents ghost and Miyano Akemi onto her shoulders, ready to use their fire prevention skills at any time, and then hurried forward.

Just as he arrived at the door of the computer room, there was a sudden loud "boom" and the building under his feet shook violently. There was the sound of shattering pieces coming from a distant corner.

——The power room and generator room on the fourth underground floor exploded at the same time. The entire building lost power supply and fell into darkness instantly.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Xia's 40th floor also heard a series of explosions close to the periphery. Behind the flower pots, in the corners of the corridors...all the places where items could be hidden, a plume of smoke poured out simultaneously. The entire floor was instantly enveloped in smoke, and visibility dropped to the lowest level.

Jiang Xia was startled and found that the intensity of the explosion was different from the one planned. It had a somewhat "smoke-free" feeling... Just as he was thinking about it, two figures, one tall and one strong, walked quickly at the door of the computer room two meters away. Rushing out, in the thick smoke, they followed the pre-remembered location and quickly rushed in the direction of the safe passage.

The vision was obscured by smoke, and the fog was so thick that even night vision was useless.

Fortunately, the tall man's alcoholic and murderous aura was like a guiding light. Jiang Xia noticed that Ginjiu was passing by and followed him subconsciously, waving his hand and shouting: "Hey, wait for me!"

His voice floated forward, and the strong man was startled. He instinctively reached into his arms and took out something. Jiang Xia heard the clicking sound of loading the gun.

Jiang Xia: "..."

...Although I can't see anything clearly now, this body outline, this startled personality, this instinct to draw a gun when he talks to me... it must be vodka.

When he was talking to the two people in front of him just now, a large piece of shikigami had already flown out from the soles of Jiang Xia's feet, shrouding the front silently.

Jiang Xia's thinking was quite clear at this time: the smoke was so thick that even he couldn't see his surroundings clearly, and the two people in front of him must have seen even less clearly.

In this case, there is no need to care about the world view of the killers - first, take advantage of the chaos to pile up a ball of puppet clay, trip over the vodka and submerge it, and throw it on this layer to bake for a while. When he has enough murderous intent when he is struggling to survive, he will find an opportunity to drag him outside to a safe place and continue to shine.

Both sides run at about the same speed.

Shikigami took advantage of Jiang Xia's own speed and quickly climbed onto his leg the moment "Vodka" took out his gun and turned around.

However, before "Vodka" pulled the trigger, the shikigami on his legs transformed into physical puppet clay, wrapping the big guy into a rice dumpling.

"Gin" next to him suddenly raised his hand and pressed Vodka's shoulder, signaling him to put away his gun.

At the same time, he actually followed Jiang Xia's words just now, stopped, turned around and waited for him.

The distance of several meters shortened in an instant, and after they merged, the two sides continued to run forward.

Jiang Xia looked at the gin and vodka not far ahead through the hazy smoke. He vaguely felt a little strange. The shikigami holding the vodka also stopped temporarily.

Jiang Xia: "..." Ginjiu actually ran away so quietly, without making any sneers, taunts, or any of the top killer's second-level quotes... Is he in a good mood today?

Sporadic explosions were heard one after another.

Jiang Xia asked in confusion: "What are you doing here?"

Gin still didn't speak, and he didn't know whether it was because the noise was too loud, he didn't hear him, or he simply didn't want to pay attention.

Through the mist, Jiang Xia tried hard to identify the outlines of the two people in front of her, then turned to look at the surrounding corridors, feeling more and more inconsistent.

The current fire and explosion were not as violent as expected. Only the area near the outside of the building exploded more severely. In addition, the tip of Jiang Xia's nose moved slightly, and she vaguely smelled a unique smell of fireworks.

——In my impression, according to the requirements, more combustion accelerants should be installed inside the 40th floor. But in fact, what is being ignited here is all smoke. It looks like a huge explosion, but in fact it is not lethal. Taken together, it feels like "acting for the outside world to see."

Jiang Xia: "..." The words "gin" and "vodka" in front of it don't seem to be surprising at this arrangement.

Speaking of which...

Jiang Xia suddenly caught up two steps, stretched out his hand, and slapped "Ginjiu" on the back.

The tentacle was a piece of ordinary clothing - Gin's signature silver hair that reached his waist was missing.

Jiang Xia: "..."

…Where’s the hair? ?

First of all, exclude being burned by fire - after all, there is no fire here at all.

Is it possible...

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Xia's arm suddenly tightened before he could retract it.

"Gin" grabbed him and pushed "Vodka" hard with the other hand. The three of them deviated and rushed into the safe passage on the side with precision.

At this point, "Vodka" seemed to have finally come to his senses. He turned around and pushed the fire door shut.

Almost at the same time, "Gin" let go of Jiang Xia, reached into his pocket, and pressed a remote control hidden there.


Tens of meters away, the computer room exploded with a bang, and the accelerants hidden throughout the 40th floor were ignited one after another like dominoes - this time was the real explosion, covering the bluff "explosion" just now, with The airflow and flames erased the traces of previous cheating.

The air flow carrying flames filled the corridor with a roar, and the security door was squeezed and made a creaking sound. The real and fake smoke was mixed together, and was slightly dispersed by the wind in the safe passage.

In the darkness, in the safe passage, "Vodka" clicked to light up the flashlight.

Under the pale beam of light, Jiang Xia raised his head, and "Gin" next to him also turned around - a black hat, a black windbreaker, a murderous aura full of high-end wine, and...a pair of narrowed eyes.

...This is not gin at all.

This is Subaru Okiya.

——In other words, Akai Shuichi disguised as "Okiya Subaru".

Jiang Xia looked at the murderous aura on Okiya Subaru's body, then at Okiya Subaru's face, then at his murderous aura, then at his face: "...?"

...Akai Shuichi? !

"..." How could two different people have exactly the same murderous aura? ?

A psychic who has lived for 18 years feels that his world view has been greatly impacted.

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