Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1076 1076 [Traditional Brother] (Updates with monthly tickets)

Akai Shuichi looked at Subaru Okiya's disguise and glanced at Jiang Xia, as if he was wondering why this high school detective suddenly patted him on the back just now.

But seeing Jiang Xia's shocked look at this moment, Akai Shuichi thought of something and didn't ask any more questions. He just hurriedly told him and the tall and strong "Vodka" next to him:

"The fire door won't hold up for long, so get out first."

Jiang Xia came back to her senses and turned to look at the other person next to her.

The man had a wide jaw and a tall body. He had a strange temperament that was both "villain" and "honest"...but it wasn't vodka.

Jiang Xia has never seen him.

But based on the known information and looking through the clues in his mind, it is not difficult to guess the identity of this person.

This is Andre Kamel, a colleague of Shuichi Akai and the number one brother in the FBI who admires Shuichi Akai.

Just like gin has vodka, Amuro Toru has Kazami Yuya, and Conan has the Young Detective Corps.

Shuichi Akai is a "silver bullet" that scares even the organization's bosses and the top ace of the FBI. He also failed to escape the fate of being "bound to Pig Boy".

——Two years ago, when Akai Shuichi was still "Rye Whiskey", he relied on his outstanding abilities and the contacts he accumulated through his beauty trap to quickly climb to a high status and obtain a shot of gin and gin. Opportunities to go on missions together.

The FBI plans to arrest Gin in this operation.

But the "Rum" of the organization felt that Shuichi Akai still needed to be tested. So Rum disguised himself as a frail old man and appeared in the warehouse where Akai Shuichi was.

At that time, Akai Hide glanced at "grandpa" and ignored him like a cold-hearted member of the organization.

Kamel, who was lying in ambush, was worried about accidentally injuring civilians, so he ran over to remind Rum to let him leave.

...After that, Gin continued to be busy in the organization, but Shuichi Akai lost his undercover position and was forced to withdraw from the FBI.

Fortunately, in this world, capable people are always extra tolerant to their younger brothers. Not only did Akai Shuichi not dislike Kamel, but he trusted him as always and gave him many important tasks.

At this time, I saw this matching Kamel next to me. Jiang Xia was finally determined.

——It’s not that Gin had nothing to do and suddenly disguised himself as Okiya Subaru.

But the guy in front of him, who exuded the murderous aura of high-end liquor, was really Shuichi Akai himself.

While thinking, Akai Shuichi next to him had taken out the mobile hard drive from his arms and handed it to Kamel.

Kamel took it carefully. After hiding it, he glanced at Jiang Xia hesitantly, a little worried about how to deal with this high school student who knew too much.

However, seeing that Akai Shuichi had no reaction, Kamel didn't say much, fully believing that "Mr. Akai" could handle the current situation well. He took the hard drive down the stairs and ran away quickly.

Shuichi Akai did not go with Kamel.

——He knew that the organization would snipe a certain target today, but he didn't know who the organization was targeting. So he planned to stay, find that person, win that person over to his side, and then get more information about the organization.

Now the power room and generator room have been completely bombed and paralyzed. All elevators in Building A are out of service.

Akai Shuichi ran along the safe passage to the banquet hall at the top, while thinking about how to contact the organization's target.

After running for a few steps, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

He lowered his head suddenly and looked at the steps behind him.

Jiang Xia didn't go downstairs, but followed him subconsciously, looking up at him as he ran. The high school detective's face was relatively calm, but his eyes seemed a little shocked.

Akai Shuichi frowned and wanted to say, "You and Kamel go downstairs."

However, looking down the gap between the stairs, it is obvious that the fire door on the 40th floor is about to collapse. Turning back at this time is even more dangerous. It's better to run up a few floors, blend in with the crowd, and take the communication bridge to Building B.

——Jiang Xia probably thinks so too.

Akai Shuichi stopped trying to persuade him and turned around to continue climbing the stairs, occasionally glancing down at Jiang Xia to see if he was following.

This kind of mechanical repetitive movement can easily lead to divergent thinking.

At this time, Akai Shuichi remembered Jiang Xia's sudden pat on his back just now, and the slightly abnormal reaction of the other party after that.

——Think about it carefully. Many things could not be seen clearly in the smoke just now. Jiang Xia suddenly went to take pictures of that location. Maybe... she was testing the length of his hair?

During the time when Shuichi Akai was an undercover agent, in order to fit the image of a "villain social gangster", he deliberately grew long hair that reached his waist.

A while ago, he heard that Miyano Akemi was killed by an organization, so he cut off his long hair and returned to Japan with a neat short hair to take revenge.

In addition, Shuichi Akai heard that since he, "Rye Whiskey," defected, the organization had issued wanted notices to all members. The wanted order included his photo and even part of the video. The superiors hoped that one day they would be able to trace the "silver bullet" and kill the threat on the spot.

Akai Shuichi: "..." Although the smoke was thick just now, Jiang Xia was running behind, and through the firelight rising from time to time in the distance, he might occasionally be able to catch a glimpse of his figure.

Under these conditions, with Jiang Xia's keen observation ability, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and recognized him as Akai Shuichi, and he seemed to understand.

——Akai Shuichi Although he remembered that when he disguised himself as "Okiya Subaru", he had to disguise his body shape as well. But just now, no one expected that there was another person in the corridor on the 40th floor.

Thinking of Jiang Xia telling them to "wait" before, Akai Shuichi couldn't help but look back at him.

Akai Shuichi: "..." Speaking of which, when Jiang Xia grew up, his voice was quite similar to Jiang Xia Longping's... That magical man's genetics turned out to be so strong - when he looked at it from such a close distance, not only his voice, but also his face was indeed the same. Also very similar.

Akai Shuichi briefly lost consciousness.

Then he thought about business again.

——In short, in Jiang Xia's impression, "Akai Shuichi" may still have the "long hair" appearance. That's why in the smoke just now, when Jiang Xia didn't see clearly what he was wearing as "Okiya Subaru", she was curious about why his long hair was missing.

As for "Jiang Xia wanted to find Gin, but he recognized the wrong person"... Akai Shuichi didn't think about it at all.

——There is nothing about his "Okiya Subaru" appearance that could be mistaken for Gin except for his height. It was impossible for Gin to personally run to the floor that was about to explode to seek death when the explosion occurred.

Akai Shuichi: "..." But speaking of which, what was Jiang Xia doing on the 40th floor just now?

Could it be that they discovered the whereabouts of him and Kamel and traced them all the way?

Thanks to Mr. Huanyang for the reward

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