Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1081 1081 [Akai Shuichi’s true murderous intent]

Chapter 1081 1081 [Akai Shuichi’s true murderous intent]

At this moment, Akai Shuichi suddenly heard approaching footsteps.

He thought for a moment, put on the disguise of "Okiya Subaru", turned his head and saw an old acquaintance.

——Toru Amuro came over from nowhere.

He didn't even go to contact the bridge. He didn't know what he was doing just now, but he was putting something like a crowbar into his pocket.

Seeing the scene in front of the elevator, Toru Amuro was slightly startled, and his eyes quickly fell on Jiang Xia and "Okiya Subaru", especially "Okiya Subaru" took a few more glances: "..." This "Usa-related Personnel" actually appeared in the building at this time?

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and some quick thoughts flashed through his mind to ask "Usamu".

However, his peripheral vision glanced at the innocent people not far away and the elevator that was about to go up.

Toru Amuro was silent for a moment and took no action for the time being.

Jiang Xia didn't seem to have so many complicated thoughts. Seeing him coming, he naturally raised his hand and said hello: "Boss, you haven't left yet?"

"?" Toru Amuro was silent for a moment, "This is something I should ask - didn't I just ask you to take the communication bridge to Building B?"

Jiang Xia's tone was slightly stagnant, as if he was hiding something: "I... I just found that the fire didn't spread very vertically, so I wanted to come up and take a look first."

Toru Amuro: "..." Although Jiang Xia didn't say it explicitly, thinking about it carefully, he should be worried about the guests above - this does seem like something Jiang Xia would do.

The policeman, who was dressed as a cadre, felt a little relieved for a moment. He said nothing more, and his eyes fell on Okiya Subaru again:

"Why are Mr. Okiya here? I remember that your name is not in the guest list."

Jiang Xia didn't pay much attention to the conversation between the two people.

He turned and glanced at the electronic screen next to the elevator.

——The first wave of passengers has just arrived on the first floor. At this time, the elevator is returning to the 75th floor.

Jiang Xia secretly estimated the arrival time of the elevator, and planned to wait until the innocent people entered the elevator, take the opportunity to tear off the disguise on Akai Shuichi's face, and give Toru Amuro a "gift" that he wanted to see, so that Two people who reunited after a long absence had a cordial face-to-face communication.

——Akai Shuichi should know that there is a problem with the alcohol content of "Bourbon". Jiang Xia happened to be working in the "Amuro Detective Agency" at this time, and he was obviously in the same camp as Bourbon. Even if this act of "tearing off the disguise" seems a bit villainous, the boss is responsible for taking all the blame. Anyway, in the island country, the FBI headed by Shuichi Akai is not yet an official organization.

Jiang Xia thought while waiting for the right opportunity to slap her face.

But before he could take action, he was suddenly startled.

——After Amuro Toru and Akai Shuichi said a few words, the strong and mellow smell of alcohol on Akai Shuichi suddenly disappeared.


Jiang Xia looked away from the electronic screen and turned her head quickly.

However, I saw that Akai Shuichi's person did not disappear, but still stood in place. There were still traces of murderous aura surrounding him.

...But no matter how you smell it, the murderous aura has no smell, it's just like an illusory projection.

Jiang Xia: "...?"

He was surprised for a moment and took advantage of the chaos to pinch the ghost at hand. Miyano Akemi, who was closest, jumped up and held Jiang Xia's hand seriously. At the same time, she frowned and looked at Akai Shuichi, and a puzzled expression slowly appeared on her face.

Next to him, Matsuda Jinpinghara was sitting on Akai Hideichi's shoulder, holding on to the familiar murderous smell of alcohol with mixed joy and sorrow.

At this time, I grabbed it a few times and gradually felt that something was wrong. It looked at Akai Shuichi in surprise, then at the strange murderous aura it had just pulled out of its hand, and finally turned to look at Jiang Xia, as if a question mark slowly appeared above its head - why does the high-end murderous aura have no taste?

...has gone bad?

Seeing the reactions of the ghosts, Jiang Xia gradually calmed down - the problem was indeed not with him, his perception was normal and there was nothing unusual about it.


What's going on with Akai Shuichi's murderous intent? ?

Just as I was thinking about it, the FBI representative and the public security representative didn't know what they were talking about, and they showed a tit-for-tat sneer.

Almost at the same time, the mellow smell of coffee suddenly wafted over Akai Shuichi. Placed side by side with Toru Amuro next to him, they fell into the eyes of the psychic like two identical shadows.

Jiang Xia: "???"

He was startled and looked straight at Akai Shuichi. After a moment, he sniffed carefully: ...Yes, it smells like coffee, and two seconds ago, the murderous aura on Akai Shuichi's body was clearly the smell of alcohol.

...The smell of murderous aura can actually change?

This unprincipled guy!

Confused, Jiang Xia instinctively picked up a few handfuls of murderous intent while the surroundings were dark, where the flashlight beam did not shine, and took a closer look at it.

Stretch to see the toughness, twist to see the texture, and then smell the breath...

It wasn't his imagination, the murderous intention had indeed changed.

It went from a wine taste that was exactly the same as gin to a coffee taste that was exactly the same as Amuro Toru.

Jiang Xia: "..." What is the principle of this?

How flexible and flexible is the undercover king?

——But Akai Shuichi clearly didn’t succeed. In contrast, Toru Amuro, who puts on a vest like changing clothes, whether he is working or working as a "bourbon", he has only two states from beginning to end: risking murderous intent and not risking murderous intent. And the murderous aura that comes out only comes in one coffee flavor...

Jiang Xia: "..." However, if you think about it carefully, although the boss also likes to change his vest, the difference in his personality does not seem to be that huge, but the difference in behavior is quite obvious.

And Akai Shuichi...

Although in theory, this person is the "Gin" of the red side, he looks cold, powerful and serious. But in fact, he was able to join the organization as an undercover agent, meet a beautiful female member of the organization, and develop a relationship with her along the way; he could also become a gentle and cheerful graduate student who often gave gifts to his neighbors just to wear Subaru Okiya's vest. Stewed potatoes and beef; and when necessary, he can claim a godson very naturally, hold hands with the big and small, and return the family to the air force... Whatever personality is needed, he can immediately switch to what personality he needs.

Now it seems that Akai Shuichi's murderous aura is the same as his own. He can switch to other flavors at any time based on some unknown reasons.

Jiang Xia: "..." What a murderous spirit without moral integrity.

...but he likes it.

Take more risks.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia remembered the few strands of "original Akai murderous aura" that Matsuda Jinpei had picked up just now when he was dazed. He suddenly realized something and his eyes lit up slightly.

He was planning to take the new murderous aura from the ghost and study it to see if it could be used to customize certain rare flavors of murderous aura.

But just as he turned his head, there was a sudden weight on the back of his shoulder.

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