Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1082 1082 [Did Uzo send you to die?] Please vote for me

Chapter 1082 1082 [Did Uzo send you to die?] Please vote for me ヽ(〃〃)~

——The elevator came up at some point.

While Jiang Xia was concentrating on studying murderous intent, others had already entered the elevator one after another.

And just before the elevator door closed, two hands stretched out suddenly, one left and one right, and pushed Jiang Xia on the back in unison.

The strength of the FBI ace and the police undercover should not be underestimated, not to mention that this was a complete "sneak attack". When the two people pushed him, they were still looking at each other and did not look at Jiang Xia at all. It was difficult to predict.

Jiang Xia was pushed in unexpectedly. In the elevator, Suzuki Sonoko had just stood firm. When she turned around, she found Jiang Xia falling in from the door. Her eyes lit up and she caught him.

The secretary next to her covered her lips and smiled:

"I just wanted to say that the elevator can actually seat 9 people. You might as well send one person to go with us. This can save energy and take care of us if anything happens on the way - I didn't expect you to think of it too. "

Jiang Xia: "..." Wait, let me go back! !

As soon as he turned around, the elevator door had been completely closed - the two codenamed undercover ghosts and ghosts obviously thought that the "righteous high school students" would not leave alone in the elevator, so they rushed in before the elevator door closed. In an instant, he pushed him without any sense of martial ethics.

By the time Jiang Xia stood firm, the elevator had already started to go down - at this time, it was impossible to return to the top of the building with an elevator full of people.

Jiang Xia watched helplessly as the overflowing murderous aura got further and further away from him. In the end, he only had time to angrily throw a ghost over his head, letting the ghost squirm out from the gap, and then drag away all the murderous aura and bring it back.

Upstairs, in the banquet hall on the 75th floor.

Everyone has evacuated, and there are only two people left in the hall at this time.

Toru Amuro turned to "Okiya Subaru" and looked at him silently.

After all, people who can disguise themselves are extremely rare, and no matter how good Toru Amuro is at imagining, it would be hard to imagine that Shuichi Akai has already gotten in touch with Subaru Okiya, and has the audacity to try to infiltrate the organization again, even choosing Usa. This terrible contact platform.

...In short, in the eyes of Amuro Toru, Okiya Subaru is still firmly labeled as "Usa". There seems to be no need for a person with this identity to disguise himself in front of him. The person in front of me should be Subaru Okiya himself.

Toru Amuro took out a gun from nowhere, pointed the muzzle at "Okiya Subaru", and showed a sinister smile:

"Mr. Okiya is really everywhere. However, rather than talking to you, I want to talk to Usa behind you - you specially invited me to a place like this, and you won't just let me admire it. Fireworks' bar."

As he spoke, Toru Amuro thought of the silver knife in the second case of the serial murder just now, and the word "Gin" that could be associated with it.

——In the past, Toru Amuro had peeked at Gin's report and saw the code name "Ouzo" on it.

Although Vodka looked very afraid of Uzo, and the two parties didn't seem to get along well, this at least meant that Uzo and Gin had indeed collaborated before.

Cooperation is something that happens once and will happen again. What happened today may be the same.

Toru Amuro thought to himself, Uzo and Gin were nearby at the same time, and they even called him over to create such a big scene... What on earth did Usa want to do?

Opposite Toru Amuro.

"Okiya Subaru", who was asked by him, looked calm, but he couldn't help but have doubts in his heart.

——After Okiya Subaru went back last time, he suspected that "Bourbon" was actually a senior subordinate of "Usa". But now, judging from Bourbon's words, he and Uzo are actually hostile?

… Could it be that today’s assassination target of the organization is actually Bourbon? Was his undercover identity exposed?

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Akai Shuichi's mind and were quickly crossed out:

Thinking about it carefully, judging from what Bourbon just said, today's incident is not like an organized siege, but more like Uzo's personal behavior... Maybe it's just Uzo who wants to kill Bourbon?

Akai Shuichi: "..." Although he has never met Usa, according to the information Subaru Okiya learned, that mysterious cadre is obviously the kind of guy who likes to play with people's hearts and is particularly good at capturing other people's thoughts and emotions.

If Uzo saw through Bourbon's undercover identity, and as a reward, the boss acquiesced to him using Bourbon to play a bloody game...

No, it doesn't look like that either.

The senior management of the organization, after "Rye Whiskey" defected, hated the undercover even more. If Bourbon's identity had been exposed, they would not have taken action after so many days.

Akai Shuichi: "..." In short, this is indeed more like Usa's personal behavior... He is really an elusive guy. I really want to face Subaru Okiya and meet him for a while... But now, This is not the time to think about these things.

Now, Akai Shuichi gradually had a clear idea of ​​what to do now.

He looked across from him, his fellow undercover agent who had experienced ups and downs, and suddenly said:

"The communication bridge, roof, and banquet hall on the 60th floor are all equipped with bombs. As you may have discovered, the bombs in the banquet hall are timed to trigger. The ones on the roof and communication bridge are manually controlled - once they are If the hunting 'target' gets close, or if a helicopter wants to land for rescue, they will be detonated immediately."

Akai Shuichi thought about what "Okiya Subaru" might say, spread his hands, and showed a helpless smile:

"Honestly, I have no grudges against you. I usually just want to do research and find a stable job in the future. In fact, with your ability, it shouldn't be difficult to get out of here. Why don't we just treat it as if we didn't make it tonight? When we encounter each other, do we each do what we should do?"

Listening to his "heartfelt" words, Amuro Toru suddenly sneered: "I heard that Uzo is good at controlling people's hearts, but you are completely contrary to this rumor... Or, you are actually 'Uzuo', that's why you are like this Don’t you take your boss ‘Uzo’ seriously?”

People's hearts are unpredictable. As Toru Amuro spoke, countless speculations were already running through his mind.

——For example, what Subaru Okiya said just now is indeed true. This poor guy was trying to get rid of Uzuo's control, but Uzuo discovered this, so he smoothly sent Subaru Okiya to him, I want to see what interesting scenes can happen between the rebellious subordinates and other cadres. When they have had enough fun, they can then use "Bourbon"'s hand to get rid of the traitor Subaru Okiya, and in the process, add some obstacles to Bourbon, the guy who investigates "Usa"'s identity without authorization.

Another example... Okiya Subaru didn't actually betray Usa. What he said just now was originally what Uzo wanted him to say.

Of course, it is also possible that he was deceived, and Usa was Subaru Okiya - but Toru Amuro still felt that this possibility was not too high.

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