Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1088 1088 [Gin, go for a physical examination]

This time, Gin recognized the person in the photo at a glance.

——Suzuki Sonoko, Usa's classmate, I heard that she often took Usa to various banquets, and then celebrities would suddenly die suddenly at the banquets... Although Suzuki Sonoko herself may not know this, it is obvious that This man is Uzo's accomplice.

At this point, Gin had already understood: ...the 'Shirley' in the elevator just now was Suzuki Sonoko with a different hairstyle?

The phone vibrated again.

The adult seemed to have remembered something and sent another email.

This time, perhaps out of the speechless state, the boss spoke a little more than before:

[You should thank Uzo.

The Suzuki Consortium cooperates with us. Although they don't know who is behind those 'companies', if the future heir dies in your hands, it will definitely cause unnecessary trouble - not to mention that child seems to like blackbirds very much. Zuo, we should not make unnecessary enemies, and there is no need for hostility in the first place.

Another: I just reviewed your physical examination report, and there is no problem with your vision. I recently took the time to check a few items to confirm whether I have prosopagnosia]

Gin's forehead jumped: "..."

...He is not face-blind.

He just didn't bother to remember the faces of the dead and dying.

Being suspected of being ill for no reason, Gin's murderous intention towards Shirley became even more intense.

But he still patiently replied to "that adult":

[I see]

After sending it, Gin turned back to his address book, entered Uzo's number, and pressed the call button.

——It is indeed my own mistake to misjudge the person.

But why did Suzuki Sonoko suddenly change her hairstyle?

...No matter how you think about it, it’s all Uzo’s conspiracy.

Uzo answered the phone much more quickly than Gin himself - even if he was accompanying a group of stupid lambs in an "escape" drama, he was still in the mood to naturally sit at the back of the team and answer the phone secretly, masked by the surrounding noise.

Gin stared at his phone.

As the "to be answered" on the screen changed to "call" status, Uzo's low voice sounded, sounding condemning:

"Are you still aiming here? I just saw the laser red dot in the corridor - don't tear up my annual VIP ticket for the banquet, that's not the target you want to kill."


At this moment, Gin suddenly remembered why Uzo wrote "Don't accidentally hurt my precious classmates" in the text message just now.

——That's not "compassion for classmates" at all, but refers specifically to "Suzuki Sonoko", who can bring Uzo into contact with many interesting "actors" and allow him to create a higher-end "stage" woman.

"Why did you let her dress up like Shirley?" Gin asked in a deep voice, "What do you want to do?"

"Huh?" Uzuo's innocent voice soon came from the receiver, "What does this have to do with me? How can I control what hairstyle the rich lady wants to change? If you want to blame it, blame it on the recent trend. Several famous people Models have recently had short curly hair, and she must have been attracted by the advertisements in those fashion magazines."

Ginjiu scoffed, not believing a word of it. He had already discovered: the more innocent Uzo looks, the more likely it is that he did it - otherwise, a newly promoted cadre of the organization and a busy detective would not have time to read any so-called "fashion magazines" , Uzuo is not one of those rich ladies who live a leisurely life and only pay attention to dressing up every day.

...The only puzzling thing is, what is Uzo’s purpose in doing this?

Gin: "..." It can't be to shake the boss's trust in him.

But Wuzuo should also know that if he steps on his temporary boss to get the job, that adult will not relax his vigilance against him in the future. This was definitely a lose-lose situation and would not do Uzo any good—unless the young devil simply thought it was fun, so he had nothing to do and wanted to drive a wedge between his boss and his "boss's boss."

...However, if you think about it calmly, if this is the case, there seems to be no need for Uzo to send that reminder text message in advance. Calculating the time, he sent the message before the second elevator descended - and Gin felt that although he did not often check his mailbox before killing people, he was not completely incapable of reading it. At that time, the elevator was still rising without load. , he is actually very likely to see the text message used as a reminder.

"..." More importantly, Gin remembered: Uzo's entertainment focus in the organization was not focused on Bourbon. Why did he suddenly have time to come and cause trouble for him and "that adult"?

... Could it be that one cadre is no longer enough for him?

The messy situation made the murderous intention in Gin's heart become stronger again.

However, compared to the meaningless world problem of "guessing Uzo's thoughts", his attention quickly focused on another thing:

"Where is Shirley?"

——A while ago, Gin and Vodka found the residence where Miyano Akemi lived and overheard a phone message.

In the message, Shirley said personally that she would come to attend tonight's opening ceremony.

Now that the 40th floor has been sealed by explosions and fires, the only escape routes are the two contact bridges and the elevator. But until now, Shirley has not passed anywhere - she must still be in that building.

"Is she your target?"

Uzo's voice came from the receiver, sounding like he was thinking: "At today's opening dinner, I contacted almost everyone and exchanged business cards in a friendly manner. If she were present, I would have discovered it long ago. ——Are you sure she came to the opening ceremony tonight?"

"...not there?"

Gin pondered for a moment, said nothing more, and hung up the phone.

Uzo is not stupid enough to lie about this kind of thing - today's opening ceremony is not closed, there are many reporters inside, and the information may be leaked at any time. If Shirley is present, it is indeed easy to identify.

Gin: "..." Speaking of which, that woman has always been extremely sensitive to other people's scents. With a guy like Uzo stalking the banquet hall, she might be so frightened that she would shrink back and hide in the banquet hall just as she was about to enter. There is a corner of the building that I dare not move rashly.

...In this case, let's just turn it into a piece of charcoal and be burned to death in this cemetery that is "closest to heaven".

Gin looked at the building opposite that was getting brighter and brighter, with a cold smile on his face.

Vodka watched silently.

He didn't see the email exchange between Gin and the boss, nor did he hear what Uzo said on the phone. At this time, he only felt the majestic killing intent of his elder brother.

After hesitating for a moment and thinking about this excellent opportunity, Vodka finally couldn't resist the temptation and said with a trace of murderous intent, as if naturally:

"Brother, what should we do now? Is Shirley really hidden by Uzo?"

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