Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1089 1089 [Vodka’s Prayer]

As soon as Vodka finished speaking, Gin suddenly glanced over - for some reason, Gin's eyes were filled with murderous intent, as if the speaker had mentioned some taboo that must not be mentioned.

Vodka: "...!!"

What, what happened?

...What exactly did Uzo say on the phone just now? He just sued Uzo, why did the elder brother show such a look? !

For a moment, Vodka's hair stood on end, realizing that he seemed careless.

"Wherever Uzo is present, it's best to do nothing. All subjective actions may turn into a sharp blade that kills you." Now it seems that this rule of "how to coexist peacefully with Uzo" is still not appropriate enough. ——"The places where Uzo haunts" should be changed to "the places where Uzo's voice can reach".

Vodka looked at Gin's cool eyes and was covered in cold sweat.

"..." Fortunately, perhaps because of the unbreakable trust between him and Brother Gin, Gin did not suddenly shoot the innocent boy and slowly looked away.


Vodka's focus just now was obviously on the last sentence.

Gin selectively ignored that sentence and thought to himself:

"Wu Zuo was able to sneak into the observation elevator specially designed to carry the elderly, weak, sick and disabled. It seems that there is no next wave of evacuation targets in the banquet hall, and that is the last elevator - he dare not take the elevator, nor dare to follow Those men walked to the communication bridge to evacuate together. Hehe, Shirley either had something to do and couldn't come over, or she was still hiding in the building and didn't dare to show up. She wanted to wait for the fire to be extinguished and then leave secretly..."

Thinking of this, Gin quickly made a decision: "Blow up the roof and the communication bridge, and block that building."

Vodka's eyes lit up and he held the detonator in surprise: "Okay!"


The moment before he pressed it, Gin suddenly reached out and took the detonator away from his hand.

Gin took the detonator and put it in front of him, lit up a cigarette again, and said with complicated emotions: "...wait for Uzo to cross the bridge first, he is still in Building A."

...Although it was suspected that Wu Zuo had plotted against him just now, it was still just a "suspect" after all.

According to Vodka's habit of dropping his chain when he is nervous, if he blows up the building with a flick of his hand and burns Uzo to death inside, who will be able to easily assassinate those high-ranking officials in the future?

Gin: "..." Not to mention what happened just now... If now, before Uzuo evacuated, the communication bridge suddenly exploded, and this kind of thing fell into the eyes of "that adult", no matter how you look at it, it would be "Gin versus Uzuo" deliberate revenge."

——What happened just now, even if Uzuo did it on purpose, was just a bad joke. If he rashly killed a promising new cadre of the organization because of this, the boss would really be disappointed.

And that was Uzo: Uzo held the layout diagram of the bomb in his hand. If he dared to enter the building today, he would not die easily inside. Maybe Uzo had already hidden something like a glider... Even if he If he was really carried away by anger and resolutely blew up the building, Wuzuo would never die. All he would lose would be the adult's impression of him.

In the past, Gin didn't care so much about the boss's attitude towards him, which was an unquestionable trust.

But now...

Realizing that Uzo seemed to have found a new "toy", Gin had to be vigilant and carefully considered all possible flaws.

Vodka was startled, unable to understand his elder brother's complicated thoughts. He only watched in shock as the detonator got further and further away from him...

In the end it was completely in Gin's hands.

Gin, on the other hand, obviously had no intention of pressing the button immediately.

Vodka: "..."

Brother! Can you tolerate this like Uzo? ! What did that little Yinbi say on that phone call just now? ? I, I also want to learn...

"Brother, no matter how Uzo defends himself, it is an indisputable fact that he came into contact with Shirley - that bastard must be gradually breaking down our bottom line in this way... Don't be fooled, just blow him up directly. The safest thing! It’s not that I’m serving the public good for personal gain, nor that I’m afraid that Uzo will kill me. The main thing is that he is really suspicious!”

Vodka roared in his heart.

But after thinking for a long time, I finally didn't say anything.

Vodka: "..." Judging from the eldest brother's current reaction, he has obviously been brought into Uzo's rhythm... At this time, if he insists on confronting Uzo, he may be facing a bullet.

I can only wait for my eldest brother to calm down and come to his senses...

Vodka endured the humiliation and closed his mouth. He stabbed the little straw man with anger in his heart, cursing this guy who had countless lives on his hands to go out to meet ghosts. It would be better to be in this building full of flames and be killed by the massive resentful souls. Caught, unable to escape.

In the Twin Towers.

Jiang Xia glanced at the hung up phone and put it away.

After a while, for some unknown reason, he suddenly felt a steady stream of warmth, as if someone was praying devoutly for him behind his back.

Jiang Xia looked around doubtfully, feeling a little confused for a moment. But it was obviously a good thing that someone praised him... He quickly stopped thinking about these messy things and continued to mix behind a group of people and run towards the direction of the communication bridge on the 45th floor.


Half a minute ago, the building was on the 60th floor.

——Akai Shuichi, who disguised himself as "Okiya Subaru", was still wandering in the building at this time.

As "Uzo's loyal subordinate" and the actual person who set up the bombs and accelerants, Shuichi Akai set aside a sufficiently concealed and safe passage for himself in the sea of ​​​​fire below.

At this time, the road was not blocked by flames. Akai Shuichi counted the time and decided to take a final look around the building. Maybe he would be lucky enough to find the "organization's target".

However, I met no one along the way.

Akai Shuichi returned to the safe passage and was planning to go to the next floor to have a look.

But at this moment, his eyes suddenly stopped and fell on the nearby observation elevator.

——The elevator, which had an independent power supply and was responsible for transporting passengers who were inconvenient to escape, stopped at some point.

And it didn't stop at level 1. Its dashboard was flashing between "44" and "error".

Akai Shuichi watched for a moment, then suddenly remembered the organization's assassination plan and frowned.

——Did I miscalculate that the organization’s target tonight was really on the observation elevator just now, so the elevator was attacked and out of service?

Akai Shuichi: "..." He had obviously used that "joke" just now to tactfully convey to the elevator passengers that "the organization might snipe at the observation elevator", but now...

Is that "target" too confident, or too nervous to hear the reminder just now?

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