Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1102 1102 [The cadre who wants to kill

Gin snorted inwardly.

Although he was not afraid of Uzo's murder at all, it would undoubtedly be a waste of time to get rid of those annoying flies that Uzo had used as weapons - he was already very busy and did not want to cause trouble in such unnecessary matters.

Gin quickly opened the page and said what he really wanted to say:

"Someone in the organization has been checking up on you recently.

"You should know that once you lose your identity as a 'righteous detective', you will lose the value of being a 'Uzo' - if I were you, I would restrain myself recently to avoid being caught by those dark poisonous snakes. "

"Looking into my matter?" On the other side of the phone, Uzuo seemed a little surprised.

After a second, that surprise turned into surprise.

Wuzuo was more energetic than before and said expectantly:

"Since you have come to remind me specifically, that person should be a capable cadre, and he sounds like he has a grudge against me... It is easier for me to hide if I know myself and my enemy. Why don't you arrange for us to meet when you have time? One-on-one? No need to meet up close, I can just observe from a distance."

Gin leaned against the passenger seat, lit a cigarette, a silent sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his movements relaxed a little.

——He knew that Uzo would be interested in this kind of thing.

"Don't look for trouble. This is just a reminder. He may not be able to find anything." Although Gin had no intention of really letting Uzo compete with that cadre, he thought for a moment and decided to reveal some information.

After all, Uzo has an obvious identity as a detective, and the other party is a madman seeking revenge. If Uzo really falls into this matter, he will only lose a helper with unlimited potential.

Gin said: "You remember 'Pisco'?"

"Of course." I'm not you...

Jiang Xia not only remembered, but also had a deep impression on this person.

Pisco is also a codename member of the organization and is considered a veteran. His ability is said to be pretty good, but he's just too unlucky - not long ago, this man was carrying out an assassination attempt at the Aido City Hotel. Unfortunately, he was caught on camera by reporters at the moment he raised his gun and fired.

Pisco failed to catch the mistake in time, causing the photo to appear on emergency news.

In accordance with the organization's consistent principles, this news that spread immediately became undoubtedly an "expedited death notice" for the organization to execute Pisco.

Pisco is an old man in his seventies, and he does not usually have the habit of using his mobile phone to read news. He did not know that he had been exposed, and he was still a leisurely onlooker in the banquet hall. Then he saw Haibara Ai - Pisco and "Shirley"'s parents were old friends. He had seen Shirley as a child and quickly guessed the secret of "Shirley's shrinkage".

So Pisco took advantage of the chaos and kidnapped Hui Yuan Ai, planning to hand it over to the organization. Unfortunately, Shirley was taken away by "Anonymous" later, and Gin came to the door shortly after.

When Pisco heard the news that "the assassination was filmed" from Gin, he broke out in a cold sweat and immediately wanted to rely on the secret he had of "Shirley becomes smaller" to find a way out.

Therefore, facing Gin who raised a gun, Pisco decisively acted as the Riddler, saying "Without me, you don't want to know where Shirley is!".

As soon as he finished speaking, he was shot in the head by the impatient Gin, and died in the basement wine cellar at night.

Jiang Xia secretly followed him to the wine cellar corridor, expecting to open a blind box for veteran cadres of the organization. It's a pity that Pisco failed to turn into a ghost fetus, and only produced a shikigami. Psychic mediums are still worried about this.

"There is a guy codenamed 'Ireland' in the organization. He is good at infiltration searches and has good skills."

Gin thought of the difficult cadre and frowned: "He admired Pisco extremely. When he learned of his death, he secretly wanted to avenge Pisco."

"That's it."

Jiang Xia listened to the information that he had known for a long time. He couldn't help but start to speculate about the murderous taste of Ireland. At the same time, he was a little confused about Gin's words: "It was you who killed Pisco. If he wanted to take revenge, he would look for you - it's none of my business." thing?"

"..." Gin's forehead jumped and he sneered.

He remembered that on the night when Pisco died, Jiang Xia also went to the same dinner party. At the banquet, Pisco also had some friction with Jiang Xia because he despised this "high school student detective".

Not long after that, Pisco was "unfortunately captured." Coupled with his gorgeous death method with blazing flames as the background...

Gin would never believe it if there was no Uzo involved.

Not only him, but anyone who has come into contact with Uzo and knows his methods will not believe it.

——Uzo himself is thick-skinned, and until now, he still firmly pretends to be innocent in this matter. It was as if Pisco's death was really just because the old man had bad luck, and Uzo who was present had done nothing.

Fortunately, Gin didn't intend to ask Uzo to admit what he had done. Anyway, everyone knew each other well.

He ignored this detail and did not let the topic deviate again.

"Ireland really wanted to cause trouble for me, but unfortunately I never did anything against the rules of the organization and I never made any mistakes."

Ginjiu knocked off the ashes of his cigarette and answered Jiang Xia's question just now. Speaking of this, he suddenly glanced at Vodka coldly: "I have no breakthrough here. Ireland wants to avenge Pisco, so naturally it will focus on you - there are rumors that the old waste actually died in 'Uzo ' in my hands."

Vodka was driving the car well when he was suddenly glared at by his elder brother. He shivered silently and tried to look ahead, being a good and focused driver.

Gin looked away and continued to call:

"Your confidentiality level is higher than that of ordinary cadres. There is no problem with our internal confidentiality measures. There is no need to worry about Ireland getting information from this channel.

"But Jiang Xia did appear at the Aido City Hotel that night, and as a detective, like Uzo, you often come into contact with 'murder cases' - you are not without flaws.

"In short, you should be careful during this period. Ireland is no weaker than Bourbon in gathering intelligence, and he is different from Bourbon - Bourbon claims to be the one who 'discovered' you, and he still thinks that 'Jiang Xia' can Even if the subordinates he uses really have doubts about you, they will not test you in any extreme way.

"But Ireland is different. If one day he is carried away by anger and suddenly comes to your house with a gun, I won't be surprised."

Gin thought of the man's probing tone and the hidden hatred in his eyes when he met Ireland recently, and laughed coldly:

"Of course, if he really rushes in front of you, you can report the matter immediately - whether it is an unfounded attempt to murder a cadre, or actively exposing his identity in front of a famous detective, in the eyes of the boss, it is enough to send him to accompany him Adored 'Pisco'."

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