Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1103 1103 [Ireland, you died so miserably] Please vote for me

Chapter 1103 1103【Ireland, you died so miserably】Please give me your monthly vote ヾ(●`●)~

Jiang Xia understood what Gin meant: Pisco was sent away at the request of "the Lord" himself. Whether it was "Uzo" or "Gin", strictly speaking, it was just a murderer in this matter. knife.

If Ireland really reaches the stage of being "dazzled by anger", maybe one day, this madman will suddenly kill the boss.

Judging from the decisiveness of silencing people within the organization, "that lord" seems to have a lot of people. By then, he will face an Ireland that is hostile to him and has excellent abilities, and the next one will "silence Ireland". The instructions are actually quite logical.

After Ginjiu explained the situation, Jiang Xia was silent for a while.

After a moment, he heard the young man's worried voice coming from the other side of the receiver:

"But what if Ireland is sensible enough and never comes to me, and even slowly gives up on revenge? - I really still think we should meet and have a good talk.

"Many problems arise from a lack of communication. If we communicate more, all problems will be solved."

Gin snorted coldly. Yes, everyone is dead, of course the problem is solved.

Although he also wanted Ireland to die, Gin thought cautiously: If he really arranged it like that, if the boss noticed this in the future, wouldn't he think that Gin was happy to watch Uzo and Ireland fight within each other, and even speculated that Gin would Are you using Uzo to gradually eliminate dissidents?

"..." Hehe, he would not give Uzo another chance to lower his image in the boss' mind.

Ginjiu then ignored Jiang Xia's request and only said:

"I will send you some information about Ireland. Just remember his face and some habits, and just stay alert enough - I will only help you protect yourself and don't do anything unnecessary."

Jiang Xia: "..."

But why does he feel that the person who should "protect himself" is actually Gin...

Gin is obviously a very capable person, but unfortunately, at least in this aspect of organizational work, Gin is not "flawless".

——The biggest flaw is that Kudo Shinichi, the person who took "APTX4869", is actually still alive and running around freely in Tokyo.

Rare Gin mentions Ireland.

While Jiang Xia was preparing to find out more information with a hint of curiosity, he quickly recalled the "Ireland" in his impression of the original world line.

This person is indeed a qualified bottle of real wine. Although his appearance is more like a ferocious lion, tiger, or gorilla, Ireland's way of revenge is actually very rational - he has not reached the level of "losing his brain for revenge" as Gin assumed, and instead acts cautiously , figure it out slowly.

On weekdays, Ireland still plays the role of "organizational cadre". He only collects intelligence secretly, preparing to one day seize the handle of Gin, the "enemy", and bring him down in one fell swoop.

As a result, Huangtian paid off, and Ireland really had the opportunity to "seize the handle of Gin."

——A member of the organization fled with the organization's undercover roster. On the way, he was involved in a serial murder case and unfortunately died.

The memory card containing important rosters was also accidentally taken away by the murderer.

The organization has lost important information once again, so naturally it won't just stare at it.

Therefore, when the police were looking for the serial murderer, the organization also secretly joined the team and handed over the task of "killing the murderer before the police and destroying the information in his hands" to Ireland.

Ireland calmly observed the situation, and then kidnapped Megure Police Department's immediate boss, Matsumoto Kiyonaga. He himself asked Belmode to disguise him as Matsumoto, and boldly infiltrated into the police force.

Originally, the infiltration process was very smooth.

However, before the dawn of victory arrived, Ireland unfortunately discovered the secret of "Conan" - he discovered that this child might be related to "Kudo Shinichi". After an investigation, I even found evidence that "Conan and Kudo Shinichi are the same person."

Thinking of the "cause of death" of Kudo Shinichi, Ireland was ecstatic:

That bastard Gin also said "no mistakes in handling the work", now aren't the mistakes coming? ——Using a drug that the organization is still developing, he silenced the high school student detective, and then left without confirming the person's death, which led APTX4869 to create a magical miniature version of the high school student "Conan"...

Ireland feels great.

——As long as Conan is brought back to the organization and handed over to the boss, this will be ironclad proof that Gin has neglected his duty! When that bastard Gin killed Pisco, he probably didn't expect that he would end up like this!


Then there is no more.

Ireland knows too much, but in order to prevent being intercepted by Gin, he decided to become a Riddler.

In the end, Conan was not caught and Gin was not brought down. Instead, Ireland himself was trapped in the Tokyo Tower and was chased by the firepower of the Gin gang, and finally died tragically on the tower. Before he died, he took the initiative to block a shot for Conan, hoping that Conan could get to the bottom of it and kill Gin and other bastards.

Jiang Xia thought about Ireland's skills and his comprehensive abilities in all aspects, and he couldn't help but think about it. This man actually died from "knowing too much."

"..." Speaking of which, Ireland is indeed a person who "worships Pisco", so much so that even the cause of death is highly consistent.

Pisco discovered "Haihara Ai = Shirley" and caught Haihara Ai, but he did not submit the information that "people have become smaller" to the organization in time. Instead, he planned to secretly hand over the information to the organization and give the organization a "surprise" ". However, he unfortunately exposed his identity before that, and was shot to death by Gin.

Ireland discovered "Conan = Kudo Shinichi" and caught Conan. He also failed to submit the information that "people have become smaller" to the organization in time, but planned to secretly hand him over to give Gin a surprise. In the end, his disguised identity was also exposed, and he was chased to death by Gin in a helicopter, armed with snipers and machine guns.

Jiang Xia: "..." From this point of view, Gin's forgetting about Kudo Shinichi seems like a wise self-protection measure.

——If only Gin was not face-blind and could remember the dead. Then one day he met Conan by chance, and at first glance he thought, "This guy looks very much like the dead soul of his subordinate that day", and then he found out the truth...

According to Gin's bad luck, the moment he discovers the truth, he might be brutally crushed by a meteorite falling from the sky.

"..." Jiang Xia decided not to mock Ginjiu's memory and eyes for the time being.

Just as I was thinking about it, my phone vibrated briefly. It should be information related to Ireland.

Jiang Xia was about to click on the information and glance at it to see if there was any lack of detail and asked Gin to supplement it on the spot.

But at this moment, his other phone suddenly vibrated.

——The call came.

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