Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1109 1109 [The detective who let go of the pigeons]

When Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan were waiting for someone at the station.

Conan was playing games with the children with a bored look on his face.

At this time, the phone suddenly rang.

Conan was startled, glanced at the caller ID, and answered the phone: "Hattori?"

Hattori Heiji is also a high school detective with equally keen observation. He immediately heard that something was not right in the background sound from Conan: "Huh? You are not at the station. Are you still playing outside?"

"There was an event at our school suddenly, and I couldn't leave. I asked Jiang Xia to go for me, and Xiaolan will go too." Conan lowered his voice to prevent the children next to him from hearing, "At this time, there are not many people at the station, so it should be very crowded. It’s easy to find.”

Hattori Heiji was silent for a moment.

When he spoke again, his tone became a little complicated: "Let Jiang Xia pick you up. You really know how to find someone... I would rather run there myself."

Although after several contacts, Hattori Heiji has lost his initial prejudice against Jiangxia, but this does not prevent some not-so-good memories from still remaining deeply in his mind.

——Especially the nightmare that "After Kudo's tragic death, Eka transferred to Osaka and worked hard to solve the case next to the innocent Hattori Heiji", Hattori Heiji felt uncomfortable when he saw Eka, and he wanted to fly abroad.

But next to him, Yuan Shan and Ye obviously had different views on this.

When she heard Hattori Heiji's words, she laughed: "Did Jiangxia pick you up instead? - I have already said that Jiangxia is the most reliable one. You must only play with that 'Kudo'."

The last time she went to Shizuoka Prefecture, she was attacked and locked up in the background. Afterwards, Jiang Xia not only fished her out, but also took her to solve the case and rescued three strange people. Toyama Kazuye still remembers this very well.

She also wants to run into interesting cases with Jiang Xia again and experience the wonderful feeling of "high school goddess detective".

Hattori Heiji turned his head and saw her so happy. For some reason, his already bad mood worsened.

He snorted, did not answer, and said to Conan on the phone: "By the way, I called to say that we happened to encounter a theft case on the way. After handling it, we found out that we missed the train and might arrive later than expected. Dozens of minutes.”

Hattori Heiji's voice sounded a little apologetic for letting his classmates go.

Conan understands it very well: he himself often forgets everything as soon as he solves a case. He often has to wait until he becomes dizzy with hunger before he remembers that he forgot to eat before.

At times like this, I envy Jiang Xia very much - I don't know if it's because Jiang Xia solves the case so easily that she doesn't need to think too much and only lacks clues... In short, Jiang Xia remembers the time every time. If he happens to solve a case during a meal, he can often see Jiang Xia holding various kinds of food in his hands in the blink of an eye, and he will give a portion to the people next to him.

Conan: "..." Why did my thoughts stray to Jiang Xia... No, I can't think too much.

It's rare that Yoneka Town is so harmonious today, so we should think of something happy.

He cleared his throat nonchalantly and came back to his senses: "I understand, don't forget to tell Jiang Xia again. You should have his number - I remember he gave you a business card and even exchanged it with you. Phone and email.”

Hattori Heiji instinctively resisted: "I don't! Go ahead and say it!"

Conan: "..."

...He thought Hattori Heiji was no longer so vain. But now it seems that the previous harmonious relationship was just a face-saving project by Hattori when facing Jiang Xia?

"...Actually, apart from losing a little bit of the fun of solving puzzles, the people in Jiangxia are really nice. As soon as I asked him to help pick up the station today, he immediately agreed. It sounds like he is in a good mood, and he must be very welcome to you. "

Halfway through Conan's words, he felt that Hattori Heiji's breathing had changed, as if he had become very alert.

He could only sigh: "Okay, I'll send him a message. But just this time - you can contact him yourself after that."

After hanging up the phone, Conan began to send messages to Jiang Xia.

——Hattori still hasn’t seen Jiangxia too much. If we meet him a few more times, he will definitely return to normal...

In a distant station.

Jiang Xia's phone vibrated and received an email from Conan.

He looked away from the window and glanced down at his phone.

Then he turned to Mao Lilan, who was watching the scenery with him next to him: "Hattori and the others will arrive dozens of minutes late because they were delayed in solving the case."

Speaking of this, Jiang Xia couldn't help but look around the station again.

Then I discovered that the station was peaceful and there were security personnel walking around. It didn't look like something was about to happen.

So soon, his eyes moved and fell on Mao Lilan.

Mao Lilan met his eyes and felt that Jiang Xia's gaze seemed to place some high hopes on her. She tilted her head slightly in confusion: "...?"

"It's too boring to keep waiting. This area looks quite prosperous. Is there anything you're interested in?" Jiang Xia's eyes passed through the station window and fell on the crowded streets. "I'll go shopping with you." Let’s go shopping.”

Mao Lilan thought so too.

She looked at her watch and found that it was almost time to eat: "I haven't been to this station for a long time. I heard that a newly opened specialty restaurant nearby is very famous... By the way, I remember that on the exit map over there, it seemed that The location of the commercial building where it is located.”

With that said, Mao Lilan wanted to go to the map to confirm the next route.

The moment he turned around, two people happened to pass behind Mao Lilan side by side.

Jiang Xia pulled Mao Lilan quickly with her hands and eyes, and the two sides narrowly avoided hitting each other. But the two women passing by were already alarmed, their high heels clicked and stopped.

"Sorry, I didn't see anyone behind me..." Mao Lilan apologized subconsciously. As she spoke, she saw the two passers-by clearly and couldn't help but blink--so beautiful!

After watching for two seconds, Mao Lilan suddenly realized that it seemed impolite to keep staring at strangers.

She came back to her senses, cleared her throat quietly, and followed the gazes of the two people as if nothing had happened.

Then they found that their eyes were falling squarely on Jiang Xia.

The next second, the woman with long, silky hair pushed up her glasses and said in surprise: "You look must be Jiang Xia!"

Next to her, her fashionably dressed companion was slightly startled and confirmed in surprise: "Is it the high school detective who is said to solve crimes quickly?"

Jiang Xia nodded towards them in a friendly manner and recognized this identity.

In the blink of an eye, there were two more business cards in his hand.

Holding the business card, without waiting to speak, the long-straight black woman suddenly let out a scream of surprise and put her head on Jiang Xia's shoulder in a photo-like pose. The tips of her hair were filled with the faint fragrance brought from the beauty salon:

"You're so lucky. I like detectives the most - I have collected several collections of your cases. It was fate that I met you. Can you sign your autograph for me?"

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