Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1110 1110 [Let me be your guest]

Next to her, her companion Yamamoto Sakurako didn't notice him and noticed that he was sticking to Jiang Xia's side.

Yamamoto Sakurako sighed and was about to give some advice.

But then, her cell phone rang.

Yamamoto Sakurako had no choice but to answer the phone first: "Naoko? Well, we have arrived at the station, but Nami hasn't arrived yet... Don't rush, we'll go right away."

After hanging up the phone, she finally freed her hands and tore her companion off Jiang Xia: "Jiayangli, be more reserved..."

Izumi Kaori smiled slyly and quickly stood up straight again.

She smoothly took the business card from Jiang Xia's hand, kept it secretly, and at the same time generously invited him:

“We were planning to go to a class reunion—it was said to be a class reunion, but in fact it was just a get-together at home with a few familiar people.

"We have reserved food at the Dolphin Restaurant, and the apartment where the party is held is not far from here. What are your plans next? If you are not in a hurry, why not come with us - the food in that restaurant is very good!"

Jiang Xia glanced at the busy street outside the station and looked as if she was persuaded by her words: "We are picking up the station, but the other party seems to be dozens of minutes late..."

"Then let's go together." Izumi Kayari became happy and saw Jiang Xia's intention. She was afraid that the star detective would regret it, so she tried to secretly push him towards the exit of the station, "I heard that you live in Mihua Town. I'm usually very busy, so I probably don't come here often - there are many scenic spots nearby, and after the dinner is over, I'll go shopping with you!"

Mao Lilan has always been very familiar with herself, and she still has a little bit of control over her appearance.

She was immediately moved by the warm invitation from two beautiful women. And it was indeed almost meal time, and she was actually a little hungry.

Mao Lilan looked at Jiang Xia's expression and found that she didn't mean to refuse. Instead, she looked forward to it.

So she also started to help Izumi Kayo recommend people, and at the same time smiled at her and said: "Then I won't bother you."

——Jiang Xia is usually either dealing with troublesome clients or solving bloody murder cases. As a high school student, there are too few warm daily entertainment lives.

Sure enough, it is better to socialize more with enthusiastic and cheerful people, which will be more conducive to maintaining his positive attitude!

The three people quickly reached an agreement and happily wanted to go out.

However, he had just taken two steps when he was suddenly pulled from behind.

"...Wait!" Sakurako Yamamoto sighed, "Nami hasn't arrived yet."

"Oh, right!" Izumi Kaiyori came back to his senses and slapped his forehead awkwardly, "I almost forgot."

"...?" Mao Lilan paused and looked at Quan Jiayangli. If it were me, in this situation, I would never forget to wait for Sonoko. But if it's Sonoko...well...

Thinking about it this way, when looking at Izumi Kayari, Mao Lilan always felt a little friendly. Although the elegant lady in front of her with long hair reaching her waist is far calmer than Suzuki Sonoko based on her appearance.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

Fortunately, within two seconds, a sound suddenly came from the escalator.

Someone waved to this side and said hello several times: "Jiayangli, Sakurako!"

Jiang Xia withdrew his gaze and followed his voice toward the escalator.

They saw a gentle-looking woman with short hair appearing in front of them as they ascended the escalator. Soon, the escalator took her up to this floor. The woman trotted over, took a few breaths, and said in a soft voice: "You guys arrived so early."

Sakurako Yamamoto's expression was a little complicated: "It's you who are too late."

Kinda Nami smiled sweetly and looked like she wanted to be cute.

She found that two young strangers suddenly mixed into the team of old classmates, so she looked at Mao Lilan curiously, at Jiang Xia, and then at her two friends: "Is this...?" It looked good. look familiar.

"It's Jiang Xia, the detective I often talk about." Jayangli showed off as if he had "found a treasure." "He agreed to go to dinner with us."

The short-haired woman blinked blankly, as if she was not star-struck or understood the detective.

However, who doesn’t like handsome and neat young people?

She quickly smiled at Jiang Xia: "Hello!"

The three people I met at the station were college classmates, and they have graduated for several years now.

On the way, Mao Lilan heard the three of them chatting about "the class reunion last week" and couldn't help but curiously interjected: "Get together once a week? - You have such a good relationship. I hope we can meet each other when I go to college. Such a friend."

"Haha, we do have a good relationship, but we don't have dinner parties that often."

Izumi Kaori held Yamamoto Sakurako's arm with one hand, and the other hand was about to move, seemingly wanting to hold Jiang Xia's arm naturally:

"There were only three of us at the dinner party last week, but we also have a good friend who has been working abroad. Yesterday she suddenly returned to China due to something. This is a rare opportunity, so we plan to seize the time and hold another small class reunion."

Jiang Xia nodded politely while listening, looking very attentive.

But in fact, his attention had already drifted to the surrounding streets.

——This street looks more and more familiar the more you walk on it.

In the past, Jiangxia used a cat to track Subaru Okiya in order to lock down his address and update Shuichi Akai on a regular basis.

...No, it can’t be called tracking.

It was obviously Okiya Subaru who insisted on inviting him over as a guest, so he had no choice but to drive his cat vest and come to inspect his little brother's daily living environment, and also check whether there was any dangerous FBI presence.

In short, during that time, Jiang Xia wandered around here a lot.

And now, watching, Izumi Kayori led them in the most familiar direction.

"..." Jiang Xia walked all the way there and fell into deep thought for a while:

It wasn't obvious before, but now it seems that Subaru Okiya also has some event physique?

Just as he was thinking about it, Izumi raised his hand and pointed in the distance to show them: "We're almost there, that's the building."

Mao Lilan looked over and landed on a small building.

The building was only a few stories high, but it was very delicately decorated, with plants carefully dotted around the perimeter. She praised: "What an exquisite little apartment."

"..." Jiang Xia nodded in agreement. It was really the building where Subaru Okiya lived.

The only regret is...

Jiang Xia sensed the surroundings for a moment, then looked at the ghosts' reactions, and sighed inwardly.

——There is no high-end murderous spirit nearby.

Akai Shuichi is not here.

Jiang Xia: "..." Just after causing trouble with the vest of "Okiya Subaru", he turned around and left his little brother to guard the empty room alone... tui! Scumbag leader.

Jiang Xia silently expressed sympathy for his new subordinate who hugged the wrong thigh for a second.

At the same time, he thought confidently: He's already here, why not wait for a dinner party later, drive Matsuda Jinpei's vest, and go over to visit him?

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