Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1123 1123 [Uzo’s hunting methods] Please vote for me

Chapter 1123 1123 [Uzo’s hunting methods] Please vote for me (`)

Conan: "..." Who would run to an abandoned building with nothing to do?

——Except for the naughty kids who deserve a beating and the chuunibyou who are bored and want to explore, there are probably only those criminals with evil intentions!

the other side.

Nishimura Akira carried the anesthetized Hirokawa Hiroshi and took him all the way to the abandoned building.

This building used to be Nishimura Akira's property. He opened a grocery store here, selling everything, and lived a happy life. However, not long ago, West Village Investment went bankrupt and this building will soon be demolished.

Nishimura Akira carried Hiro on his back and entered the basement of the abandoned building while recalling the sad past.

It's very dark here, and the sunlight shines in from the entrance, but it doesn't reach the bottom. Inside the basement, the faint light outlined a tall figure lying on the ground - it was a man in a suit. He thought he was a decent man when he was alive, but now he is dead with a bloody head.

"Sorry, Hiro."

Nishimura Akira sighed and placed the sleeping Hiro Hirokawa next to the body. "If you want to blame it, it's because you know too much."

He dropped the people and left quickly. He originally planned to hide nearby and observe secretly until he ensured that the building was successfully demolished and the two people were completely buried in the rubble.

But just as he arrived at the door of the building, Nishimura Akira suddenly heard a voice outside.

Thinking of the high school detective who suddenly appeared to stop the car, Nishimura Akira's heart suddenly lifted.

But soon, he was pleased to discover that he had thought too much.

——The person who chased him outside the building was not Jiang Xia who was passing by.

Just a few little brats with no power to restrain themselves.

"This should be it. Looking from this angle, you can see fresh dust footprints."

Conan glanced at the construction notice board next to the building and realized that he was getting closer to the truth: "It will be construction time soon, find the people as soon as possible!"

As he said that, he ran in with a detective spirit, and Ayumi and Genta trotted to follow.

With Conan leading the way, the three of them quickly found the basement.

"Wow, Hiro is really here!" Ayumi happily ran over and was about to wake up the sleeping child.

However, at this moment, the light of the small flashlight flickered and fell on the ground next to him.

Ayumi suddenly froze and shouted in horror: "Someone is dead!!"

"Sure enough. This is why Xiao Hong was targeted." Conan was very calm and had already figured out the general situation.

He recovered from the process of chasing the truth, and took out his mobile phone with satisfaction. While dialing to find help, he explained to two classmates: "It must be that when Xiao Hong came to the abandoned building just now, he saw corpses dumped and even people killed." At the scene, this led to the murderer being silenced one after another."

As soon as the words fell, Ayumi and Genta said, "I see."

Instead, I heard a strange voice first——

"Oh, that's right. A mere elementary school student can actually reason to this point... It's really surprising."

The already dim light in the basement suddenly became even dimmer.

Conan suddenly raised his head and looked at the door, where he saw a tall man blocking the door.

The man grinned with a sinister smile:

"Don't blame me, I was just defensive - the cold bastard on the ground is the boss of an investment company. If I hadn't believed his lies, I wouldn't have gone bankrupt."

Nishimura Akira had a good plan: throw the body here, and when workers demolish the building and slowly clear the ruins in the future, this incident will become an accident where the "unlucky guy accidentally entered the abandoned building and was crushed to death."

Unexpectedly, not long ago, when he was dumping the body, Guangchuan Hong suddenly ran in, waving a shopping bag, saying that he wanted to buy something from him.

In panic, Nishimura Akira sent the person away with a few words. The child didn't see what he was doing and left calmly.

But Nishimura Akira couldn't calm down no matter what.

——The body was thrown away and Hiroshi Hirokawa saw it! Even if the child cannot understand the meaning, what if he tells others what he saw? What if it attracts some curious detective or police officer? ?

...We can't let him live!

This idea suddenly burst out in Nishimura Akira's mind and quickly intensified.

He then caused two accidents one after another.

Unfortunately, Hirokawa was lucky enough to escape in the first incident.

In the second incident, Hirokawa didn't hide anymore, but two terrifying high school students appeared out of thin air and stopped the car that was slipping down the slope with their bare hands... One of them was actually a quite famous detective.

Afraid of what would happen, Nishimura Akira did not dare to delay further. He had no choice but to take action directly, knocking Hiroshi out and throwing him into the basement, intending to let the child and the body die together in an "accidental accident."

"As for you guys...hehe, just stay with him."

In the basement of an abandoned building.

Nishimura Hiroshi looked at the three new children, sneered and exited the door, closing the door hard: "It just so happens that if there is only one child, people will wonder why he is here. But if a group of children enter the building to explore, It makes sense that we were crushed to death together in an accident."

He tied the iron gate tightly from the outside.

The moment it was locked, there was a loud bang on the door, and the heavy iron door suddenly bulged from the inside, as if it had been hit by a bullet.

Nishimura Akira: "...?"...What? Children today actually carry such dangerous toys?

...Fortunately, I came out quickly.

He clicked his tongue, regretting that he didn't stun the three children first.

However, I looked at the clock and saw that there were only a few minutes left before the official demolition. It was impossible for a few children to escape.

Nishimura Akira smiled coldly as he listened to the chaotic sound of the crane starting outside.

He slipped towards the side door and prepared to leave secretly. Listening to the jingling on the basement door, Nishimura Akira smiled easily: "Stop struggling, no one can save you. I will remember to come back and burn incense for you in the future."

"I appreciate your kindness. But you should keep the incense for yourself." A voice suddenly floated from the side.


Nishimura Akira broke into a cold sweat and turned his head quickly.

Before he could see anything clearly, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side, grabbed his collar, and dragged him into the shadows.

Several workers who came to work after dinner looked at the schedule and came to the abandoned building to get their equipment ready for demolition.

However, before taking action, a figure flew out from the side.

Mao Lilan waved her hands and shouted: "Wait, we can't demolish it! Several children have sneaked into this building!"

——Just now, the three adults walked around the area. Although they couldn't find Hirokawa Hiroshi, they accidentally picked up the camera that the Young Detective Team had scared away.

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