Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1124 1124 [Stay away from the scene of Jiang Xia’s beating]

Just now, Mao Lilan followed Jiang Xia around the shopping street and didn't see Hirokawa Hiroshi, but she accidentally picked up the camera that the young detective team had scared away.

Although the camera fell a bit, the landing point was low after all, and the camera was of good quality, so it could still be played back smoothly after being turned on.

The Young Detective Team was responsible for following "Xiao Hong" today. Although they lost track of him several times along the way, there is still useful information in this video.

Jiang Xia pressed fast forward at the highest speed.

Mao Lilan glanced at the side for a few times, looking at the shaking screen, almost dizzy. The "new doctor" has been staring at the small screen with keen eyes. Mao Lilan doesn't know if she understands it, but one thing is for sure - Jiang Xia understands it.

"To this abandoned building."

Jiang Xia pressed the pause button at a certain point, identified the road ahead and behind him, and quickly ran towards the target.

The three of them found the nearest way and ran towards the building, just in time to meet the wall behind the building.

"Take this first." Jiang Xia handed the camera in his hand to Mao Lilan. "Go around to the front and remind the construction workers that there are children in the abandoned building - no matter what, you must stop the demolition."

"Okay!" Mao Lilan nodded instinctively and agreed, and was even ready to knock down the crane driver. It took two seconds to feel something was wrong, "Aren't you going?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Jiang Xia climbing up the backyard wall, obviously not intending to go around the main entrance.

The "new doctor" next to him was slightly startled, and then climbed up the wall. Unlike his gentle appearance, he climbed up the wall very lightly.

Mao Lilan also subconsciously wanted to crawl along.

But she had a camera in her hand and was wearing a skirt. After hesitating for a moment, he followed Jiang Xia's instructions and quickly walked around the courtyard along the wall to find the construction team.

Fortunately, Jiang Xia calculated the time very accurately.

Mao Lilan successfully shouted and stopped the construction team before they took action.

"A child ran in?!" The captain was shocked.

Although he didn't want to delay the construction, he didn't want to crush anyone, so he immediately turned on the intercom, contacted other people, and asked all parties to stop their actions.

Mao Lilan looked at this scene and secretly breathed a sigh of relief: As long as the building does not collapse, other things should be just minor problems for Jiang Xia who sneaked into the building.

There is no need to worry about Jiangxia's safety. And if Jiang Xia is fine, he will definitely be able to find those children as quickly as possible, so the children will be fine too. In this case……

A thought suddenly flashed through Mao Lilan's mind.

"..." The prisoner probably doesn't matter.

Thinking of this, her originally relaxed demeanor suddenly became tense again.

Next to him, the construction team leader finished communicating with others one after another.

He mobilized some manpower and turned to look at Mao Lilan. Seeing the worried look on the female high school student's face, he comforted him: "Don't panic, let's find the child who sneaked in together - there aren't many things in this building, and as long as you don't climb too high, there's not much danger."

"...Well, okay, thank you."

Mao Lilan thanked her, but her eyes had already drifted to the side with a guilty conscience.

However, thinking of Dr. Xinchu who followed Jiang Xia into the building, she felt relieved again - if something really happened, Dr. Xinchu would definitely stop Jiang Xia!

"I'm not sure where they are in the building." Mao Lilan hesitated for a moment, and suddenly remembered something Jiang Xia had muttered on the way.

She had an idea: "Does this building have a basement or some kind of metal warehouse? The children's phones have been unable to get through. They are probably in a place with poor signal!"

Two minutes ago.

Although this building is about to be abandoned, it was built with high quality and good sound insulation.

Even so, some unharmonious movements were still close to the ground on the first floor and faintly spread into the basement.

"...Is it an illusion?" Ayumi squeezed next to her companions, her eyes a little dazed, "I seemed to hear the sound of brother Jiang Xia beating someone."

Conan raised his head and looked diagonally upward, his eyes twitching slightly. Yes, the movement and rhythm do seem more and more similar the more they sound.

Conan was still groping anxiously in the empty basement, trying to find something to kick with and break the door so he could escape before the building was demolished.

But now, he calmed down and looked at his watch.

——The minute hand has passed the hour, but the demolition work has not yet begun.

Jiang Xia must have found this place through some clues, negotiated with the construction team, and stopped the demolition.

"My lord's identity is so useful." Conan silently thanked Jiang Xia for his countless emergency rescues, but felt a little sad at the same time, "Whether it's the police or the construction team, everyone will believe whatever you say."

Once upon a time, Kudo Shinichi had such a glorious moment, but unfortunately now...

Alas, the abominable Gin, the abominable black organization, the abominable APTX4869.

Conan's sigh was very genuine.

But at this time, Yuantai and Ayumi next to him had no intention of discussing "the persuasiveness of children's speech" with him.

They were obviously more concerned about another issue and were discussing in a low voice: "How about we hide first? The screams of the uncle on the top of the building are getting weaker and weaker, and he has stopped beating. It sounds like he can't knock for too long. What if? Brother Jiang Xia hasn’t had enough fighting..."

Upon hearing this proposal, Ayumi couldn't help but feel her heart beat.

After a moment, he shook his head cautiously:

“Although we ran into this building that was marked ‘No Entry’, we were still rescuing people after all, and we were not exactly ‘bad boys’.

"Even if brother Jiang Xia wants to fight, he probably only wants to fight a little bit, and it is unlikely that he will do it immediately.

"But if we hide, what if brother Jiang Xia beats us even with the cover? After the beating is over, he says, 'I'm sorry, I didn't see clearly, I thought it was the gangster's associates hiding here'..."

The miserable images of that time appeared in the minds of the two children. They looked at each other and shuddered in unison.

Conan listened with his ears straight: "..."

Is it an illusion? Bumei seems to have become smarter. Thinking about it carefully, this really seems like something Jiang Xia would do... No, no, no, why would Jiang Xia beat a child?

Hiss, the imaginations of these two primary school students are so rich that I was almost misled by them.

However, Conan still listened to what the two said.

He stood up and dragged Hirokawa who was still sleeping on the ground: "Let's move to the side. I always feel that the floor of this building is not very strong."

...It would be terrible if Jiang Xia accidentally smashed through the floor while using someone as a sack, burying their group of friendly troops underneath.

Only then did the two children realize that there was such a risk.

They stood up and helped Conan drag Hirokawa Hiro, and several of them quickly moved further away.


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