Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1125 1125 [Case closed]

Above the basement, in a hidden corner of the first floor.

Considering that people from the construction team may enter the building soon. Jiang Xia's knocking force this time subconsciously became a little heavier.

Nishimura Akira was a majestic eight-foot tall man, but he was actually far less durable than he looked. Only the first few howls were particularly miserable.

By the time the crane outside stopped operating, his eyes had turned white and he was no longer so angry. After a while, he didn't even flutter, and he lay flat on the ground completely.

"I fainted so quickly, I couldn't be faking it."

Jiang Xia knocked a few more times, stopped swinging the stick suspiciously, and poked the man on the ground with it. Nishimura Aki didn't react at all.

Jiang Xia was silent for a moment, looking at the tip of the stick thoughtfully: I wonder if Dr. Ali can add an electric shock function to enrich the experience of using the stick.

"..." Well, Dr. A Li may not agree. It’s better to get some related books and let Matsuda Jinpei work overtime to study them...

Belmod folded his arms and leaned aside to watch.

Seeing Jiang Xia's dissatisfied look, she knelt down and looked at Nishimura Akira, feeling a little regretful: "I did faint."

Thinking of Akira Nishimura wanting to lock Conan in a building and crush him to death together, and remembering the way Jiang Xia hit people with a stick just now, Bermod actually felt quite comfortable.

It's a pity that I can't say it with my mouth.

Not only that, in order to prevent Wu Zuo from seeing the clues, she also said in a "Belmod" manner, half testing and half mocking: "You are very special to those children. It seems that you have been 'brave enough' for them in the past—— Is this the legendary lingering conscience?"

Jiang Xia snorted and said matter-of-factly: "Children are precious treasures. It is a waste to die in the hands of such waste. Of course I will help if I can. And I have always been very conscientious."

Belmode glanced at his confident expression and remembered the Uzo-related information that Gin had sent her earlier. The unlucky kid who had just finished helping Uzo was folded and stuffed into a bag for cremation.

Think again about the naughty kid downstairs who has had several brushes with death...


the other side.

a minute ago.

After a brief discussion with the construction team members, Mao Lilan borrowed a spare helmet and entered the building.

They were actually not sure of the specific location of the naughty children.

However, after entering the building, the captain of the construction team listened for a while, and his eyes suddenly fell in one direction. He hesitated and said: "I seem to hear strange noises over there... Is someone there?"

Mao Lilan had actually heard it a long time ago. Although the sound was not clear due to several walls, the thumping rhythm was inexplicably familiar.

Mao Lilan: "..." Based on experience, most likely the criminals tried to escape after trapping the children. However, they were unfortunately intercepted by Jiang Xia on the way, who dragged them away and hid them somewhere.

The new doctor didn't even stop him... But think about it, although the new doctor is tall, he looks very weak, so maybe he can't stop him at all...

Scenes of Jiang Xia's knocking people flashed through Mao Lilan's mind, and her eyes couldn't help but wander.

Seeing the construction team leader trying to find him by following the noise, she instinctively grabbed him and said, "In, in the basement - the children must be in the basement!"

They happened to pass by a fork in the road that led diagonally downward to the entrance to the basement.

Mao Lilan ran down first.

The others just didn't know where to go. Seeing Mao Lilan speaking so loudly and looking very confident, they all followed her down.

Then he saw a tightly closed iron door in front of him.

"It's locked." The captain of the construction team took a closer look and turned to leave, "I'm going to get a lock..."


Mao Lilan had already kicked him up.

The door didn't open, but it was dented inward visibly.

Mao Lilan jumped back, put down her numb legs, and was a little surprised: "This door is so strong."


The huge vibration echoed in the corridor, and the people in the construction team were shocked for a moment before they came back to their senses: "Here, this kind of reinforced warehouse door is difficult to open. When we go back to get it..."

The tips of Mao Lilan's ears twitched, fearing that on their way back, they might accidentally bump into Jiang Xia, who was dragging the prisoner to dump the body... ahem, dumping the prisoner, and declined in a low voice: "No, no, no."

While speaking, he quickly kicked him seriously again.

There was a loud bang.

This time, the entire door frame fell off the wall, and the door frame fell to the ground, throwing up a thick cloud of dust.

Mao Lilan breathed a sigh of relief, covered her mouth and nose and ran into the basement: "Conan? Are you here?"

Behind her, the workers looked at her legs, then at the door on the ground, and finally at the door frame with debris falling down: "..."

"...This building is too old. The walls must be not strong enough."

"After all, it's all going to be demolished. Maybe the door is broken and the surrounding area is rusty, so..."

A group of strong men gathered together and murmured for a while, barely regaining their correct understanding of "slender high school girls".

When Mao Lilan kicked the door, Conan was already very experienced in leading people away from the door, and no one was accidentally injured by the door.

The children were successfully rescued and their bodies were found.

It didn't take long for the police to arrive.

Miwako Sato, who led the team, opened the door and got out of the car, running quickly into the yard where the abandoned building was located.

The moment she entered the door, she felt something crawling towards her from the corner of her eye.


Before she could see clearly what it was, Miwako Sato had already skillfully raised her legs, dodged the man who wanted to throw herself into the arms of the police, and retreated to the side.

After doing this, she lowered her head and saw that it was indeed a strong man with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

The strong man just woke up from a coma and found that the devil who was stepping on him was gone. He looked up again and saw the police. He was suddenly moved and said, "I plead guilty!! Take me to the Metropolitan Police Department! Go now!"

"..." Officer Sato's eyes twitched slightly and he raised his hand.

Two criminal police officers who had also cooperated with Jiang Xia quickly ran over and skillfully dragged the person into the car.

Sato Miwako looked around and happened to see Jiang Xia and another person walking from the intersection from a distance.

"..." Haha, you've made progress, you actually know not to stay at the scene after beating someone, but take a detour and pretend to have just arrived...

Although the process was not harmonious, it was still a heroic act, and Nishimura Akira recovered quickly. Of course, the police did not deliberately cause trouble for the detective and quickly took the person away.

Belmode stood in the shade of the tree, watching Conan share the case details with Jiang Xia in a low voice from a distance. She found that the cool guy seemed very happy, almost as happy as when he successfully solved the case for the first time independently.

Belmod: "..." It seems that cool guy likes this gift from Uzo... I hope he will never discover the truth behind it.

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