Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1141 1141【Ito and the others】

"It should be Hattori. He found that Mr. Kusukawa had written on a note, but the note on which the writing was written was torn away, so he wanted to see what Mr. Kusukawa wrote through the marks on the next piece of paper... It’s such an old but commonly used method.”

With that said, Jiang Xia also picked up the pencil and painted it again.

Taro Kusukawa used to write very hard as a habit, and the marks of his words were printed on two pieces of paper.

When I spread the pencil flatly like this, the words written by the owner of the note gradually appeared on the paper——

Kenbashi Town, Ito.

There were some scattered numbers underneath that looked like phone numbers. But after all, there is a piece of paper in the middle, so the painting is very unclear and cannot be recognized.

"They should have gone here." Jiang Xia shook the painted paper, "Let's go and have a look. Although we can't see the number clearly, at least we have a name and area."

Like searching for treasure according to the map, four people with different thoughts followed the clues and took a car to Xianqiao Town.

"Ito" is not a very rare surname. When I arrived near Kenbashi Town, I walked around for a while and saw two houses with "Ito" on them. If you look carefully, there must be more.

I knocked on all the doors but couldn't find Hattori Heiji or Toyama Kazuha. Moreover, the Itos had already been harassed once by knocking on the door at noon, and some of them seemed particularly impatient.

Okiya Subaru felt for a while that those who were impatient had a guilty conscience, and for a while he felt that those who were too calm seemed to have something wrong with them.

After looking at it for a long time, there was no conclusion. In the end, he simply gave up thinking and set his sights on Jiang Xia. No wonder when boss Amuro was solving the case just now, he kept looking at Jiang Xia, trying to urge him to take action... It would be easier to wait to hear the answer.

At the end, the four of them came to the door of an exquisite single-family house.

"Two high school students who speak Osaka dialect?"

The owner of the house held a well-behaved Siamese cat and listened carefully to what they said. She thought for a moment and shook her head regretfully: "Sorry, I haven't seen anyone like that - but I went out for a while before. Maybe they came at that time and just missed it."

When Jiang Xia was talking to the woman, Mao Lilan's eyes gradually fell on the woman's chest.

There is a beautiful golden badge pinned there, very small, like a blooming sunflower. In the middle of it is engraved a scale pattern - a badge symbolizing the identity of a lawyer, with a unique number engraved on the back.

"Excuse me..." Mao Lilan looked up and down for a while, and couldn't help but said with a slight excitement, "Are you lawyer Misari Ito?"

As he spoke, his fingers couldn't help but move to the autograph book he carried with him.

Jiang Xia: "..." Your pursuit of stars is too broad.

Misari Ito didn't expect anyone to recognize him. He was stunned for a moment before nodding: "It's me, are you...?"

Seeing her nodding, Mao Lilan happily took out the signature book:

"I heard my mother talk about you! She said that your commission fee is set very low. It's almost like generating electricity for love. You have helped many people in need. You are a very good celebrity lawyer! ... Well, let's put it that way It may be a bit presumptuous, but can you sign your name for me?"

Misari Ito glanced at the book she handed over, glanced at Jiang Xia next to her from the corner of her eye, barely suppressed her impatience, took it with a smile, and signed her name.

While signing, Conan kept looking up at Misari Ito.

He looked at this middle-aged woman who was a little chubby and had average physical strength. He didn't think too much: This person couldn't beat Hattori, or even Kazuha... In this case, Hattori's disappearance might have something to do with it. She has nothing to do with it.

Coupled with the justice bonus from Mao Lilan's words, Conan remembered that there were countless "Ito"s behind him, and asked: "Auntie, do you know anyone with the same surname as you around here who is suspicious?"

Misari Ito's heart skipped a beat.

——How could a child ask such a question? It must be Jiangxia! It was the detective who somehow discovered that the missing person was related to "Ito", so he pretended to come to inquire, but actually came to test.

Thinking of this, a trace of murderous intent gradually appeared in her eyes covered by the lenses, and she wanted to silence these people, especially Jiang Xia, who was too threatening.


Misari Ito looked at the four people opposite: although two of them were weak women and children, there were also two adult men. And this was outdoors, and he rashly drew a gun and threatened. Maybe some nosy people would see it and call the police...

Silencing seems a little difficult.

Misari Ito recalled his actions today, especially those related to Hattori Heiji, and didn't feel anything went wrong.

She then secretly told herself in her heart not to think too much: no matter how amazing she was, Jiang Xia was just a detective who needed evidence after all, just like the two half-dead detectives in her attic, there was nothing to be afraid of - this area of ​​​​surname There are too many "Itos", and they may not be able to find them.

Thinking about this, Misari Ito looked like she was thinking, and answered Conan's question in a gentle voice: "Let me think about it... By the way, there is an abandoned building with the 'Ito' nameplate next to the elementary school in the north. Listen. It is said that every night, there will be people who look like homeless people coming in and out, and occasionally there will be children shouting."

——It does sound suspicious no matter how you sound.

"Thank you, let's go over and have a look."

Jiang Xia seemed not to suspect anything, and turned around and left with a few people.

Misari Ito looked at his back until Jiang Xia turned the corner, then breathed a silent sigh of relief and turned back to the house.

After walking two streets, Jiang Xia seemed to have remembered something and turned to look at Mao Lilan and Okiya Subaru:

"You go to that elementary school first - I suddenly remembered that one of the 'Ito's just now was a little suspicious, so I have to go back and ask a few questions."

Mao Lilan was startled: "How about we come together?"

Jiang Xia shook his head and looked at the looming building in the distance: "We can't waste any more time - it won't take long to turn back, and the suspicious building is not far from here. Maybe when you arrive, I will also Already arrived."

Mao Lilan hesitated for a moment. Although she thought the building was very eerie, she was still worried about her two Osaka friends, so she clenched her fists and nodded: "Okay."

"..." Subaru Okiya pushed up his glasses. He always felt that Jiang Xia seemed to be hiding something, but he couldn't ask questions for fear of accidentally digging up some news related to Uzuo.

He quickly suppressed his curiosity and decided to go to that building with Mao Lilan.

——Mao Lilan has already said she wants to go, but we can’t let a girl go there by herself, how dangerous it is.

With him following you, if something happens, he might be able to help.


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