Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1142 1142 [Hattori Heiji is desperate]

The four men soon divided into two groups.

Okiya Subaru and Maori Ran went to the abandoned building. Conan followed Jiang Xia quietly.

Conan: "..." Speaking of which, he also felt that one of the restaurants, "Ito", was a little weird. Since Jiangxia thinks so, is Hattori really in that family?

Jiang Xia returned to the way she came and headed towards the female lawyer's house with a clear goal.

——When he was at the door just now, he smelled several clusters of murderous aura. They all felt fluffy and should feel good to the touch... Moreover, the attic of the lawyer's house was so hidden that anyone who was trying to stop him would not see it if he knocked on it.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt someone following behind him.

Jiang Xia looked back and realized it was Conan, so he didn't pay much attention.

Mao Lilan and Okiya Subaru are still a little troublesome, but Conan doesn't matter at all. And judging from the real high school detective's ability to attract hatred, perhaps Conan's murderous intent will increase...

a few minutes ago.

On the other side, Ito House.

Misari Ito saw off the detectives and the others, returned to the house with the cat in his arms, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Siamese struggled in her arms. Ito Misari touched the cat and put it on the ground: "Mom is still very busy now. I will play with you later."

While she was talking, she went up the stairs to the second floor, found the attic secret door hidden in the ceiling, and opened it hard.

A staircase fell silently.

Misari Ito followed it and climbed up to the attic. Halfway up, she suddenly felt an itch in her calf, and something passed by her and went straight up.


Misari Ito was startled and looked over with murderous intent, and saw a cat sneaking into the house out of nowhere.

The cat was completely black except for four white paws. It quickly climbed to the top of the stairs, took a peek into the attic, then slipped into the attic and quickly disappeared in the corner.

Misari Ito: "..." It turns out to be just a cat...

She breathed a sigh of relief. Although the attic is relatively hidden and should not let stray people or stray cats come in, Misari Ito also knows how difficult cats are to catch. If you make too much noise, it will be bad.

What's more, a mere cat can't do anything bad even if you think about it. And that cat looks cute...

After thinking for a moment, Misari Ito decided to ignore it and concentrate on dealing with the situation at hand.

She climbed up to the attic, closed the door behind her back, looked at the people in the attic, and slowly revealed a dark sneer.

——The attic is quite spacious overall.

But at this time, with Misari Ito included, six people were crowded inside, and it suddenly seemed particularly depressing.

The six men apparently split into two groups.

Among the group of victims, a middle-aged man fell to the ground, motionless, and looked like he was dead. The other two young high school students were sitting back to back on the ground, with their four hands tightly handcuffed together.

Next to them, two men with sinister faces held guns and were responsible for guarding.

——A few hours ago, Hattori Heiji, Toyama and Ye followed Taro Kusukawa's traces and found their way here. As soon as he entered the door, he was held at gunpoint and pressed up to the attic.

At this time, Toyama Kazuha's clothes were still neat and tidy, but Hattori Heiji was too capable of attracting hatred and was a little disgraced.

When he found someone going upstairs, Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth and stared at Misari Ito, seemingly very unhappy with such a criminal who had no martial ethics.

Misari Ito looked at him and looked at him with a mocking smile: "Oh, how come I just left for a short while and the handsome boy from Kansai ended up like this?"

Her younger brother quickly explained: "When you were talking to those people in the yard just now, this kid actually wanted to call for help outside. I could only punch him twice."

"Tsk, tsk, that's really rough. Look at this face, I'm afraid it will be swollen into a pig's head tomorrow. But..." Ito Misari touched Hattori Heiji's face, and in the middle of speaking, her tone suddenly dropped, as if she was feeling pity. Turning into a threat, "Whether there will be a 'tomorrow' depends on your performance."

Hattori Heiji snorted coldly, looking a little unwilling.

Misari Ito has been dealing with various customers all year round and has a good ability to recognize people. She looked at Hattori Heiji for a moment, understood, and smiled proudly:

"Do you expect that Tokyo detective to find you trapped here? - It's a pity that Jiang Xia didn't suspect me. Originally, I wanted to see the legend of solving the case with my own eyes, but now it seems that it's just the media's boring Just flattery.

"Okay. Now that the troublemaker is gone, stop playing tricks. Quickly solve the puzzle for me."

With that said, Misari Ito threw a piece of paper in front of Hattori Heiji.

The paper is a 7×7 grid with various letters and numbers written in it, written by Taro Kusukawa.

Misari Ito sat down on the middle-aged man's body, looked down at him, and said with disgust: "This bastard Kusukawa will really find trouble for me, leaving such a mysterious puzzle, thinking it is a bank vault." The answer to the mystery... Fortunately, a detective came to the door himself."

She pointed her gun at Hattori Heiji: "You detectives should be very good at solving puzzles - tell me the answer before dawn tomorrow."

Misaki Ito said it lightly, but when she was stared at by Jiang Xia downstairs just now, for some reason, she always had a bad premonition and felt that she had been exposed every moment.

"..." Fortunately, it seems now that she is overthinking. They must have been led astray by the unscrupulous media and mistakenly thought that Jiang Xia was really a powerful character...

Thinking of the situation just now, Misari Ito couldn't help but feel a little angry: If Taro Kusukawa hadn't manipulated her evidence, how could she, a senior lawyer who was superior, be afraid of a kid in high school.

Misari Ito is indeed a lawyer with a good reputation and does not pursue legal fees.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't love money - on the contrary, she has her own way of making money. The bulk of Misari Ito's income is actually from helping the wealthy to evade taxes and solve other possible problems. The remaining commissions are just tools for her to increase her reputation.

Relying on his own ability and reputation, Misari Ito has been successful in his career.

However, when she was feeling proud, Taro Kusukawa suddenly came to her door and told her, "If you don't want those criminal evidence to be made public, wash your hands in a golden basin and don't do those things again."

"Oh, how dare you negotiate terms with me and tell me not to do that line of work anymore - in fact, you just want to blackmail me."

Misari Ito stood up and kicked the corpse: "You actually thought you could escape by storing the evidence in a bank vault and writing the password as a riddle... It's a pity that this guy almost managed to force him out without beating him. The answer is that he suddenly died.

"Fortunately, I have always been lucky - a detective who knows how to solve mysteries happened to come to my door..."

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