Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1165 1165 [I’m too cruel, don’t come near me] Please vote for me

Chapter 1165 1165 [I’m too cruel, don’t come near me] Please vote for me ヽ(〃〃)~

After Xuanda Lunde finished speaking seriously, he looked at the three high school students with tears in his eyes, waiting for them to call the police.

However, Mao Lilan and Toyama Kazuye, who seemed to be very talkative, just turned to look at Jiang Xia, who looked determined. Then they turned back and touched their chins as if they were infected by the detective. Why?

"But, in the final analysis, this is just your speculation - you don't sound like you have any grudges against your neighbor and have a very good relationship. Why did you burn his house? When you burned the Fourth Chome just now, it was not bedtime. Why did you Will you suddenly sleepwalk? And what's going on with Second-Chome and Third-Chome? You probably don't know those people at all, right?"


Xuantian Lunde was stunned by their questions. He paused and then said hesitantly: "Maybe I have developed from sleepwalking to split personality, and it was my other personality that set the fire..."

As he spoke, he became less sure. Because if you think about it carefully, when Mrs. Zhujiao's house caught fire this afternoon, he was conscious the whole time, and there seemed to be no fragments of time. He had no memory of how he set the fire.

When Jiang Xia heard that he finally stopped arguing, she nodded happily: "Have you read Agatha Christie's mystery novels?"

Xuantian Longde was startled and shook his head: "I am usually too busy and rarely read novels."

"No wonder." Jiang Xia seemed to have expected his answer, "Then I suggest you read more to avoid being blamed using common techniques - among her novels, there is a famous ABC murder case, in which one of the supporting characters and Your situation is similar.

"The murderer hid the target he really wanted to kill among a series of people with similar characteristics, thereby obscuring the motive for the murder and creating a scapegoat like you.

"The current situation is that besides you, there are three other important suspects in this serial arson case. It just so happens that one of them is a Feng Shui master, one is a fortune teller, and there is a psychiatrist... all of them can pass through some kind of Either superstitious or scientific methods affect your actions.

"I think that instead of shouldering the blame for others, you should take the initiative and help us deceive the real culprit... Well, help us make the real culprit realize his mistakes and correct them as soon as possible."

As he said this, Jiang Xia looked at the antique store manager who insisted on handing out flyers from morning to night, and accurately guessed what he cared about:

"If you are the real culprit, you should indeed turn yourself in. But on the other hand, if not, have you ever thought about the scale of reports this serial arson case that has attracted media attention will attract?

"Not everyone who has seen the rumors can see the clarification information in time, which means that there will always be some people in the future who think your store is the 'murderer's store' - you don't want your beloved store to... Take this stigma.”

"..." Xuantian Longde was convinced.

He really didn't want to damage the store he worked so hard to run, and he didn't want him to be a crazy arsonist - otherwise he wouldn't have delayed it until the fourth arson case with high suspicion that he was the murderer. Only after a life was lost did he plan to confess and "surrender".


Xuantian Longde raised his head, looked at the confident young detective opposite, and asked carefully: "What should I do specifically?"

"After the arson incident, haven't you been receiving relevant mental treatment?" Jiang Xia thought for a while and made a friendly suggestion, "Although I think the murderer is not you, this is just a speculation after all, and further confirmation is needed - - It is better to tell your doctor about your suspicions about sleepwalking and split personality, without hiding anything, so that he can give more professional advice.

"In addition, if possible, I would like to go to your house tomorrow to look for possible clues. After searching, I can make a bunk on the spot and keep an eye on you all night to see if you will sleepwalk after falling asleep."

At first, Xuenta Lunde nodded repeatedly while listening.

Hearing the last sentence, he was stunned for a moment: "But if I suddenly switch to the murderer's personality at night, it will be very dangerous for you to stay near me..."


Suddenly there was a shout from downstairs.

Xuantian Longde was startled, and the rest of his words were interrupted.

He nervously turned his head to look at the entrance of the corridor, and saw a strange combination of a familiar police officer, a dark-skinned detective who looked like a high school student, and an elementary school student rushing upstairs.

The three newly arrived people looked a little solemn at first.

However, after hearing what happened just now, especially Xuenta Lundoku's intention to surrender, the two detectives quickly understood.

Police Chief Gongchang thought of something, looked at Xuantian Longde, and confirmed with relief:

"So you appeared nearby around the time of the fire at Zhujiao's house, and you looked panicked. In fact, it wasn't because you were stepping in to commit a crime, but because you were busy recycling the Guan Yu keychain that had been sent out?"

"Yes." Xuan Tian Lunde sighed: "After the arson incident, I was very scared, so I found an excuse to change the small gifts in the store from Guan Yu keychains to common lucky cats.

"Unexpectedly, when I was distributing gifts and brochures just now, a customer was very enthusiastic and opened the box in front of me. Only then did I realize that the lucky cat inside had... unexpectedly been replaced by a riding cat at some point. Guan Yu of Red Rabbit.

"I think I must be sick again. In order to prevent the devil in my heart from setting fire to fire, I can only take back those customers who have accepted my gifts one by one, so..."

Jiang Xia nodded thoughtfully: "So why did you suddenly go to Cupido Town to distribute those small gifts in the afternoon?"

"Well, as you know, people in our line of work are sometimes superstitious about Feng Shui." Xuantian Longde said embarrassedly:

"I know a very good Feng Shui master. He said that it is my auspicious position - I always get hair wherever I go, so I went there first."

"Mr. Feng Shui?!"

Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at him in confusion: "The Feng Shui master you mentioned wouldn't call Soga a fucker."

——This is the guy who cuckolded the deceased's husband and went to the deceased's house to find the cheating video tape and failed.

"That's right." Ryūtoku Kuroda mentioned him, with a hint of admiration in his tone, "You young people may look down on Feng Shui. But in fact, Feng Shui is also a complex knowledge - Mr. Soga used to study medicine, and originally he also He could become a psychiatrist with a high social status, but he later devoted himself to Feng Shui. Do you know what this means? This..."

"It means he can not only control you with Feng Shui, but he may also control you mentally."

Hattori Heiji didn't like to hear these superstitious theories and couldn't help but interrupt him, "Now that we have the direction of the investigation, let's go to the crime scene and Mr. Genda's house to take a look."

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