Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1166 1166 [Burn the hateful detective! 】

Police Gongchang glanced at his watch and shook his head: "It's too late today, and we don't have a search warrant. The family next door to the deceased has children. They must be asleep now, and they may not let us in. We will go there tomorrow. Bar."

The two detectives investigating the situation could only temporarily stop. The group of people went back to their homes.

After Genda Takatoku got home, he couldn't sleep at all. He was afraid that as soon as he closed his eyes, he would go to some fifth house and burn down the house.

He stayed up all night, and in the morning, he suddenly remembered what Jiang Xia had said before, and quickly sent an email to his attending doctor, Zhu Jiaoliang, hoping to make an appointment and confirm his condition.

Originally, considering that Dr. Zhujiao's wife had just died and his busy schedule, Xuantian Longde felt that Jiang Xia might be disappointed - the doctor might not see him at all.

However, unexpectedly, less than half an hour after the email was sent, Dr. Zhujiao sent a reply:

[Something happened at home and I have suspended my work. I will not receive patients in the near future.

But I always feel that we get along very well, and it’s not an exaggeration to say we are friends. In this case, I will make another exception and treat you - I will be free all day tomorrow, and you can come to me at any time. ]

Xuantian Longde breathed a sigh of relief and was a little moved: Doctor Zhukaku is really a warm-hearted person. With his help in diagnosing the mental illness, and Jiang Xia's reasoning ability, the real culprit should be found soon.

I really look forward to seeing the power of medicine and detectives join forces.

the next day.

Several detectives remembered yesterday's plan and first went to the scene of the arson in Cupido Town 4-chome - the children next door to the Morokaku family seemed to have witnessed the moment of the fire through the curtains that night.

"I already said it last time." The children were quite hospitable. When they heard that they came to inquire about this matter, they immediately led several detectives and police officers into the room where they were watching TV and pointed out to them, "At that time The TV is here, I'm sitting here, and there are curtains on the other side. When Masked Superman started singing the theme song, the room next door suddenly became brighter. I turned around and saw a very big horse shadow falling on it. On the curtains!”

Several people quickly heard the question: "The shadow was so clear, didn't you turn on the light at that time?"

"Yes." The child whispered in a secret-sharing tone, "This way you can have a movie-like experience even at home!"

Yuan Shan and Ye couldn't help but scare him: "But you are still young. Watching TV like this will easily lead to myopia - then you will have to wear heavy glasses."

"Huh?" The child was startled, then turned to look at Conan, showing a slightly nervous expression, "Is it like him?"

Conan: "..." Mine is a flat mirror, a flat mirror! !

The corners of his eyes twitched, he silently pushed up the glasses he used to confuse his appearance, turned his head, and decided not to argue with the little brat.

The brat, while infuriating, does provide an extremely important clue.

——The shadow he saw at first was very upright. It did not flicker or shake like it usually does when it is illuminated by flames. It only started to shake later.

And this means that before the flames burned, there was another unusually bright thing that lit up first, and then suddenly caught fire.

"It should be an incandescent lamp." Hattori Heiji and Conan discussed in a low voice, "In this case, the modus operandi will be very clear. The 'alibi' of not being here at 7:30 will also be overturned - there are The suspects are indeed those three guys, especially those two men - I have long thought that relying on alibi to identify the only murderer sounds too dreamy and unreasonable..."

After going to the crime scene, and then going to Xuenta Takatoku's house to look for clues, everything will almost be over.

Xuantian Longde went to the hospital for treatment, and he didn't know when he would come back.

Hearing that several detectives were going to his house, he gave the spare key to the leader of the Gongchang Police Department in advance.

When the detectives went to Xuenta Longtoku's house to look for clues.

On the other side, Xuanta Longtoku came to the place he had made an appointment with Zhukaku Akira, and was chatting with his trusted doctor Zhukaku about recent events.

"...In other words, you suspect that you may have delusional disorder, or one of the types of schizophrenia. Paranoia is because you think the arsonist is you, and split personality means you think you really set the fire? "Zhu Jiaoming pushed up his glasses, with a gentle expression on his face, but his heart was in turmoil.

——It shouldn’t be like this.

He had planned everything carefully. Now, Xuantian Lunde should firmly believe that he is the arsonist and even run to surrender. But……

Zhu Jiaoming couldn't help but ask: "...why do you think so?"

"Actually, at the beginning, I was pretty sure that I was the arsonist." Xuenta Longde sighed, "But there was actually someone willing to believe me - Jiang Xia... It was that very powerful detective who told me that there was a movie called "ABC Murder" In the novel "The Case", the supporting characters in it were in a very similar situation to mine. After reading it, I found that this was really the case."

"..." Zhu Jiaoming's cold sweat flowed silently: What a damn detective, why do you tell others reasoning stories when you have nothing to do...

Xuenta Lundoku is not very good at observing words and expressions, especially not being able to observe the changes in a psychiatrist.

Although in the explanation given by Jiang Xia and others, Zhu Jiaoming is also one of the suspects who can control his mind.

But Genda Ryūtoku always felt that Mr. Feng Shui seemed more suspicious - only that Feng Shui Mr. Genda Ryōtoku could accurately arrive at the "auspicious position" of Cupido Town and issue keychains on the day when Mrs. Morokaku was burned to death. .

Xuantian Longtoku: "..." However, Dr. Zhujiao and Mr. Feng Shui Master seem to be close college classmates and have known each other for many years.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally concealed the matter. Continued to talk about other things.

"At that time, after listening to Jiang Xia's words, I felt that I really shouldn't surrender easily. I should at least investigate first to find out the evidence that I am or am not an arsonist. If I am imprisoned, no matter whether the detectives want to investigate me or not, If you still want to ask me questions about related matters, it will be very troublesome. Besides..."

Xuantian Longde looked at the haggard Zhu Jiaoming and apologized: "If it is really me who burned your wife to death, I am willing to bear any responsibility and use everything I own as compensation. You can also beat me first, Then send me in."

"!" Dr. Zhujiao heard him mention the deceased and suddenly had an idea.

The next second, like a grieving husband who tried hard to suppress his private emotions but failed, he suddenly slammed the table and his tone became sharp: "But what if you are really an arsonist! What if you today Will I burn another innocent person to death as soon as I fall asleep at night?! I..."

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