Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1174 1174 [Vodka is coming]

Previously, Gin wanted to blow up a woman on the Shinkansen to silence her. But the time bomb he left behind was taken away by "Anonymous Miss" just before it exploded - because of this incident, Gin was undermined countless times by his colleagues with vicious tongues.

It was also from then on that the mysterious "Anonymous" organization gradually appeared everywhere.

After the Shinkansen incident, the black organization briefly paid attention to "Anonymous" for a while, but soon turned its attention away - after all, the black organization is a large organization with a long history and tentacles all over the world. There are enemies and allies everywhere, and I have come into contact with too many different peers.

Compared with those organizations, the newly emerged "Anonymous" has not only caused trouble for Gin, but has actually not carried out many activities related to black organizations. It wasn't until the "Sindora Holographic Game" incident that kidnapped the top second generation of the island country a while ago, and Anonymous announced that he was responsible for the incident, that the black organization really paid attention to it.

However, it turns out that whether you pay attention to it or not, the result is the same.

——Even if they investigate carefully, the information obtained by the black organization is not much more than before.

Personnel, capital flow, activity venues... In all aspects, the black organization failed to catch any clues about this organization.

The "Anonymous Organization" is simply like a fictitious existence that is made up out of thin air and does not exist in the world. However, they carried out a series of actions in a very realistic manner, and even quietly mastered the unimaginable technology of "growing artificial intelligence", and then planned the "kidnapping of fifty second-generation island country players". A large-scale attack like a game where you will die if you clear the level.

...It's so scary, in short, it's so scary.

"I know that you are one of the Anonymous ones. You have already announced your responsibility during Sindora's holographic game before."

Belmode showed a little charming smile that she often used when making clichés. She leaned close to Jiang Xia and softened her voice: "Rather than these general introductions, I want to know more about you - can't you tell me about your more specific identity, such as 伱What’s your code name? What’s your position? Why did you invite me here?”

"A more specific identity?" Jiang Xia is not very good at naming. He has thought about this problem for a long time, but for a while he couldn't figure out what his code name in the anonymous name should be - he can't just call him "Psychic Medium", it sounds like Very unscientific...

So he smiled and used unclear and harsh words to fool him: "Since I appear in front of you as 'Anonymous', then I am just 'Anonymous', and the purpose of the organization is my purpose, no need to distinguish. "

As he said that, Jiang Xia glanced at Ginjiu with his peripheral vision - the absolute loyalty of Anonymous, an "organization made by everyone", compared with Ginjiu's black organization full of undercover agents... I wonder if Ginjiu will get jealous again. A little murderous.

But looking at it this way, Jiang Xia was slightly surprised to find that Gin Jiu's reaction was rather dull.

Jiang Xia: "..." Alas, that's right. Although Gin knew that there were "rats" in the organization, he probably didn't expect that there were so many lurking around him... Is this the legendary ignorance is bliss?

The two bottles of real wine stayed in the game space for a while, and the murderous aura on their bodies gradually stabilized.

Although he might be able to squeeze out a lot more if he mocked her again, that would be too inconsistent with the elegant image of Anonymous... Jiang Xia knocked on the edge of the table regretfully, and soon, vodka appeared on the "monitoring screen" beside the wall. figure.

Vodka had just finished taking a shower and was wiping his hair. Of course, he also washed his hands carefully and intensively cleaned all places where the glasses might come into contact.

After that, he opened the box with the idol's signature and took out the "gaming glasses", as if he was debating whether he should wear them or not.

At this moment, a string of laughter like silver bells came from the glasses. Judging from the timbre, it was the lead singer of the emerging idol group that Vodka had recently become a fan of.

Almost at the same time, the lens also lit up.

Under Vodka's surprised gaze, several slender and beautiful figures bounced across it. The beautiful idol sisters dressed in fancy sci-fi uniforms danced together, like a blooming flower, reaching out to invite people outside the screen:

"Are you ready to enter our world?"

Vodka's eyes shone: "!!"

A few seconds later, in Noah's game space.

Gin: "..."

Belmode: "..."

Vodka was confused and panicked: "...Brother?"

……Why? ! How did things come to this? ?

The idol game that was promised turned out to be...

"...This is Anonymous's holographic game." If the gun was still in hand, Gin might be tempted to shoot him now.

But the gun wasn't there.

And vodka is embarrassing enough as it is, and it cannot continue to be a joke to outsiders.

Gin made a mental note of this account, and ignored Vodka, who had a very shameful way of playing the game. He turned to look at the young man behind the desk, and sneered without saying anything: "How dare you even have such a private hobby?" You can find out everything, your intelligence network is really incredible."

The young man accepted this offbeat compliment without any guilt and pointedly said: "We know everything."

"How dare you say that..." Gin was halfway through mocking when he suddenly realized something.

He suddenly looked up at the screen - in his impression, besides the three of them, there was another "participant" as the mysterious young man called him.

Could it be...

The water waves on the wall swayed slightly again, and the surveillance screen switched.

At the same time, in the office of the game space, Jiang Xia was leaning back in his chair as relaxed as before, planning to leave this "boss version NPC" to Noah's control after the "surveillance picture" became clear, and his consciousness returned to his own in the ontology.

Being a 25-year-old boy doesn't seem to be an easy task, and you have to be ready to cut numbers at all times.

However, for the sake of games and murderous intent, I have to be a bit more aggressive...

Belmod stared at the newly appeared surveillance screen and saw the people inside clearly, and his heart skipped a beat.

——It’s actually Jiangxia.

As a member of the organization with a high status, Belmod is very aware of how important it is to keep the true identity of "Uzo" confidential.

——A well-known "just detective" will use his own way to assassinate those important officials in the future, all he has to do is move his mouth.

But if Wu Zuo is no longer "Jiang Xia", but reveals his identity as a "vicious organization cadre"... When others are wary of Jiang Xia, and if they want the target to give up their vigilance in front of "Wu Zuo", If the script is moved lightly, it may be difficult to go as smoothly as before.

And now, there are four people who have been forced into the game by Anonymous, and three of them are confirmed organizational cadres. In other words...Anonymous probably already knows that Jiang Xia is "Uzuo"? !

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