Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1175 1175 [Come on, Uzo! 】Ask for monthly ticket

Chapter 1175 1175 [Come on, Uzo! 】Please give me a monthly ticketヾ(●`●)~

"..." A little cold sweat broke out on Belmod's forehead.

She tried her best to maintain her expression, her mind racing. After a moment, a sudden idea flashed: Wait, that's not necessarily the case - she has played many games before, and in her impression, some games will have player confrontation. camp.

...Looking at the bright side, maybe Jiang Xia was just pulled in as a detective to "confront" them.

Gin's reaction is similar to that of Belmode.

In addition, he also thought of something more serious.

——Vodka aside, Gin was sure that there were no monitors installed in his safe house. There is no doubt about the vigilance of Belmode and Uzo.

But now, Anonymous seems to be playing some easy-to-release video, casually releasing something of this level.

Gin's eyes changed slightly as he thought of what happened just now: This may mean that not only artificial intelligence, Anonymous has also mastered other terrifying technologies - such as surveillance equipment that far exceeds current identification technology.

... Even his safe house can be included in the surveillance scope. Doesn't that mean that if Anonymous wants to arrest him in the safe house now, or go to Belmode, they can do it at any time? !

"..." This is far from a crisis of the level of "Uzo reveals his identity".

Gin thought about the amount of information he and Belmod had, and his usually calm heartbeat became a little faster.

It's a pity that at this time, even if you want to silence the few people who were caught in the game, there is no condition - this is a space of consciousness. The sneak attack just now had no effect. If you want to kill so many people at once with your bare hands...

"Don't be nervous, I have no intention of becoming your enemy now."

The young man behind the desk seemed to have seen through their worries, and spoke leisurely, with a casual tone as if he was arranging chess pieces: "Your organization still has the value of existence, and the 'User Privacy Regulations' are also two-way - what are you doing?" We keep the 'game' secret, and we will naturally keep your information safe. This is a mutually beneficial transaction."

Two Bottles of Real Wine obviously have difficulty understanding this approach: Are Anonymous really not interested in the organization, or is it because they already know something, so they look down on the massive intelligence held by the two cadres?

Also...what does the phrase "now" mean? Does this mean that one day in the future, Anonymous will definitely try to organize something? !

The feeling of being stared at by a huge creature hiding in the shadows was mind-numbing.

Although Belmode didn't care that much about the safety of the organization, her smile still turned ugly: "...Mutual benefit? With all due respect, I don't see what benefits you can get from this kind of thing. "

The young man smiled politely at her: "Of course we have our plans."

"Oh?" Belmode tried to promote the conversation, "Can you tell me?"

"Of course... you can't." The young man raised an index finger to his lips like Belmod often did, showing a malicious and mysterious smile, "This is a secret."

"..." A blue vein popped out of Belmod's fair forehead.

...Damn Riddler!

Seeing that Belmode couldn't come up with anything, Gin knew enough about himself that he didn't try.

Gin: "..." Anonymous seems to have no need to lie to them - although he doesn't want to admit it, now, these mysterious guys have the absolute upper hand.

Now we can only go with the flow and see what they want to do.

After you escape, you can think of a way to tell the adult the news and take early measures.

Thinking of this, Gin's thoughts paused for a moment, and he suddenly remembered that before he was pulled into this space, there seemed to be some "user confidentiality clause" on the lens.

"..." Although I don't know what it is yet. But combined with what happened now, Ginjiu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Next to him, Vodka has not yet fully recovered.

Regarding the organization, if the sky falls, there will be two other bottles of wine holding it up.

So his attention at this time was completely focused on another aspect.

Vodka would secretly touch the table next to him to measure the feel; he would pinch himself secretly to measure his senses. After thinking about it, he still couldn't believe that this was actually a game space - he even felt that it was exactly the same as in the real world!

Just as he was shocked, he looked up and saw a familiar face on the surveillance screen beside the wall.

Vodka's breath stagnated and his eyes fixed:

...Uzo is also the "player" invited this time? !

"...Brother." He couldn't help but take a few steps towards Gin, and a lot of words came to his lips: I don't want to play games with Uzo! I heard that the rule of the holographic game at the last press conference was that if you lose, you will die... What if Uzo deliberately kills me in the game? I always feel that Uzo has been coveting my position for a long time!

"Shut up."

Gin stopped quickly.

He was still harboring a trace of luck at this time and didn't want Vodka to say anything that might expose the secret.

Vodka had no choice but to pause: "..."

He was briefly pessimistic for a moment, and his strong desire to survive quietly came back to life: Wait, if you think about it carefully, he was tricked into coming in, and the eldest brother and Belmod were probably the same - although the eldest brother and Belmod were not weak-minded. But they are not complete intellectual geniuses after all.

In other words, Vodka secretly thought: Maybe Uzo wouldn't be tricked into this "game" at all!

For the first time, Vodka liked Uzo's magical ability to see into people's hearts and see through conspiracies like reading a script.

Vodka: "..." Hurry up and see through Anonymous's evil thoughts, Uzo! Don't come in, stay away! !

Of course entering the game is a dangerous thing.

But for Vodka, rather than seeing Uzo being cheated, he doesn’t want an already terrible game to evolve into a life and death game with Uzo’s existence. No matter how you think about it, the probability of Uzo dying here seems to be The probability of dying here is lower than his Vodka...

Vodka quietly adjusted the calculation in his heart, cheering for Uzo from afar.

Beside him, Belmode and Gin looked at the surveillance screen, suddenly realized something, and their expressions changed slightly.

Now, the time in reality is almost three o'clock in the morning.

The night for the Three Bottles of Real Wine has just begun, and compared to them who are not very healthy, Jiang Xia, who is always out and about during the day, obviously has a more regular schedule - he has already fallen asleep.

At this time, on a small table a few meters away from Jiang Xia, a pair of glasses of the same style that the organization cadres would never forget were quietly lighting up with a faint silver light like a precision instrument being activated.

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