Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1178 1178 [Are you there? Give me some cadres]

After Jiang Xia put on his glasses, the screen no longer pretended to be oblique, and a dialog box popped up almost immediately.

The dialog box has black text on a blue background. Except for the title and "Agree" at the bottom, the content in the middle is extremely small and densely packed - this is the "user confidentiality clause" that will make Three Bottles of Real Wine unforgettable for a lifetime.

By now, it was clear that this pair of glasses could no longer hide its suspiciousness.

Therefore, Jiang Xia did not think that the "User Terms" was just a piece of ineffective nonsense like the previous three people, and clicked in without even reading it.

Instead, he took his time and browsed through the specific terms.

During this process, it seemed that the temptation was not strong enough. In the background of the "User Confidentiality Terms", in addition to a few men in black with unclear faces shaking occasionally, other interfaces were added.

——A young woman also appears in the background.

The woman is tall, has deep facial features, and has a very recognizable short hair. Walking around the lens screen, using her unique identity, she blatantly seduced the members of the organization.

Jiang Xia was startled for a moment, then laughed, tapped his glasses frame with his fingers, and said kindly: "Although I don't know what the principle is, there must be someone behind it - anyway, you have been exposed, and you seem to know a lot about it. Why don’t you come out and talk about my business?”


In the consciousness space, the three organization cadres who were watching turned their heads and looked at the mysterious young man behind the table.

Ginjiu remembered what "Anonymous" had just laughed at him, and silently gave him a sarcastic sneer:

"It seems that the ones who can achieve 'everything' are not just you bunch of hidden rats who can only rely on technology to be arrogant - why, now that someone has caught you, you still have to hide with your tail between your legs. In a virtual world?"

——Relieve qi, in short, it is very qi-relieving.

Although Uzo usually makes people's blood pressure soar, at this time, it is indeed a lot of fun to see Uzo's target of persecution pointing elsewhere, and to see him mercilessly breaking through the enemy's elegant mask. For Gin, who had just experienced an unpleasant experience, the fun was not even worse than watching Bourbon, who prided himself on being sharp, being tortured.

The young man behind the desk seemed to have a good temper. He held his chin as if thinking. After a moment, he suddenly raised his hand and pressed it on the solid wood table.

The center of the wooden table sank and opened again - the anonymous person unexpectedly opened an era-defining embedded laptop in this 19th-century style office.

Soon, the figure of the unknown young boss appeared on Jiang Xia's lens.

He said politely: "Good evening, Uzo."

"Good evening." Jiang Xia didn't seem to mind that the other party revealed his identity. His attention was obviously on another thing:

"Since you came to me directly and tried to use the image of the organization's cadres as bait, it seems that you did not guess my position on the spot, but knew who I was early on - you invaded the organization's database?"

Although he asked this question, Jiang Xia obviously did not care about the "current situation of the organization's database", but was more concerned about the results of this matter. There was a hint of expectation in his tone: "In this case, you must know a lot of other things." Information about the cadres and be able to pinpoint their specific locations.”

Across the surveillance screen, Gin thought of those cadres who had been persecuted by Uzo, and paused slightly when touching the cigarette: "..."

He felt murderous in silence for a while, and then comforted himself in his heart: On the bright side, maybe Uzo said this just to test how far Anonymous' claws extend, and not to take advantage of the situation...

"I do know information about some cadres, but unfortunately, they will also be our guests and cannot be handed over to you in advance."

"However, I can provide you with some information about expired cadres."

After politely rejecting Jiang Xia's request for black organization cadres, the anonymous boss dragged out Shirley's image and asked her to wave it on the spectacle lenses in front of Jiang Xia: "I heard that you have been looking for her - if you press Agree , participate in our game, then in exchange, I can provide you with some sufficiently effective information."

"..." In the space of consciousness, Gin suddenly realized something and looked at Belmod next to him.

Speaking of which, the "rewards" the two of them received "happened" to be all about Shirley - Anonymous and this group of cunning intelligence agents actually sent them both with the same piece of information, and now it seems that they are actually doing it right. I want to cheat the third one!

...This group of bastards who don't care about fair transactions.

Gin denounced with cold eyes, and selectively ignored his slanderous behavior of always silenced after receiving the message.

But, luckily. The young new wine does not repeat the wrong path taken by the two old-timers.

Jiang Xia was obviously not interested in the conditions given by Anonymous: "Since you know the other side of me, let me tell you straight away - I am not interested in this woman.

"She doesn't have the guts to kill, and she is too easy to kill. Moreover, even if I don't do anything, there will be a lot of people who want to kill her - such an unchallenging target, I want her information What's the use? When I go to college, I'll go find her to PK thesis?"

"..." Although things did develop in the direction Gin wanted to see, he still couldn't help but his veins twitching slightly - Shirley used to be an important researcher of the organization. It is said that once the information she holds is leaked, it will be Organizations cause huge trouble. But Uzuo actually ignored her news...

"What's that expression on your face?" Next to him, Belmode also wanted Shirley to die, but he obviously had different opinions on this:

"Uzzo is right - his talent and energy are indeed wasted on someone like Shirley.

"Although it is indeed not in the interest of the organization to reject Shirley's news, you can't expect a young person who has just been promoted to a cadre to become perfect immediately - constant mistakes and progress are the characteristics of young people, and they also symbolize them. of endless possibilities.”

Vodka, who listened silently: "..." His talents were wasted on catching Shirley, but wouldn't they be wasted on persecuting innocent colleagues? ?

...Belmode, this poor woman, seems to have initially fallen into Uzo's trap, and even thinks from Uzo's point of view.

You have to be careful with her in the future...

"So this is your criteria for selecting targets, I took note of it."

The anonymous boss seemed not surprised that he would be rejected by Jiang Xia.

He thought about it and casually changed it to another game participation award: "The person you want is equally useful to us, and I'm afraid we won't be able to give it to you in a short time. In this case, why not replace it with something else first. For example... not a single sum of money Fei’s wealth?”

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