Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1179 1179 [New ways of making money for the organization]

Gin's eyes moved slightly when he heard this reward.

——He and Belmode unfortunately stepped on the trap and chose the same duplicate reward, but now it seems that Uzo accidentally got extra income.

Gin: "..." The 'a huge amount of wealth' mentioned by Anonymous is definitely not a small amount of money. It is difficult to deal with a large number of assets of unknown origin, and Uzuo does not look like a person who would be patient enough to handle money... In short, after Uzuo takes over the assets, he can let the organization's special personnel do it like some other cadres. Management, the organization takes a cut from it.

In addition, mobilizing so-called "significant wealth" will inevitably leave traces. Regardless of whether the anonymous gift is in kind, equity or cash, they may be able to catch their traces.

The model worker is mentally calculating the various benefits that this "wealth" may bring.

Before he could think about it, Jiang Xia frowned in the surveillance screen, as if he was a little disappointed with the conditions given by Anonymous:

“I thought you guys really knew me, but now it seems that’s not entirely the case.

"The organization is not stingy with bonuses, and I also have many other ways to make money - such as finding a few empty-hearted single rich people to get acquainted with, writing them into the will, and then receiving the inheritance after the rich man's 'accidental death'. If you don't want to If I expose myself, let my subordinates be the receivers, and I will take over their property; or I may encounter a few gangsters who just robbed a bank and died together after internal strife, and accidentally get the money they left behind...

“In other words, I can get as much money as there are outlaws who dare to kill for money.

"There are so many ways to get the so-called 'a huge amount of wealth'. Why do you think such an easy-to-get thing can be used as bait to lure me in? - Could it be that you want to use me to deal with you? If you are interested in our skills, just give me a perfunctory reward, and then trick me into working as a coolie with nothing."

in the game space.

Belmode accepted the fact that "Uzo was disdainful of money" - after all, she had never been short of money. She also felt that it was rash for Anonymous to seduce Uzo with something like "wealth".

"..." But what about Uzo's methods of making money? It always sounds like there's something weird about it...

Gin also fell silent briefly.

Although the moment Uzo refused, he seemed to see a huge sum of money flying away with wings. But the words that followed Uzo made his heart skip a beat.

——Uzo obviously has a unique talent not only in "assassination". Now it seems that he is also a rare expert in raising funds... It's a pity that Uzo obviously has no interest in money. Compared with cases involving large amounts of money, he obviously prefers murders with unique techniques or unique identities of the deceased. case.


"..." Gin recalled what Uzo had just said, thoughtfully.

——Although organizational cadres cannot give it to Wu Zuo casually.

But now it seems that Uzo may be able to lose a few wealthy people with few heirs.

Maybe one day, the organization will suddenly receive a sum of funds from this aspect. When the time comes, the organization will get the money, Uzzo will get the fun, and he can also use his social status as a rich man to increase the reputation of the detective.

...It's a pity that this kind of thing can't happen too frequently, otherwise if the rumors of "Jiang Xia Ke are rich" spread, it will be detrimental to the development of this detective.

The anonymous boss smiled when he heard Jiang Xia's question and explained: "I know you have no need for money, but your organization seems to be in need of funds. You can use it to exchange information that interests you.

"In addition, of course we know that you hate things that are immutable, so the 'wealth' I am talking about is not a dull dead thing, but a person - an internationally wanted criminal who controls a large amount of treasure."

"Internationally wanted criminal?" Jiang Xia seemed to be somewhat interested in this.

The anonymous boss nodded, without any further detours, and went straight to the point: "Activate the glasses and play a game. If you win, we will provide you with clues and information about the wanted criminal. And her people, as well as the treasure in her hand , then leave it to you to hunt by yourself - this should be the way you like."

Jiang Xia thought for a moment and nodded reservedly: "Okay, although it's obviously me who lost. But considering that you have carefully considered my preferences, this condition is barely passed."

With that said, he pressed the "agree" button that had been shaking on his lenses for a long time without hesitation.

The next second, the scene in front of his eyes flashed, and when he stopped again, his consciousness was already in another space.

Jiang Xia seems to have adapted well to these because she has already played the "holographic game" once.

He looked around the office with interest, and was slightly startled when he saw three familiar faces.

"What a coincidence, you are here too."

Jiang Xia said hello to three colleagues with different expressions.

"No wonder these people suddenly thought of using the information about 'Shirley' to seduce me. It seems that they intend to reuse it." Speaking of this, Jiang Xia seemed to have suddenly thought of something. He looked at Gin and Jiu with slight surprise. Belmode, "Huh? Speaking of this, you couldn't have been deceived by the same piece of information, right? Oh, this is really..."


The already strong aroma of wine in the office suddenly wafted up again.

Although he already knew what kind of character Uzo was, when he was forced to face his eccentricity again, Gin still had a hard time resisting this guy's provocation.

The anonymous boss seemed to be happy to watch the internal strife of other organizations. When he saw Gin's beating veins, he did not stop him. Instead, he sat leisurely beside him, looking like he hoped Jiang Xia would increase his firepower.

The two women behind him, wearing black and white skirts, could not help but clench their fingers again.

"..." Ginjiu was keenly aware of these changes, snorted coldly, and looked away from staring at Jiang Xia, deciding not to let outsiders watch the excitement.

Moreover, although he didn't want to admit it, what Uzo said was indeed true - he couldn't always be tempted to chase her to death with a gun whenever he encountered something related to the traitor "Shirley"... This kind of impulse will only be exploited by others.

Seeing Gin's murderous intent calm down again, a flash of disappointment flashed in the eyes of the anonymous boss.

Only then did he look away from cheering Jiang Xia, sat up straight, and said seriously:

"Everyone knows more or less what happened at the 'Game Conference' a while ago. I don't need to say more about the introduction of the 'Holographic Game' - I invite you here today. I have no other purpose. I just want you to help. Test out our new game.

“If you successfully pass the level, we will provide you with the pre-arranged reward.

"But if you unfortunately die in the game, or fail to pass the level..."

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