Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1183 1183 [Old Technology]

While running, several people were also observing the surrounding situation.

It can be seen that the driver Gin is quite satisfied with the environment here: "There are few cameras, and there are no annoying street photos on the road. More people are using BP machines to communicate - the era here should be better than now." Nearly twenty years ago.”

Jiang Xia: "..." That's not certain. Maybe one day, "current" technology will suddenly go back...

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw a pager hanging on his waist. So I took it off easily and played with this ancient electronic product unskillfully.

At the same time, he complained in a low voice like a normal player: "He didn't even give me a memory image and just started running away. It's impossible for all three of us to have amnesia."

Although Gin also played games when he was young, he spent most of his time playing arcade machines. When games with plots became popular nowadays, he had no time to play happily, so he drove with a cigarette in his mouth and did not speak.

Belmode has been involved in many things, and has been exposed to all kinds of things.

She glanced at the policeman who was lying next to him and was still unconscious, and felt that the problem was not big: "This may be the novice gift package delivered to the door - it gives weapons and intelligence. Later, find a hidden place, wake him up and ask Ask about the situation. Since they are the police officers who came to arrest you, they should be quite familiar with the case."

"..." Jiang Xia thought of the way he organized the "inquiry", and felt a little sorry for the NPCs he had accumulated by consuming murderous energy.

However, he turned around and looked at the two colleagues next to him who were wary of the environment and were constantly showing murderous intent...

Jiang Xia became generous again, nodded, and dumped the trouble of interrogation on others in advance: "Come on."

Places at the intersection of administrative divisions are often more troublesome to manage than elsewhere, making it easier for some shady people to hide. Gin's running goal was quite clear. He went straight to the intersection of Nagano and Yamanashi Prefectures and found a remote mountain villa to stay temporarily.

The villa was obviously old. The walls were damp and mossy, and there was a thick layer of dust in the house. It had obviously been abandoned for a while.

The three people got out of the car and entered the door. They dragged the policeman in the car and tied them in the corner.

Afterwards, Gin and Belmode began to check around the villa, familiarizing themselves with the route while looking for things that would make it easier for the police to speak.

Jiang Xia stayed beside the policeman to prevent him from running away after waking up. But it turned out that this didn't seem necessary - the policeman seemed to be frightened by the tragic situation of his colleagues earlier. After waking up, he had no intention of running away. He just stared at Jiang Xia and shrank towards the corner with a look of horror on his face: "You, you This terrible murderer! Go away, stay away from me!"

Jiang Xia: "..." The unreasonable NPC was obviously moved by Ginjiu. What does it have to do with him, an innocent high school student?

He thought about Gin's sinister look just now, and suddenly moved towards the policeman, giving him a malicious smile.

The policeman froze for an instant. He seemed to be cursing in his heart, but he said no more.

"He's awake?" Belmod and Gin happened to check the surroundings and came back carrying some strange-shaped things, which looked like torture tools for interrogation.

Jiang Xia originally thought that this would be a long process, so he also planned to go to the villa for a walk. When he came back, Bai Ginjiu and Belmode asked about the news.

But as soon as he walked to the door despite the screams that were inappropriate for children, he heard the policeman say angrily: "That's enough, stop, I say!!"

Jiang Xia: "..."

He stopped and planned to come back to hear what had happened.

But just as he turned around, a huge bubble hit him.

——This big bubble is incompatible with the painting style of "Detective Copy". It is obviously not something that should exist in reality, but a very "game-like" prop.

Jiang Xia was hit by it, her eyes blurred, and countless scenes suddenly appeared in front of her.

The time in the picture seems to have stepped back to a few days ago.

In the memory bubble spit out by the friendship of the police NPC.

It was afternoon.

In the bubble, the BP machine on "Jiang Xia"'s waist suddenly rang.

The BP machine is a communication tool before the popularity of mobile phones. It is quite ancient. It looks like a rectangular box with an electronic screen embedded on one side.

Compared with convenient mobile phones, BP machines can only receive messages unilaterally - people who want to send messages will call the paging station and provide the content they want to send. The paging station then sends the "sender" and "message content" to the recipient's BP machine.

The recipient can then go to the landline to call the sender back based on the received information, or go directly to the designated location.

But now, Jiangxia's BP machine does not display the sender's message, only a line of text - "See you at Dollies at 17 o'clock".

Jiang Xia himself is not sure where the "Dollies" are.

But the "Jiangxia" in the memory bubble obviously knows this place.

When the time came, he went straight to a fast food restaurant. When he pushed the door open and walked in, he saw "Belmode" sitting at a dining table by the window. When he looked up, he saw "Jiang Xia" coming in. She waved to him with a smile, indicating that she was here.

According to the background set in the game, the two of them obviously knew each other, and they quickly sat down and started chatting.

Jiang Xia also found a place to sit down and continued to look at "himself" in the bubble, wanting to see how this "Jiang Xia" who seemed to be very law-abiding got to the point where he was almost pulled into the police station.

In the Dollies restaurant, "Jiang Xia" and "Belmod" chatted for a few words before the door of the restaurant was suddenly pushed open. A fierce man in a suit with striking silver hair dragged behind him walked in.

——With your eyes closed, you can tell that this is Gin, and next to Gin, there is a strange man who looks very gentle.

"This man wants to meet you." Ginjiu looked at Jiang Xia, raised his chin and nodded at the strange man next to him. This was considered an introduction.

The strange man looked reserved, but in fact he was not afraid of others at all. He quickly bowed lightly to Jiang Xia: "Hello, I am the editor of Yinyu Publishing House, my last name is 'Yaxia' - um, actually, I came here this time to ask you to help decipher a certain code. "


"That's right." Editor Yaxia didn't refuse when he saw the high school detective in front of him, and his expression relaxed a little. He didn't waste time and quickly got to the point, "You know the writer named 'Tachibana Five Willows'?"

Jiang Xia took a sip of coffee and nodded: "That heavyweight writer who is good at documentary literature?"

When editor Yaxia heard that he knew him, he was a little happy and nodded: "That's right!"

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