Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1184 1184 [Beauty Trap]

Jiang Xia thought deeply and continued: "I heard that every one of his books is very popular, but he does not have a regular publishing house to cooperate with, so every time a new book comes out, it will attract competition from countless publishing houses... So you come here Me, is it because Mr. Ju has published a new work, and his criterion for choosing a publisher is to 'crack the code he gave'?"

"...No, that's right." Editor Yaxia was startled for a moment, and then he was even more surprised. He had heard "Gin" say that he knew a reliable high school detective, and he was worried that he was young and unreliable, but now it seemed that this young detective was very reliable.

He quickly elaborated: "Mr. Tachibana will have his birthday soon. He will hold a birthday party at his villa in Karuizawa, and the secret code will be announced at the party. And whoever deciphers the secret code first will be able to To get the opportunity to cooperate with him... I and our publisher really need to get this publishing rights!"

The high school detective did not refuse the commission.

On the day of the big writer's party, the four people in the restaurant - "Jiang Xia", "Belmode", "Gin" and Editor Kamoshita drove to Karuizawa.

The car drove through the mountains. I don't know how long it took, but a magnificent villa gradually appeared in front of me. In front of the vast villa, rows of various cars were parked. Apparently, in addition to the editors and reporters who had heard about it, there were also some big shots who came to support the event.

The party is held in the evening. There are dozens of dining tables in the courtyard, with all kinds of exquisite meals on them.

While the guests were chatting with different thoughts, on the temporary stage in front, the emcee walked up: "Mr. Tachibana Goryu's birthday celebration is about to begin! Thank you all for coming. I am today's emcee, Gui Hengping."

"Gui Hengping?" Behind "Jiang Xia", a person who was familiar with "Gin Jiu" looked puzzled and whispered, "I heard that the master of ceremonies ordered Xiaofuting Chunle, why did he suddenly change the person?"

Two melon-eaters came over at some point and said with a smile: "Mr. Orange forced the replacement - maybe because Chunle's popularity has plummeted recently, he felt that it would be embarrassing to find such a master of ceremonies, haha. After all, it is his It’s my fiftieth birthday, and it’s understandable that I want to make it grand.”

The object of discussion, Ju Wuliu, was already standing on the stage.

"Thank you all for coming to my birthday party." Ju Wuliu is over fifty, a little fatter, with an uncomfortable arrogant smile on his lips. He seems not to want to talk nonsense with this group of editors who are begging for him. Let’s get to the point quickly, “Then, let’s immediately start the long-awaited reasoning game.”

"The completed manuscript has been stored in a floppy disk and hidden somewhere. If you find it, it will be published by your publishing house." As he spoke, Tachibana Goryu showed a malicious smile, "In addition, this There is actually an 'Easter Egg' in this new work - although this is just a documentary novel, the villain in the novel has a prototype, and that 'villain' is currently hiding among the people attending the party. "

When Jiang Xia heard this, he subconsciously moved away the memory bubble and glanced at the nearby gin.

However, Gin obviously has no consciousness of being a "villain". At this time, he is sticking it in front of his memory bubble, checking it carefully to avoid missing any details - no one knows whether this bubble will only be played once.

Jiang Xia thought for a while, and after all, he was playing a "life-risking game", so he had no choice but to become serious and continue to look at the bubbles while no one was paying attention to him.

Tachibana Goryu has announced the clue, which is written on a huge banner. It is a very unnatural sentence, as if it was made up by force - [Saikawa Beki 々なる草を].

A group of editors were a little confused, but at least they could recognize the location "Saikawabe".

There happened to be a small river behind the villa, so a group of cultural people sitting in the office rolled up their sleeves, picked up shovels, and started rummaging along the river.

Jiang Xia seemed to have thought of something, but wanted to enjoy her time off from school again, so she didn't say the answer.

A whole night passed, and no one succeeded in digging out the floppy disk from the river. But the editors were obviously not discouraged and firmly believed that it was because of the dark sky and poor lighting. So early the next morning, I picked up the shovel and ran to the river.

Jiang Xia and Belmode were not editors and were not anxious about this matter. They were sitting in the courtyard having breakfast leisurely.

On the table next to him, Tachibana Goryu was sitting. He chatted with a beautiful female editor, Tomomi Nonaka. He suddenly approached Tachibana Goryanagi, smiled and asked in a low voice: "Tachibana-sensei, that code?" It has nothing to do with 'Little River', right?"

Ju Wuliu did not reject her approach at all, and said teasingly: "Oh? You have solved the secret code? You are indeed a capable person of B1 Publishing House - now that you have solved it, go and get the manuscript."

"Haha, I just want to ask you for some hints because I can't figure out the code." Nonaka Tomomi leaned closer, her fair and delicate hands gently raised, covering Tachibana's rough big hands, full of hints Sexually, "Are you right?"

Ju Wuliu was in a good mood and squeezed her hand: "Then let me give you a hint - if someone comes to you, just say this..." He whispered.

Nonaka Tomomi was confused for a moment: "Ah? What does that mean?"

Although Ju Wuliu was lustful, he seemed to love his puzzles more. He stood up and left: "I won't tell you more, you can go and go by yourself!"

Nonaka Tomomi thought for a long time, but obviously gained nothing. She turned her eyes slightly and fell on Jiang Xia next to her. Not long ago, she seemed to have heard Gin Changzhi chatting with another editor, complaining that the young detective was a hateful Riddler. He knew the answer but didn't say it out loud. At first glance, he was severely beaten by society.

She actually suspected that Jiang Xia was bluffing - how could a young man solve the puzzle that a well-known writer painstakingly arranged in just two glances, so she still found Ju Wuliu first. But now...

Ju Wuliu refused to say, so it was better to take a detour and try Jiangxia. Anyway, there would be no loss.

Thinking of this, Nonaka Tomomi regrouped and prepared to move to Jiang Xia's table. But before standing up, she suddenly saw the woman next to Jiang Xia turn back and wink at her. The profile of her face that had been obscured by hair appeared in front of her, so beautiful that Nonaka Tomomi's breath stopped. The next second, she saw the woman suddenly lean to the side and stick to Jiang Xia's shoulder.

Nonaka Tomomi: "..."

Damn it, these days, if you only need to write a paper for serious business, you should even write a paper for the beauty trap? !

The corners of her eyes twitched slightly, she weighed the fighting strength of both sides, hummed lowly, gave up trying, and turned around to leave.

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