Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1185 1185 [A pen for you] Please vote for me

Chapter 1185 1185 [A pen for you] Please vote for me ヽ(〃〃)~

The previous love in the bubble continues.

Time passed at night, and still no one found the floppy disk manuscript that had been hidden by the great writer, but another big thing happened.

——The host of the banquet, the famous documentary writer Tachibana Goryu, was beaten by the guests he invited.

Probably because he saw that his puzzle had stumped a group of people, Tachibana Wuliu was very happy and drank a few more drinks in the evening.

Then he couldn't control his sexual nature and ran to hug "Belmode". "Jiang Xia" stopped him and accidentally pulled off Ju Wuliu's wig.

In the villa on the run. Gin looked at the unusually eye-catching bald head under the moonlight through the bubbles, and sneered: before, he thought that Anonymous looked too much like him, and when he thought about how long he had been secretly observed, he couldn't help but feel a little creepy.

However, the current development made Gin immediately realize that the three people in the memories were not genuine, but fabrications by anonymous people.

——In fact, if a writer like Tachibana Goryu, who is arrogant and arrogant and has offended many people, is really put into Uzuo's hands, he may not survive the night at all, let alone face the people brought by Uzuo. Playing hooligan.

Bellmode was also staring at the orange five willow in the screen: although she hadn't seen the follow-up yet, she had a strong hunch that the deceased this time was definitely this "well-known writer".

In the memory bubble.

Tachibana Goryu knew nothing about the death gaze from elsewhere.

He was suddenly surrounded by a group of people and was bald. He was furious and turned to "Jiang Xia" to get angry, but suddenly realized that he seemed to be unable to do anything to this student.

So I had no choice but to stare at the editor Yaxia and said angrily: "You brought this person here, huh, from now on, your publishing house and I will no longer have any cooperation, and all publishing rights will be withdrawn. Get this bastard out of my villa right now!"

Having said that, Editor Yaxia did not dare to leave. After all, this was related to his lifelong job.

So a few people returned to the room, and after a while of silence, Editor Yaxia asked "Jiang Xia" to apologize to Ju Wuliu, hoping that the great writer would let them go.

"Jiang Xia" struggled for a moment, but finally agreed and turned around to go to Ju Wuliu's study.

Outside the bubbles, Gin was obviously very disdainful of this development, and sneered again: If the real Uzo was present, let alone Tachibana Goryu, whether this duck can survive tonight is a question - maybe here A wonderful serial murder case is brewing. For example, after the death of Ju Wuliu, various evidences prove that Editor Yaxia killed someone, but then, Editor Yaxia also died unexpectedly...

Next to him, Jiang Xia didn't know that Ginjiu had written a small script that didn't fit the reality without authorization. He only felt that there was a little more murderous intent coming from there.

He reminded Noah not to be lazy and take it away quickly while continuing to watch the situation on the screen.

At this time, in the midst of memories.

It was almost ten o'clock in the evening, and it happened to stop raining for a while.

"Jiang Xia" walked through the soil-covered yard and walked towards the study, leaving a series of clear footprints behind him.

When he got there, he knocked on the door, but no one answered.

"Jiang Xia" then turned the doorknob. The door was unlocked and was easily opened. "Jiang Xia" suddenly stopped when he saw the situation in the room - the study was in a mess, the bookcase and fish tank fell to the floor, and a person stood upright in the middle.

——Ju Wuliu was lying on the ground, with a pool of blood under his head. He looked dead.

"Jiang Xia" was startled, then rushed in to check the situation.

But just as he squatted next to Ju Wuliu, he was suddenly knocked unconscious from behind by a black shadow whose face he couldn't see clearly.

When he woke up again, "Jiang Xia" had a bloody weapon in his hand. Before throwing it away, two people happened to come to the study to look for someone. When they saw "Jiang Xia" standing in front of the corpse holding a murder weapon, they let out a scream of terror.


The memory bubble has burst here.

In the villa at the border of the two counties, Belmode turned around and saw the calm and composed Jiang Xia in front of him. Then he remembered the look of "Jiang Xia" in the bubble waving the weapon and panicking and defending. He couldn't help but laugh: "I didn't expect you to be there." Such a cute side.”

Jiang Xia suspected that the word "cute" actually meant "stupid", but unfortunately he had no evidence: "...this is all an anonymous slander."

As he spoke, he silently made a note for Noah in his mind.

However, think about the murderous aura coming from the two bottles of wine next to me when I was watching Memories just now...

Jiang Xia hesitated for a moment and crossed out what he had just written down.

——Anyway, "Jiang Xia" is "Jiang Xia" and he is him. "Jiang Xia" is a normal high school student who has not cheated. It is normal for someone to knock him out with a sap from behind. Isn’t Kudo-san often beaten...

Next to the three people, the captured policeman huddled in the corner and continued to talk about what happened next:

"The two people who went to the study to look for Jiang Xia were both witnesses who saw him holding a murder weapon and standing next to the deceased. One of them also had a camera, which happened to capture the situation along the way -

"It had just finished raining at that time. When the two people went to look for it, they could see only one set of footprints leading to the study. They were the ones Jiang Xia stepped on when he entered the study of the deceased. There was only one entrance and exit to the study, and the windows had been welded shut. The size of the ventilation window also makes it impossible for people to get in and out.

"In addition, we have other witnesses - Mr. Tachibana's servant.

"At ten o'clock, the old woman received an internal call from the deceased, saying that the air conditioner in the study was broken. And Jiang Xia went to the study at nine forty-five - if it is true as Jiang Xia said, when he came in Liu was already dead, why did the old woman still receive that call?

"Anyway, it must have been almost ten o'clock when Jiang Xia went to the deceased's room to apologize, but the deceased always ignored him and left him alone while he leisurely called the servant. So Jiang Xia became angry and said After Mr. Tachibana hung up the phone, he smashed him to death with a small sculpture next to him, and this scene happened to be seen by two people who came to the study to look for him."

"The evidence is conclusive. We arrested Jiang Xia on the spot and wanted to take him back to the police station for investigation. Who knew he escaped halfway..." The policeman sighed and looked at the three people in the room carefully, "That , that’s all I know, is it time to let me go?”

"only these?"

However, Gin glanced at the pile of improvised interrogation tools next to him and showed a cold smile: "What you said doesn't count."

I am used to interrogating people. Regardless of whether the target confesses neatly or not, I always have to squeeze out a little more information to prevent them from throwing out some unimportant things and hiding important clues secretly.

The unlucky policeman was still yelling or begging for mercy in different ways at first. But not long after, all that was left was a dry sentence: "This is all I really know..."

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