Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1192 1192 [Vodka is so scary] More updates to the leader of the alliance, Patriarch Gan He

Chapter 1192 1192 [Vodka is so scary] More updates to the leader [Grandmaster Gan He]

"What's wrong?" Belmod saw the subtle change in Jiang Xia's expression and moved closer curiously.

Looking down, she quickly understood what Jiang Xia was thinking.

"Kandagawa Publishing House... is only three blocks away from Omura's house." She once again felt the omnipresent malice of Anonymous, "This happens to be what the police call a 'martial law area'."

Jiang Xia looked at the map and recalled the relatively complicated terrain nearby when he passed through that area today:

"According to the police force they can mobilize at present, it is impossible to really seal off this block. The most we can do is increase the patrol intensity - even if we go in directly, the chance of being discovered is probably not as high as imagined.

"But it's troublesome to hide here and there, and we don't rule out that there are powerful people on the police side. So it's best to make a phone call and trick Shi Ren out - I can't get in, but he should have no problem figuring it out. . There were too many people invited to Ju Wu Liu’s birthday party that day, and it was impossible for the police to put them all on the protection list.”

This plan sounds simple and easy to implement, and it is very trouble-free.

However, when he called, Jiang Xia was surprised to find that the number was empty - Kandagawa Publishing House seemed to have changed its number to another one.

Jiang Xia sighed, hung up the receiver, and rejoined Belmod: "...The information Gin gave him has expired, and the call cannot be reached."

Belmode was startled, and then commented unceremoniously: "What an unreliable guy."

Jiang Xia: "..." It feels a bit strange to hear an expert in fishing say this about model workers...

He silently lit a candle for Gin, then suddenly thought of something, turned to Belmode and looked her up and down.

Belmod was slightly frozen by his gaze: "...?"

"By the way, it's better for you to contact the then editor." Jiang Xia's eyes lit up:

"I am wanted now, but you are not yet. You can move around freely in that 'martial law area'. And compared to me, a 'murderer', your affinity is obviously higher - just ask him Just know something about it.”

Belmode nodded thoughtfully: "That's right."

PlanB is generated like this.

Soon, Belmod and Jiang Xia separated, and first went to Kandagawa Publishing House to have a chat with Shi Ren.

Jiang Xia watched her go away, turned back to the hotel, and watched TV while waiting for news.

Not long after waiting, Belmode came back unexpectedly, with a complicated look on his face.

Jiang Xia was startled: "What's wrong?"

Belmode frowned and thought:

"I was targeted by the police - they were obviously paying attention to my movements. After I was thrown away, they searched carefully for a while and contacted colleagues using walkie-talkies... How come I was also on the radar of the police? Pay attention to the list? There are obviously a lot of guys at the party who are close to you."

After Jiang Xia heard this, he looked thoughtful with her, but he quickly understood in his heart:

Eighty percent of the time, it was Comrade Vodka who lived up to expectations and began his "search for Uzo" action.

Jiang Xia: "..." You are much more courageous than you thought. Sure enough, once a person's environment and status change, his courage and ambition will also change, just like the jailors in the Stanford Prison Experiment...

Jiang Xia silently memorized the special attack method against Vodka.

Of course, the joy of discovering a new pressing method cannot be shared with the murderous apple mass.

So Jiang Xia simply agreed with Belmod's words: "Cunning policeman."

Belmod nodded with deep understanding, and at the same time slowly realized: In this place, the "police" created by Anonymous seems to be different from the trash outside... and must be taken seriously.

A cold light flashed silently in her eyes.

Jiang Xia stood by the window and looked outside through the gap in the curtains. He seemed to have a plan quickly: "It seems that there is no way to be lazy. This should be Anonymous to prevent us from waiting passively and force me to jump dangerously next to the police... In this case, let’s go and see how the police here are different from those outside.”

With that said, Jiang Xia showed a gloomy smile that said "it's endless fun to fight with others", got into Belmod's car, came to the vicinity of the "warning area", then got out of the car and left from the alley.

Belmod looked at his back, thought for a moment, started the vehicle, changed to a different direction from Jiang Xia, and approached there as well.

——She can't change her appearance now. If she deliberately covered her striking blond hair, she would look a little strange. The two people sneaking in made too much noise, so she might as well drive to meet them.

When she stole a car previously, she specifically chose a car that looked like it hadn't been used for a while and the owner might be on a business trip.

And as long as no one reports it missing, the police won't notice it at this late hour.

Maybe this car can come in handy at a critical moment.

In the night.

Jiang Xia followed the alley and meandered towards the direction of Kandagawa Publishing House in a natural manner. There was not much cover - in this weather, normal people could not see a passerby's face clearly as long as they did not walk on the road with bright street lights. What's more, compared to when he was wanted, Jiang Xia had changed his clothes, making it difficult to recognize him.

There was one thing that Belmode guessed wrong just now.

——The police in this place are actually completely replicas of the island police that appear in large numbers outside. They are not that smart.

The only thing that can be used to increase IQ, which makes Belmode feel troublesome, is vodka.

Although Vodka is usually a bit sloppy, he has been in the organization for so long and can observe and learn from Gin 24 hours a day.

In addition, Vodka has a lot of advantageous intelligence. When he operates quietly behind the scenes, it will indeed temporarily bring a sense of crisis to people who don't know the truth.

In short, let’s leave aside the fierce charge of vodka.

The other police officers here are actually not that difficult to deal with.

Walking all the way to the door of Kandagawa Publishing House, Jiang Xia didn't encounter much trouble.

He disappeared into the shadows at the corner of the street and looked at the lighted window of Kandagawa Publishing House. He planned to follow the then-editor who was about to appear, and then find a suitable place to show up and ask him to have a friendly chat.

Just as I was thinking about it, the door of the publishing house opened, and a tired social beast walked out.

—The then-editor appeared at the door.

He looked up at the night ahead with a worried expression. After hesitating for a while, his feet suddenly turned in a different direction, and instead of going home, he went to the other side.

Jiang Xia: "..." It seems that the editor at that time was the only one with no companions... wonderful.

He shrank deeper into the alley again.

When the editor at the time passed by him without realizing it, Jiang Xia walked out again and followed Ren Gen silently, preparing to find a dark place to invite people away for questioning.

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