Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1193 1193 [Jiang Xia, take a stick from me]

Things went surprisingly smoothly.

——It was useless for Jiang Xia to abduct the person. The editor at the time walked and came to a nearby construction site, and then stopped.

It was already after get off work hours, and the construction site was dark and seemed a little crowded.

The then editor stared there for a moment and hesitated, then turned and turned in.

Jiang Xia: "..." Quite cooperative...

Too smooth development will inevitably make people feel alarmed.

But anyway, Jiang Xia just came to ask a friendly question. Moreover, this site is not completely sealed. There are gaps in all directions, so it is not difficult to leave.

He quickly followed.

The then editor walked into the construction site for a while, stopped in a relatively open area, and turned his head to look around, as if he was looking for someone.

At this time, a polite voice suddenly came from behind him: "Good evening."


The then editor turned around suddenly, fixed his gaze on Jiang Xia, saw his face clearly, and suddenly realized: "So it was you who called me here?! I just thought it was strange, how could the police invite someone here?" Farming a place, hehe, a murderer on the run dares to pretend to be a policeman, you are really brave..."

Jiang Xia: "..." Even though he knew there was a problem, he still dared to come alone to a place where it was most convenient to destroy corpses and eliminate traces. Who is the bold one...

But these witnesses did not risk murder.

Jiang Xia didn't waste any more words and waved his hand: "I just want to ask..."


The editor at the time seemed less calm than he looked. As soon as Jiang Xia's hand moved, he suddenly jumped out of his wits, pulled out the nearby steel pipe in surprise, held it in his hand and shouted: "I'm not a helpless guy like Omura, just catch me without mercy, you murderer" Commit!"

Then he yelled angrily to take courage, and rushed over waving the steel pipe.


Jiang Xia dodged to avoid the steel pipe, slashed Shi Ren's wrist with a knife, and tripped with his foot.

The editor at that time lost his balance and rolled out with a grunt. His steel pipe was also weak and he let go, and Jiang Xia took it in his hand.

Jiang Xia waved the steel pipe, which felt good in hand. When he saw Shi Ren falling to the ground, he habitually wanted to step forward and hit him.

However, the speed of his movements could not catch up with the speed of the editor at the time.

Seeing that the situation was over, the then editor suddenly said: "Wait a minute, let's have a good chat. You seemed to want to ask a question just now... Well, what did you want to say?"


Jiang Xia weighed the steel pipe in her hand and decided not to argue with this family man who had no murderous intent: "Did Ju Wuliu give you anything or leave some kind of message before his death?"

"...Leave a message?" The then editor seemed to have remembered something and said hesitantly:

"Speaking of which, before the birthday party started, Mr. Tachibana did take the initiative to come to me and say a few words.

"At first I thought he was interested in our publishing house, but he didn't talk about this topic at all. He just told me that if any guests at the party come to me and ask strange questions, let me answer that question. People say, 'Just ask Gui and you'll find out.'"

"Gui?" Jiang Xia quickly remembered that this seemed to be the host of the birthday party.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a snapping sound.

He suddenly raised his head and saw that the pile of steel pipes two people high behind the editor suddenly collapsed, and the hard steel crashed down, burying the editor inside.

When Ren saw the iron pipe falling, he let out a scream of horror. There was no sound soon after, and he looked like he was dead.

The collapsed iron pipe rushed to Jiang Xia's feet like a torrent. He moved a few steps to the side and quickly escaped. He raised his head and looked behind the iron pipe, and saw a trace of clothes passing through the gap in the wall over there. Someone hurriedly escaped from there and disappeared into the alley with complicated terrain.

Jiang Xia looked at the gap and thought for a moment, but did not pursue it.

He wiped off the fingerprints on the iron rod, threw it away, and turned around and left from the other side.

——Someone at the alley was attracted by the huge movement. The two women took a curious look inside the construction site and happened to see a hand stretched out from under the steel pipe.

As soon as Jiang Xia's figure disappeared into the shadows, he heard two screams from behind: "Ah——!! Someone is dead!!"

The screams of the two people quickly attracted the police.

Jiang Xia walked out of the alley from the other side and heard the sound of sirens getting closer and closer - there were vehicles driving quickly on both sides of the road with clear goals, heading in the direction of the construction site.

Just as he was about to find a place to hide, Jiang Xia heard a gentle knocking sound.

He looked around and his eyes fell on a black car on the street. I saw that the car looked very familiar, it was the one that Belmod had carefully chosen to steal before.

At this time, the Belmod man was also sitting in the car, met Jiang Xia's eyes, and nodded slightly to him.

Jiang Xia understood, opened the car door and got in.

This time he didn't go to the passenger seat, but to the back seat of the car.

"There is a whole food street nearby, and there are many cars parked around it. They probably won't check the inside of the vehicles carefully."

Belmod also quickly climbed into the back seat of the car and sat next to Jiang Xia: "If we really check, they won't be able to open the door for a while, and it's still too late for us to drive out - but we shouldn't have to walk This step. In the opinion of the police, the murderer was seen by the onlookers just after killing the person. At this time, he must be fleeing away in panic. The police will not waste too much time in this area and will soon follow your possible Chase out the escape route. Speaking of which..."

After explaining the business, she turned to look at Jiang Xia and asked curiously: "That editor died so soon? Who killed him?"

Jiang Xia: "Buried by steel bars. Someone broke the rope binding the steel bars."

Belmod frowned: "This person really knows your movements, and he always arrives at the right time..." She subconsciously looked at the car, almost suspecting that it had a locator installed on it. But then I thought about it, if it was true, the police would have already looked for him at the hotel, so the problem shouldn't be here.

The police car happened to be parked near their vehicle. The car door opened and several heavily armed police officers rushed out.

The two fugitive "murderers" did not communicate anymore. They lowered their bodies and hid behind the chairs, eavesdropping on the police conversation.

On the street outside the car, several police officers gathered together.

The detectives reported to the police department: "A passing witness said that the murderer seemed to be the detective named 'Jiang Xia' - he had seen Jiang Xia's crime reports before, so he could barely recognize it."

"Well, leave two people nearby to inquire about the situation and try to find the witness who provided clues just now." The police department assigned the task with a serious expression. "The others will go to the nearby station immediately to intercept the suspect before he escapes. "

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