Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1201 1201 [Good night]

Before Jiang Xia could speak, there was already a murderous look next to him.

Today, Gin and Belmod really contributed a lot of murderous intent, especially Gin, who almost never stopped from the beginning to the end. On the way, Jiang Xia even worried that he might be over-squeezing.

But now it seems that these two people still have a lot of potential.

When Gin heard these words, his first reaction was to pull out his gun.

However, thinking of the funny flower that was sprayed out of the gun when he first arrived here, he forced himself to endure it and expressed his disdain with a sneer, adding a mocking line: "——"

Gin: "...?"

His eyes changed slightly, he pressed his throat, and was surprised to find that he couldn't make a sound.

The anonymous boss ignored him. He still looked at Jiang Xia and said warmly: "I want to hear your true thoughts - don't worry about the people next to you. They have promised to keep it secret and will not leak it."

Jiang Xia sighed: "But if I agree, I will definitely be targeted crazily after I go out."

Even though he said that, he didn't look afraid or embarrassed. Instead, he really thought about it seriously.

The anonymous boss blinked silently. There was so much murderous aura that suddenly floated up that his vision was somewhat obscured.

Jiang Xia thought for a while, then seemed to notice something important, and asked: "You seem to have very few cadres. The 'Anonymous Miss' who appeared in the news before, or in the 'Hologram Game', came and went. There are only a few familiar faces here—are you in short supply?"

"We only need elites, absolute elites." The anonymous boss looked worthy of being a boss. He was thick-skinned and showed no embarrassment when it was revealed to his face that the company was small.

When Gin and Belmod heard this sentence, they rarely showed sarcastic expressions - they heard absolute confidence from this sentence, so they did not doubt its authenticity.

And I also want to know that since the Anonymous Organization can master the high technology of "artificial intelligence", no matter how small their scale is, they will never be able to have "only a few coming and going" like Uzo said - those may only be the Tokyo branch. People from the Ministry of Operations Department are still responsible for contacting targets. In addition, Anonymous must have employees in other locations and departments, and control a terrifying scale of capital flows.

As for why no trace of them can be found...

Anonymous has mastered that kind of technology that is beyond the norm. It is actually not difficult to be "invisible" in today's information age. And what the anonymous boss said just now is probably not a lie - their staff is probably very streamlined, and there is no such thing as "peripheral members".

Thinking of this, the murderous aura in Gin's body faded a little: now it seems that Uzo may have naturally used the provocation method to test this organization and then extract information. It's a pity that the anonymous boss didn't take the bait, and the information revealed was all information that could be known with a little thought...

Thinking of this, Gin looked to the side.

Wu Zuo didn't know whether he believed it or not, and continued thoughtfully: "It seems that you don't pay much attention to interpersonal communication. In addition, I remember that the anonymous lady has a tattoo on her face, and you also have one on your hand... Why Do you have to leave something like this behind? Doesn’t it usually make the target alert?”

The anonymous boss said patiently: "We don't need to communicate too much. The common goal will make us connect. As for the tattoo... this is an important proof of joining our organization and will accompany us throughout our lives."

"Goal? What goal?"

“We won’t know until we join.”


Next to him, Gin felt strangely at peace while listening to the conversation of the ruthless Riddler, and cast a disdainful glance at the unknown boss.

It seems that these guys are a little blindly confident.

Indeed, it seems that Anonymous' organizational technology is more sophisticated at present, and the guise of "elite" is also very attractive, especially the terrifying power generated by the gathering of many elites... Unfortunately, none of these have any appeal to Uzo.

After all, Anonymous seems to be a group of loners with no social connections, and there are not many conflicts between them. Their goals are so consistent that they are even somewhat religious. This is really not an interesting battlefield for Uzo.

Thinking of this, Gin felt for the first time that the trash with code names in the black organization seemed to have some existence value - no matter from which aspect, for Uzo, the organization was much more suitable than the anonymous one.

Gin: "..." And no matter what, everyone has a sense of belonging. Wu Zuo was raised in an organization since he was a child. This unknown boss who popped up out of nowhere and wanted to poach people suddenly was just a daydream.

But... why did Anonymous suddenly bring up this topic, and in front of the rest of them?

Gin recalled that in the game just now, he was almost out of control after being tempted by Anonymous...or in other words, he was already out of control, but because it was too weak, it didn't bring much danger, and there was a trace of alarm in his eyes.

Things turned out pretty much as Gin expected.

Jiang Xia seemed to think seriously for a while, then said helplessly: "I think you should think carefully about the conditions you can offer before poaching people."

It sounded like a clear rejection, with a hint of "you don't deserve it" taunting.

Although he had long thought of this outcome, at this moment, Gin still felt a little complicated in his heart: "..." I am afraid that only Uzo, a murderer with unique needs, can so confidently attack a man who has mastered terrifying technology. Organization, say something like this.

When the anonymous boss heard what Jiang Xia said, he didn't show much surprise, but just a little pity: "You staying in that organization is really a waste of talent... But it's already very late today, let's talk about this later - if Changed your mind, you are always welcome to join us.”

The ears of the three bottles of real wine next to them twitched slightly.

Jiang Xia seemed to understand what they were thinking. He cleared his throat, tried to act like he had some information, and asked, "If I want to join, how can I find you?"

The anonymous boss smiled: "When you change your mind, we will take the initiative to greet you."

"Then, that's the end of today's game." He didn't dwell on the topic anymore, as if he was digging into it casually. Seeing Jiang Xia's refusal, he politely stopped and said, "Good night, everyone."

Following these words, several people's vision changed.

When they opened their eyes again, they had returned to the place where they put on the "game glasses" before.

It is impossible to have a good night.

After experiencing something like this, Toru Amuro, who had just returned from a business trip, would not be able to sleep even if he was exhausted.

Gin sat up from the ground and pulled off the glasses on his nose, his face looking extremely ugly.

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