Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1202 1202 [Boss: Gin seems to be broken]

Chapter 1202 1202 [Boss: The gin seems to be broken...]

Leaving the game this time, Gin's consciousness was not interrupted.

Therefore, in his mind, he couldn't help but still thinking about what happened before he came back.

——Anonymous seems to be very patient with Uzo, but the timing of their invitation is too casual, making it difficult to figure out their true motives.

And that seemingly sincere question and answer, if you think about it carefully, actually revealed nothing. It only gave people a vague impression of Anonymous - and even this impression was completely made up with just a touch of lip service. It's hard to tell the truth from the truth.

Gin: "..." However, there is another more important thing than the sudden episode of "Anonymous trying to poach Uzo".

Gin took out his phone and planned to edit the email.

But before taking action, he suddenly remembered something. He glanced at the glasses that were thrown aside, then turned to look diagonally upward, his eyes scanning back and forth on the ceiling.

——Although I don’t know what I looked like before entering the “game”. But Gin remembered that judging from the experiences of the other three people, Anonymous seemed to have used some method to monitor the place where they lived. Because in that "office", the images of the cadres before they put on glasses could be projected.

In this case, there may be hidden surveillance cameras here.

However, after searching for a while, Gin couldn't find any problem.

He frowned and looked at his watch, realizing that an hour or two had passed since he was forcibly logged into the holographic game - perhaps during the period when the "game" was going on, the anonymous people invaded here. Monitoring equipment was removed.

Gin: "..." When he thought about the time when he lost consciousness, someone broke into this safe house and dismantled the equipment arrogantly, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Gin's back.

He didn't stay any longer, and quickly left this "safe house" that was in vain in front of Anonymous and was not safe at all, and returned to the familiar Porsche. Then……

Instead of starting the vehicle, he got out of the car and checked it carefully.

No problem was found for the time being, so Gin threw away the previous mobile phone, found another one, quickly wrote an email, explained what happened tonight, and sent it to "that gentleman".

After that, Gin started dialing, intending to find Jiang Xia, Belmode and Vodka.

——We will talk about settling accounts with them later. The most important thing at the moment is to discuss how to deal with this matter first, and to find traces of the anonymous invasion from their respective residences, and it is best to trace them back.

He can quietly invade the residence of important cadres of the organization and walk back and forth as if no one is around. This is by no means a small thing that can be ignored.

——Even peripheral members who don’t know much about them will rush to silence them as soon as possible when they are on the verge of being arrested. This is enough to illustrate the importance the organization attaches to intelligence. But now, the problem may be caused by the cadres who have a lot of information.

Even if Anonymous has not shown any obvious hostility yet, he cannot take it lightly.

Gin held the phone and looked at the dialing interface. He paused slightly, as if thinking.

Belmod and Vodka don't need to worry, they should know what to do now, and are even preparing to contact themselves... So Gin called Jiang Xia first.

It took Jiang Xia a few seconds to find the phone and answer it.

Just as he said "Hello?", a notification sound suddenly came from Gin's side, as if he had received an email.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Xia heard Ginjiu say "wait" and hung up the phone decisively.


Jiang Xia: "..." Looking at the priority and urgency, Gin probably just contacted the boss of the black organization directly.

In my impression, the mobile phone Gin is using recently seems to be a push-button mobile phone with a small screen. Coupled with his hand speed, if he used it to write emails...

Jiang Xia suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

——Can Gin see clearly what he wrote before pressing the send button?

the other side.

Gin quickly opened the email, intending to check the boss's instructions.

——According to his estimate, the organization will immediately summon the four of them and send special personnel to their residences to search for surveillance traces, catch the tail of Anonymous as soon as possible, and then after listening to them explain the details, find the most efficient security method. Countermeasures.

However, after clicking it, Gin looked at the reply from the adult and was startled.

Compared with the concise and clear replies in the past, the boss seemed to have a little more words this time.

The tone was also strangely comforting:

[Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. This flaw does not affect your excellence. After all, you have almost never had a problem with your job over the years.

You should know that prosopagnosia, or face blindness, is not an eye disease. I've never heard of anyone trying to treat it with glasses.

There should be no normal medical team still open at this time. You have dealt with those shady doctors a lot, and you should know the virtues of those guys - don't take the initiative to bite those unscrupulous bait just to solve the problem in a hurry.

PS: Remember to make time tomorrow and come back.

I didn't think the problem was serious before, but now it seems that you need a real rest and a sufficiently effective diagnosis. ]

Gin: "...?"

He could read every word and knew the meaning of every sentence.

But putting them together gave him a rare feeling of confusion.

"..." The boss chose the wrong sender?

Gin: "..." No, judging from the email interface, the boss clicked "Reply" directly to send it, and judging from the title, the boss's reply was indeed the email he just sent...

Gin's eyes fell on the lighter-colored, quoted email, and he was suddenly startled.

Immediately afterwards, he showed a slightly incomprehensible expression.

Gin: "..." What's the content of this email? ?

The pleasantries before and after have not changed, but the middle part...

He clearly remembered that the email he sent was obviously a very serious email, and the content was probably:

[Just now, after putting on a pair of strange ‘game glasses’, Belmod, Uzo and Vodka, I accidentally touched the confirmation button and were pulled into a ‘holographic game’.

Let’s ignore the uninteresting content of the game for now. At present, it seems that the organization that calls itself 'Anonymous' has mastered a lot of dangerous technologies - before putting on that pair of glasses, I sent them to our research institute for examination, and concluded that there are only A positioning device, and a row of small decorative lights.

Because when I found it, there were remnants of Shirley's hair on the glasses. I suspected it had something to do with Shirley, so I kept it with me. But now it seems that it is actually a login device that can quickly pull people into a holographic game.

In addition, after I entered the game, I also saw the process of Belmode, Uzo, and Vodka being pulled into the game.

——Anonymous may have developed some kind of surveillance device that is difficult to detect with our current technology.

There may be other people in the organization who have been included in the surveillance. Please immediately check who still has those suspicious glasses. In addition, judging from the nature of this organization, I suspect that Shirley is now in their hands or has even joined them.

I will immediately summon a few other people to be at your disposal at any time. ]

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