Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1222 1222 [Don’t go up yet, wait until we finish talking]

"Sachiko?" Mao Lilan thought the name was familiar, and soon she remembered it, "Isn't this the sister on the speedboat just now? The one with Mr. Kasuga."

Jiang Xia was about to say something when she suddenly noticed something and turned around.

He saw Kasuga Teruhiko leaning behind him, looking down at the note.

Soon, the heir to the black leather conglomerate waved his hand and said helplessly: "This guy started acting up again."

"Nonsense?" Suzuki Sonoko asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Sachiko always likes to cause these bloody incidents and wants me to worry about her to prove how much I love her." Kasuga Teruhiko sighed, "What a cunning little villain."

"..." Looking at his sweet expression, the four high school students all shuddered and got goosebumps.

Kasuga Teruhiko seemed to be aware of their dislike and laughed twice: "Don't worry, I will go find her later. I will pick out a gift for her first and give it to her after I 'rescue' her - you guys Go play and forget about it.”

After saying that, he left quickly without joining a few high school students.

When he walked away, Mao Lilan touched her arm: "Is this the sour smell of love?" It's too, too choking...

Conan's focus is obviously not on this aspect.

He was more concerned about another thing: "I always feel that their relationship is a bit strange. And this distress note does not seem like a prank - if Miss Sachiko is really the kind of person who pursues 'romance' very much, even if For acting, would she use this rough mineral water bottle to hold notes? It would be more appropriate to get a more serious glass bottle."

"Indeed, what if something happens to her?" Suzuki Sonoko touched her chin and pondered like a detective, "Maybe this is a story about the boy who cried wolf."

"Then let's go look for it." Seeing them rolling up their sleeves and preparing to set off, Jiang Xia sighed, "Judging from the state of the bottle and note, it should have been written not long ago - this is from Where did it float over? What was its specific state when you saw it?"

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were startled, then stretched out their hands and gestured to restore the original scene.

Jiang Xia and Conan read it carefully, then they randomly guessed a direction and followed it.

After walking for a while, I actually gained something.

Suzuki Sonoko stopped, pointed in the direction of the bay, and said hesitantly: "There... seems to be someone there?"

In addition to beaches, there are many sea caves in this area. Potholes are scattered beneath the cliffs.

What Suzuki Sonoko was pointing at right now was one of the largest caves.

Conan looked over there, raised his hand and pressed the button on his glasses.

The lens instantly locked on the hole, zoomed in, and allowed him to see the scene clearly: "There is really someone. The pink swimsuit...ah, it should be Miss Sachiko!"

There is a flat rock in the inner part of the cave.

Sachiko Nakamura was lying on it at this time, looking like she was still moving and alive.

It was high tide time, and soon the tide would flood the cave where she was.

"Why did she suddenly run to that place?" Several high school students became anxious.

Jiang Xia thought of the detective image she should have: "I'll go over and take a look."

Mao Lilan felt unsafe: "But the waves are very big and the distance is so far. If you go alone..."

She had really never seen Jiang Xia swimming - whether it was a swimming pool or a beach, Jiang Xia always watched leisurely on the shore and seemed to dislike the feeling of soaking in water. And the last time at the underwater restaurant, Jiang Xia suddenly hung up in the sea. If he gets distracted like that again halfway through the swim this time...

She said decisively: "I'll go too!"

"It's better to take this ride." Conan's voice came from next to him.

The other three people turned around and saw the primary school student pulling out a small boat used to pick up garbage on the beach from somewhere.

Conan quickly pried open the chain lock on it, and the other three people looked at each other silently and entered the boat.

Jiang Xia sat firmly and took the oar, then looked at the four neat people: "..."

At this time, shouldn't half of the people be left on the shore so that they can find helpers...

But then I thought about it, the police here didn't look very reliable, and there were a lot of murderous groups nearby. Leaving people alone on the shore is really not as safe as going into a cave together - although the rising waves look very scary, with the mermaid and her skills, they will not drown anyway.

This small bay not only has big waves, but also has turbulent undercurrents, which is very unfriendly to small boats.

However, after the boat left the shore for some distance, their rowing towards the cave suddenly became less laborious.

"It's really convenient to go in like this, but when you come out..." Conan was worried for a moment, and then quickly stopped thinking optimistically, "Forget it, save people first anyway. There should be enough time."

A few people avoided the rocks protruding from the sea, fought with the waves, and arrived at the cave without any danger.

The four people jumped off the boat and saw Sachiko Nakamura lying face down on the wet rocks in a cave not far away.

"Miss Sachiko!" Mao Lilan ran over quickly and reached out to pat her.

Nakamura Yukiko opened her eyes in a daze, looked at them, and recognized the people: "It's you guys..."

As she spoke, she supported her body with some difficulty and sat up.

"Why are you lying in a place like this?" Suzuki Sonoko thought of the female corpse under the sea he met just now, suddenly thought of something, and said in surprise, "You, you don't want to commit suicide!"

"'s Teruhiko." Nakamura Yukiko pressed her forehead and recalled what happened before:

"He just saw that I was unhappy, so he said he would take me diving to relax - he said that when the tide is high, there is a cave that will disappear into the sea, and it will be interesting to explore the cave then. I don't want to disappoint him, so We packed up our diving gear and came here.

"But when we were waiting for the tide to come in, he handed me a bottle of water. I drank a few sips, and suddenly I became very sleepy and lost all my strength. Then he, he took all the diving equipment in front of me. gone.

"I only had one drink bottle left on hand, so I poured out the water inside, took off the label of the bottle and wrote a note for help, tightened the bottle and threw it into the sea, trying my best to give it a try..."

Conan thought about what Kasuga Teruhiko had done to help Dr. Tanaka just now, and couldn't help but frown: "He actually wants to kill someone because of this?!"

...Another murder case with the same reason.

While several people were busy sorting out the case.

Next to him, Jiang Xia silently turned back and glanced at the wave behind him, but hesitated to speak: Are you still going? He felt like the sea water was about to pour in.

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