Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1223 1223 [Psychic medium teaches you how to survive in the wilderness] Please vote for me

Chapter 1223 1223 [Psychic medium teaches you how to survive in the wilderness] Please vote for me ヽ(〃〃)~

"..." Jiang Xia thought for a while, but finally said nothing: It was difficult to go back the same way now, so it was better to just go deeper along the cave and get out from the other side.

——According to the current trend, there should be something good over there.

Conan, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko saw Sachiko Nakamura in a strange state, and after asking about the situation, they suddenly felt that something was wrong - their ankles were wet by the overflowing sea water.

"...You have to leave quickly, the later it gets, the harder it will be!"

Just as he was about to take Sachiko Nakamura to the boat, there was a sudden loud "crash".

The sea surface rises, and sea water pours in from the outside, and is amplified by the accumulation of narrow caves. A wave hit hard, and the boat parked next to it was overturned by the waves and turned upside down.

When Mao Lilan turned around, she saw a shadow coming over her.

She was startled and flew to push away Sachiko Nakamura next to her. The old boat passed them and hit the hard rock. It crashed twice, and a palm-sized gap opened up in the boat plank.

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned and said sadly: "What kind of quality is this ship!"

Jiang Xia sighed: "It was originally a garbage ship. It has been exposed to wind and sun all year round. It is normal to forget to maintain it... Let's replace it with a new one for the owner when we go out."

Conan looked at the sea surface, then at the shadows deep in the cave, and his expression became heavy: "Let's think about how to get out first."

Mao Lilan supported Sachiko Nakamura, her face turned pale, and she blamed herself: "I didn't avoid it just now, I just tried to catch it."

Jiang Xia: "..." Calm down, you don't have such a high defense setting.

"With the current waves and the rocks outside, it may not be easy to swim out." Jiang Xia suddenly pointed to the depths of the cave and changed the topic, "Have you noticed? There are fireflies in the cave."

Suzuki Sonoko looked up and secretly wiped away tears: "Indeed, dying next to fireflies may be more romantic than swimming out..."

"..." Conan looked at this classmate who had lost his will to live early and started to adjust his clothes, and his eyes twitched: "Brother Jiang Xia probably wants to say, we can go that way.

"According to Ms. Sachiko, this sea cave is filled twice a day by high tide seawater. In this environment, it is unlikely that fireflies will settle near the entrance of the cave.

"The entrance to the cave is far away from the seaside, and there are no other fireflies on the shore. They probably didn't fly in from the sea, but from the passage on the other side."

Mao Lilan vaguely understood and was pleasantly surprised:

"In other words, as long as we go deeper into the cave, we can find land and an exit on the other side? But... what if the gap is only big enough for fireflies to fly in, but cannot let people pass through?"

Jiang Xia remembered that she had to catch the boat with her bare hands just now, and said casually: "Then just break the hole open."

"Break it open?" Mao Lilan heard this and looked down at his fist. After a while, his eyes gradually became firm.

"...Wait, I'm just kidding." Jiang Xia was worried that she had accidentally awakened something terrible, and said seriously, "Actually, when I drove here yesterday and passed the bridge, I saw a small lake diagonally below. There are fireflies all around—calculating the location, it might be opposite this cave.

"And this morning, someone in the hotel fished in the small lake. I saw what they caught. They were all big saltwater fish. It must be that the fish swam into the cave filled with water when the tide was high. When the tide was low, It was swept to that side of the lake. And now it seems that after falling out from the other side, even a very big fish has no scratches on its body at all, and the hole must be much bigger than the fish itself."

He gestured to the size of the fish: "Anyway, that should be the range we can pass."

Deciding to go deeper into the cave, a few people took Nakamura Sachiko, who was still a little wobbly, into the cave at the back.

The passage is dark and long, but it is not silent. As you walk deeper, you can hear the sea water slowly rising behind you.

This sea cave is not small. The interior is like a huge maze with countless forked roads.

Fortunately, there are fireflies to guide the way. The five people moved forward smoothly by looking for the place with the most fireflies.

Although Conan's watch is illuminated, this environment still makes people feel uneasy.

As Suzuki Sonoko followed Jiang Xia forward, she whispered in a worried voice: "It always feels like there are fewer and fewer fireflies. What if we can't see them from behind and can't use this to find our way?"

The time in the cave is not unlimited - the sea water can surge up at any time and fill the place. If they took the wrong turn and entered a dead end, they might not have the chance to look back.

"There are no fireflies?" Jiang Xia thought for a while, "Then throw stones and listen to the echo, observe animals - such as fireflies or birds entering holes to hunt for food, look at the direction of moss or other plants, and the traces of water flow on the rocks." Finally, Let the foggy dogs fly around in circles at the fastest speed to see which path is most suitable for people to take.

If the foggy dog ​​is not enough, add the mermaid and Miss Spider.

Jiang Xia silently gathered her tight clothes while watching the ghosts floating around busily.

After walking forward for a while, a strange thing appeared behind the protruding rocks on the side.

——It was a pink plastic-like thing. If it were placed outside, the color would look pretty cute. But it suddenly appeared in this desolate seaside cave, and everything suddenly became weird again.

Conan ran over curiously, shined a flashlight on it, and took a closer look: "It's a swimming ring that has run out of air."

As he spoke, he had already thought of the reason why this thing appeared in the cave: "The garbage that should be floating in the sea is washed in with the rising tide. Other small pieces of debris will disappear with the tide, or get stuck in hidden holes. Among the gaps, this one is relatively large, and it will be very conspicuous after being stuck... huh?"

As he was talking, Conan's eyes suddenly fell on one place.

——He originally thought it was a deflated lifebuoy that was accidentally scratched by a rock after it drifted away.

But at this time, when I looked carefully, I saw that there were no scratches on the lifebuoy, just a pinhole in the corner.

In an instant, all kinds of information are quickly stacked and combined.

A flash of lightning flashed across Conan's mind: "I understand!"

There was a sudden click of the shutter next to me.

Jiang Xia took a few photos of the lifebuoy, then put on gloves, packed it into a bag, and stuffed it into his backpack: "If you understand, let's go quickly. The sea water is coming soon."

Conan was stunned, and the excitement just now suddenly became boring: " understand."

Jiang Xia glanced at him, not wanting to dampen Kudo's detective enthusiasm: "I don't understand, I just think it has a destiny and want to take it out."

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