Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1242 1242 [I will never overturn]

After taking care of the shape, Kidd turned around and adjusted the steel wires and lifting wheels fixed on the ground - this would allow him to fall from the sky and reach where he wanted to go.

While he was carefully confirming the length of the steel wire, Kidd suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

He turned his head in confusion and looked to the side following his feeling.

Then he suddenly met a pair of dark golden eyes floating in the night.

"!!" Kidd was startled, stood up, and held the magic gun in his pocket.

After pulling the trigger, he came back to his senses and recognized who was watching silently: "Fog Sky Dog!"

The foggy dog ​​always wears black, even its wings are black. And although this monster was born in a temple and seems to like wearing the loose attire of a monk, he does not have a bald head, but has thick black hair.

In short, it was pitch black from head to toe, with not many reflective areas.

Such a look is extremely inconspicuous in the night. Kid turned his head and saw a pair of bright eyes, and instinctively his heart skipped a beat.

After a pause, he was a little surprised: "Long time no see, are you okay? Why haven't you replied?"

Kidd gave Kiriten Dog a mobile phone before, and he sent a message to say hello when he had nothing to do. He was committed to letting Kiriten Dog escape from the stage of monsters who like to dry human flesh, happily integrate into modern society, and experience the beauty of the Internet.

However, it seems that this measure has not had much effect so far. Wutiangou seems to have never used that mobile phone.

Jiang Xia opened the foggy dog's puppet and glanced at Kidd. She always felt that the way of greeting "are you okay?" sounded like a curse.

But after looking at the extra magic power on Kidd's body, and then thinking about the fact that the thief was rushing to steal something, and the treasures Kidd stole, there would be energy cores that could strengthen the ghost fetus... Jiang Xia immediately ignored it. This little weird thing, he waved his wings tolerantly: "Don't worry about me, you go and do your work first."

Kidd: "..."

When he saw the foggy dog's eyes, he vaguely felt that he understood something.

In my impression, Brother Youkai's recipes have always been quite unique - apart from the legendary cannibalism, Kiriten Dog seems to prefer all kinds of precious collections. Moreover, he is also a very moral monster. He does not eat other people's food randomly, but only steals it from the hands of monster thieves.

At this moment, Kidd suddenly felt like a squeezed hard worker.

But then I thought about it: Brother Tengu doesn’t just exploit him. Occasionally, he would help him fish out when his car overturned, and he would dare to step forward to help when facing a powerful and terrifying witch, although that was probably more out of coveting the witch's magic power... In short, after so many times, Kidd I still feel that I have established a cross-species friendship and there is no big problem.

I looked at my watch and found that it was almost time.

Kidd regretfully interrupted the reminiscence: "Then I'll go get the 'Angel's Crown' first - there may be police ambush around here. In order to catch me, they might bring fishing nets and helicopters. They're flying from the sky. Sometimes, be careful."

Jiang Xia always felt that compared to the foggy dog ​​that could disappear and run away at any time, the situation of the phantom thief in front of him seemed to be more dangerous.

He casually reminded: "There are no helicopters around." - If the police really wanted to catch Kidd, their kung fu must have been used in the building.

Kidd took the hint. The Phantom Thief raised his hand and pressed the top hat on his head. Thinking of the dragnet that the police might have laid, he smiled confidently: "I'm looking forward to it."

With that said, he walked to the edge of the building, fixed the buckle on his waist, and finally checked the props he carried with him.

Then he flicked his cloak and jumped down gracefully.

On the top of the building, the wheel axis spun and spun, and it quickly became tense.

Jiang Xia turned around and glanced at it, then walked to the edge and looked down at the phantom thief hanging hanging outside the building and opening the window: "..."

Kidd, a tough guy, does look cool when he's pretending to be cool, and he's worth learning from.

But if the car rolls over later, I hope he won’t look too embarrassed when he rolls over...

Jiang Xia silently took down useless notes in her mind.

Directly below.

When the steel cable was stretched to its extreme, Kidd was pulled to a stop.

The position where he was hanging right now was just outside a hidden house.

Kidd did not rush into the building, but took out the surveillance camera that had been secretly placed and looked at it. After a moment, he showed a puzzled look.

——There is no one in the picture. It was obviously the preview time, but there was silence in the exhibition hall. The "Angel's Crown" inlaid with gems is quietly placed in the central display cabinet, as if waiting for the Phantom Thief to visit.

Kidd: "..." How could the police be so calm?

It does look a little weird.

However, based on his experience, the Nakamori Police Department responsible for arresting "Phantom Thief Kidd" has always come up with an arrest plan. Maybe today, the neighbor's uncle guessed some false "Kidd's only route", so he put all his hands there.

If you hesitate, you will lose. No matter what emergencies you encounter, you cannot stop. Therefore, even though he was a little doubtful, Kidd quickly took out the glass knife and neatly cut a circular shape on the window.

He bent down and entered the building, walked through the maze-like ventilation ducts for a moment, and successfully arrived at the target exhibition hall.

After observing for a moment, Kidd let go of his hand holding the edge of the ventilation pipe, and it fell silently to the display cabinet like a piece of white paper.

Then start picking the lock skillfully.

At the same time, outside the exhibition hall window.

In the dark night, a dark figure quietly appeared.

——While the police are not stationed outside the building today. Jiang Xia drove the puppet of the foggy dog ​​and also fell silently along the building. Finally, it hovered outside the window of the exhibition hall and watched from a close distance.

The huge crown is placed in the center of the exhibition hall. Even if it is not specially lit, the gems on it are particularly beautiful with the residual light scattered elsewhere.

Jiang Xia hugged the ghost and fed the magic power that he had just pulled from Kidd's body. He was looking forward to it: such a big crown should be able to produce a good energy core after it becomes "Kidd's trophy".

After all, Kidd is a professional. He can pick locks faster than Conan, who studied in Hawaii.

He quickly opened the complicated showcase lock, picked up the crown, and showed a little satisfied smile.

Before the smile fell, a sharp shout came from behind: "Kid!!"


In the middle of the night, in the dead silent exhibition hall, there was suddenly a muffled sound like thunder.

Kidd's hand slipped and the crown fell to the ground with a click.

At the same time, a bright beam of light suddenly lit up in the hall - it was the handheld searchlight brought by the police.

As expected, the Zhongshan Police Department has a new trick.

He shouted at the subordinate holding the searchlight: "What are you doing standing there in a daze? Quick, take a snapshot of his face!"

Kidd happened to look over in confusion and was suddenly photographed.

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