Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1243 1243 [Your vest is about to fall off]

The Zhongsen Police Department was holding a camera and was about to take a picture of the person and then put him on a wanted list based on his appearance.

But when he saw Kaitou Kid's face clearly, he was stunned for a moment and forgot to press the shutter: "You, you are...?!"...Why do you look so like the boy from the Kuroba family next door?

Kidd: "!!"

He gritted his teeth and suddenly flashed his watch. The watch cover instantly emitted a light that was more dazzling than a searchlight. Several police officers were dazzled and couldn't see their surroundings clearly for a while.

At this time, there were several knocking sounds on the window next to him.

Kidd turned around and saw the foggy dog ​​hovering outside, using a glass knife unskillfully to cut a big hole in the glass. He threw the pieces into the exhibition hall and waved to him silently.

Of course Jiang Xia didn't go out with a stealing tool like a glass knife. But that one was hidden by Kidd in a tool bag nearby, and there were spare parts. When he came down just now, he brought it over with him.

When Kidd saw someone responding, his eyes lit up. He gave up his original complicated escape route and raised his hand towards the Zhongsen Police Department.

Then he quickly ran to the window.

The distance of several meters disappeared in the blink of an eye. When Kidd jumped out of the window, he found that the foggy dog ​​seemed to be hesitant to speak.

However, in the exhibition hall, the few policemen who were blinded had gradually recovered their eyesight.

Wutian Dog glanced at them, remained silent for a moment, picked him up and flew back to a place where there were no police.

"Where's Kidd?!"

"……have no idea."

"Ah, over there! The window over there is broken! When was it cut? Does he have any accomplices?!"

When a group of policemen regained their sight, the Phantom Thieves were no longer in the exhibition hall.

They quickly looked around and quickly noticed the cut-out window, and quickly ran over to surround it.

However, when I poked my head and looked up, I saw that there was no one outside the building, and there was no rope left to escape.

The young police officer carrying the searchlight sighed: "It seems that he escaped with a hang glider again."

…However, I don’t know if it was an illusion, but when Kidd dazzled their eyes with the light, he always felt like he saw something strange by the window, like a person with wings.

But how could a person have wings? He must have been wrong.

After thinking about it, the young police officer suddenly felt that something was not right.

He came back to his senses and turned to look at the Zhongmori Police Department.

Just this time, after Kidd escaped, the Zhongshan Police Department, uncharacteristically, did not curse or shout "I will catch you next time!" or other declarations.

The middle-aged police officer just tugged at his mustache, thinking about something in confusion, looking very worried.

The little police officer was feeling strange.

But at this moment, he saw something and said in surprise: "Police Department! You, there is a piece of paper on your back!"

"Huh?!" Zhongsen Police Department came to their senses and touched it with his backhand. Sure enough, he felt something was wrong. "Pick it off and let me take a look!"

Several police officers hurriedly helped him tear off the paper completely from behind.

I saw a few lines of arrogant words written on it:

[I will take my leave for now.

See you tomorrow night at 8pm]

The signature is "Kidd the Phantom Thief", and there is a stick figure drawing beside it: the Q-version avatar wears a striking hat and monocle, and smiles with bared teeth, which is Kidd's unique signature.

When the Zhongsen Police Department saw this familiar painting, his forehead jumped and he finally returned to normal. He shouted angrily: "This bastard thief!"

After seeing the notice letter, he noticed the crown full of gems on the ground next to him.

The Zhongsen Police Department picked it up, inspected it carefully, and put it back on the flannel in the display case.

At the same time, he couldn't help but mutter: "That face just now..."

The more he thought about it, the more he looked like the kid who lived next door, the guy who looked very similar to Kudo Shinichi, only with a different hairstyle - Kuroba Kaito!

On the other side, Kidd felt the free night breeze, looked at the exhibition hall that was quickly moving away, and the police in the hall, and breathed a sigh of relief.

——A professional magician must always be prepared for various situations in advance. For example, when a performance fails, how to coolly throw out a "come again next time" notice and pretend that everything is still under control.

Of course, that note was written by Kidd in advance. Every time he takes action, he will carry such a note with him for emergencies.

The process of taking away the crown just now was interrupted by the magical operation of the Zhongshan Police Department.

Kidd then reflexively put it up, preparing to open it again tomorrow night.

The two quickly flew to a nearby hiding place.

Kidd had just stood firm when he suddenly heard a faint voice from beside him: "If you have time to put a note on the back of the policeman, why don't you pick up the crown and take it away?"

Kidd: "...!"

Jiang Xia looked at him speechlessly.

In fact, he was not surprised by Kidd's overturn: when Conan and other detectives were nearby, Kidd was often able to break through all kinds of strict defenses, battle wits with the detectives, and finally achieve his goals with superb techniques. Leave behind a silhouette, a legend, and a group of angry policemen.

However, when there are no detectives and only police officers, Kidd will always be very considerate of the police officers and help them solve some problems.

Jiang Xia: "..." However, if something happens, something will happen. How can you give up being a monster thief halfway?

He actually left the crown behind. It was obviously at his feet at that time. All he had to do was reach out...

Next to him, Kidd heard this question. After being startled, he felt guilty for a moment.

After a moment, he came back to his senses, cleared his throat, and said with a serious face: "The Phantom Thieves have the principles of Phantom Thieves. This time I did not anticipate their actions, so it is considered a failure - according to common sense, I should come back tomorrow."

This is half true and half false.

The actual reasons are: First, Kidd was a little panicked when his face was seen by the neighboring police station, and he couldn't care about the crown and gems for the moment.

The second is "hurriedly bending down to pick up things that fell on the ground while escaping." This behavior really doesn't look like a dashing monster thief, but more like a thief who will do whatever it takes to get the treasure, which is not in line with his art.

Anyway, it's just idle time. It's better to steal it again tomorrow.

in addition……

Kidd sighed: The scene was chaotic just now, and I don’t know if the Zhongshan Police Department saw his face clearly... If they saw his face clearly, they might be able to make some corrections if they try again tomorrow night.

After saying that, he originally thought that the foggy dog ​​would be quite disdainful of this principle, and might even fight back, knock the policeman unconscious, and then arrogantly take the crown away.

Unexpectedly, after taking a peek, the monster brother next to him actually said "hmm" thoughtfully, as if he reluctantly accepted his statement.

Kidd: "..."...What a considerate and friendly monster.

What should I do? I suddenly feel a little guilty. Should I have lost face and picked up the crown just now? Anyway, the police were blinded and couldn't see what was going on around them. The only onlookers were the foggy dogs who had no martial ethics... No, no, no, no matter what, to be a monster thief, you must have principles.

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