Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1244 1244 [Bourbon: Did I kill the person with the reward? 】

Kidd was tangled in his heart for a while, and suddenly remembered that what happened had already happened. The crown was already in the hands of the police, and there was no point in thinking about it anymore.

So I simply put the matter aside.

"Compared to this..." Kidd recalled the scene just now, and after thinking about it, he still cared about it very much. He twirled his white top hat worriedly, "Have the Zhongsen Police Department seen my face clearly?"

In short, harvesting energy cores failed.

Jiang Xia then temporarily retreated with Wutian Dog's puppet and decided to come back tomorrow night.

Fortunately, considering the time, it is not difficult to get that crown before going to Osaka. By then, Kidd should have gotten rid of the risk of being suspected by the Nakamori Police Department - after all, the Nakamori Police Department and the Megure Police Department are equally confused, so it is not difficult to find a way to fool them.

When I got home, it was already very late.

Jiang Xia yawned and packed up to go to bed.

Before going to bed, he checked his phone as usual to see if his client had sent him an invitation letter via email.

But no.

But there is one more piece of news from Suzuki Sonoko——

[When I was packing my luggage just now, I found in my bag some tickets to an art exhibition given by Miss Ichikawa - I heard from Sister Ayako that the gallery is about to close down and there are a lot of items for sale that are not for sale recently. I plan to go there for her tomorrow. Do you want to come with me? ]

"Miss Ichikawa" was the woman who injected poison into the red wine and attempted to kill her father at the banquet in Mie Prefecture last night.

Before the matter was exposed, she did say that she was opening a gallery and handed over a few tickets when the two parties contacted her.

Jiang Xia thought about the crime rate in places like "art exhibitions" and replied without hesitation, "See you tomorrow." - Of course, why not.

I happened to forget to discuss going to Osaka before, so we will discuss it together tomorrow. Then I can go to Osaka to grab... and visit Kidd.

Jiang Xia is quite satisfied with the results of checking her mailbox today. After replying to the message, I quickly fell asleep peacefully.

On the other side, someone couldn't sleep a wink.

——It may be that the social relations of Utsumi doctors are relatively simple and their careers have always been stable, so it is not that difficult to clean up.

By early morning, the forum account of the "bounty poster" had been canceled by the organization.

In the night, Toru Amuro sat in the darkness without paying much attention to the safety of his eyes, with the laptop screen spread out in front of him glowing with faint fluorescence.

He picked up the coffee next to him, took a sip, and refreshed the interface again.

Then one thing was confirmed.

The reward for Jiang Xia's death suddenly disappeared.

A closer look shows that the publishing user has also logged out.

——This means that the mysterious publisher did not withdraw the reward sensibly after seeing the news about "Bourbon". Instead, he died suddenly, and now, the organization has cleaned up this person's belongings and family members who knew about it.

Toru Amuro stared at the news, tapping his fingers on the rim of his coffee cup, lost in thought.

"..." No wonder when I met an elite member who I had dealt with several times, the other person looked at me with a strange expression.

Judging from the situation before and after, especially the reward note posted by "Bourbon". To the uninformed, it looked as if Bourbon had killed the guy who posted the bounty.

However, as a "bourbon" himself, Toru Amuro knew that this had nothing to do with him:

He really wanted to find out who was offering the reward. But he's just getting into the investigation phase. And even if he is found out, he is actually more inclined to catch people secretly and torture them than to kill people.

Toru Amuro: "..." So how did this person die?

In retrospect, this series of cases involving doctors is so coincidental that it seems like someone is behind the scenes. This feature is very consistent with the characteristics of "Uzo", and one can't help but suspect that this cadre is involved.

But if Uzo wanted to kill someone, he would definitely not use a forum like this where peripheral members gathered to post a reward. It was even more unimaginable that Uzo would die so soon.

"..." Could this publisher actually be Uzo's subordinate or apprentice?

Thinking of this, Amuro Toru's eyes lit up vaguely:

If so, then the identity of the publisher will be much more important than he expected. For example, you might be able to catch clues related to Uzo through him!

So who is the real identity of the publisher?

Toru Amuro recalled what he had heard from Jiang Xia before, and combined with his own guesses, a candidate quickly emerged in his mind.

——The Utsumi doctor who inspired other murderers by talking about "medical malpractice" and finally died by threatening others with video.

Toru Amuro: "..." Suspicious, in short, very suspicious.

In addition, there is another thing that people are concerned about: If Dr. Utsumi is really a subordinate of Wu Zuo, then why did he suddenly announce a reward for Jiang Xia's death, and why did he suddenly die suddenly on the day of the announcement?

Could it be that Wu Zuo let him out to test Jiang Xia, but Jiang Xia discovered the flaw and was silenced?

But what good does this do to Uzo. Is it used to explore the bottom of Jiangxia, or is it used to evaluate subordinates?

Or maybe Wu Zuo's own existence was noticed by Jiang Xia, so he simply pushed out a scapegoat?

There are too many doubts and all speculations are untenable and need to be supported by enough facts.

With this thought in mind, Toru Amuro decisively picked up the phone and called Yuya Kazami.

"Mr. Fangtani."

Kazami Yuya quickly picked up.

Obviously, as a busy undercover subordinate, his job is not easy... However, most of the time it is actually quite easy. I just don't know why, but whenever something related to Jiang Xia happens, he is always forced to work overtime.

Feng Jian Yuya: "..." Jiang Xia is not only strong in the incident, but also always encounters all kinds of suspicious people.

If the last quarantine trip hadn't cleared Jiang Xia's suspicion and proved that he was really just a detective with a strong incident physique, not to mention Mr. Fukitani, even Kazami Yu would not have been able to help but suspect that Jiang Xia had something to do with that organization. A deep connection.

Of course, it turned out that Jiang Xia was innocent.

And Kazami Yuya didn’t want to go through what happened that week again.

That kind of verification, once is enough...

Thinking of this, Feng Jian Yuya looked at the information piled up in front of him and the unified case solver "Jiang Xia" above, silently showing a little tired look.

Opposite the phone.

Unlike Kazami Yuya, Amuro Turou rarely rests and is very adaptable to this kind of high-intensity staying up late, and his voice does not sound tired at all. He quickly asked: "Have you finished checking?"

Kazami Yuya: "..." The mission has just been assigned not long ago, how could it be possible to complete the investigation now...

He took a deep breath, and before answering, he took the coffee next to him and took two sips to cheer himself up.

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