Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1248 1248 [It is reasonable for a haunted house to have ghosts]

A dense group of bats rushed toward Kuroba Kaito and Nakamori Aoko. Before he really hit them, he quickly returned to the shadow of the roof.

And among the bats, there was a huge shadow mixed in, like a devil who came to the world, fleeting and gone, with a terrifying momentum.

"Ah!" Nakamori Aoko was startled by the winged figure at first.

But soon, she came back to her senses, imitating Kidd's tone before and joked: "The 'shady wind' before was a blower, and the bat was controlled by a wire. It was no big deal - you must have thought so." Say it right."

After a pause, she was a little confused: "But what's going on with the man with wings? I always feel that the path he flies is different from the path thrown by the wire... Is he playing the role of a vampire? But it feels like the shape of the wings It’s different, a vampire’s wings should be thinner, but this one is more like a bird’s wing, is it a crow?”

The light was too dark, so Aoko Nakamori couldn't see clearly. But that fleeting shadow still made her vaguely feel that something was not right about the painting style.

She looked at Kidd, waiting for the atmosphere destroyer to say something and answer her questions.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he saw Kuroba Kaito staring at the place where the "bats" disappeared just now, without saying a word, with an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

Nakamori Aoko was startled for a moment, then was shaken by his attitude. She couldn't help but feel a little cold around her: "What, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Kuroba Kaito: "..." Yes! It’s so wrong, nothing is right!

That shadow, and those familiar wings... The foggy dog? ! It's Kiritengu, right? It looks like him no matter how you look!

——Kuroba Kaito’s eyesight is better than Nakamori Aoko. Moreover, he often works in dark environments, and often encounters foggy dogs in darker places than this... or is guarded by foggy dogs.

In short, even though it was only for a moment, he still recognized the real monster mixed in the artificial bat at a glance.

"Hey, Kaito." Nakamori Aoko saw the subtle change in Kuroba Kaito's expression, and became even more panicked, "You can't see the reason? Could it be that there really is something in the haunted house..."... No, no, no, maybe it is. Kaito is not very skilled and failed to see through this trap. That's right, how can there really be ghosts in the world?

Kidd was yelled by her and barely recovered from the shock of seeing the foggy dog.

He met Nakamori Aoko's confused and nervous gaze, laughed dryly a few times, and explained what was strange about him just now: "It's nothing, it's just that I didn't expect this haunted house to be so creative and use something that even I couldn't identify." Technique, ha, ha ha..."

As he spoke, Kuroba Kaito couldn't help but rub his hair vigorously.

I just feel that everything is gradually becoming difficult to understand.

Kidd: "..." Does the foggy dog... work part-time in a haunted house? ?

How did he pass the interview? It's too dangerous.

What if one day a colleague from the haunted house thinks that the wings of the foggy dog ​​are cool and wants to take them and try to carry them on his back? If he pulls on them, the secret will be revealed - a place like the haunted house would hang a mutilated corpse. The beams may not be discovered for a long time...

After all, humans are creatures that are easily affected by the environment.

While Kuroba Kaito moved his legs mechanically and continued to walk forward with Nakamori Aoko, he couldn't help but imagine many terrible scenes in his mind.

He even began to pay attention to high places unconsciously - the legend of Wutiangou who "liked to hang people in high places, dry them and eat them", and the two monks in Wutiangou's hometown who were actually hung up, really impressed him a lot. .

Nakamori Aoko walked forward for a while, gradually calming down from the panic just now.

Immediately I felt something was strange.

She turned around and glanced at Kuroba Kaito doubtfully:

Why did this guy become so quiet all of a sudden?

Could it be that he couldn't figure out the principle of wings just now and was concentrating on it?

...Or maybe because you can't solve the trick, you suspect that there is really a ghost here, so you are scared?

Thinking about it, Nakamori Aoko secretly laughed twice in her heart: Anyway, I can finally enjoy the haunted house with peace of mind!

The two of them walked through various institutions with different moods and left this gloomy church.

Without Kuroba Kaito around to expose the modus operandi, Nakamori Aoko felt that the experience was great and wanted to give a few thumbs up to the employee who was flying around just now.

Soon they came to the back door of the church. As soon as the door was opened, the scene just now reappeared, with cold wind and furry artificial bats blowing in the face, and the huge shadow mixed in also appeared again.


Nakamori Aoko is like a person riding a roller coaster. She knows exactly what will happen, but when encountering a thrilling section, she still can't help but instinctively close her eyes and scream.

The cold wind and the fluttering sound of the little bats brushed past her ears and disappeared quickly.

Feeling that everything was over, Nakamori Aoko carefully opened her eyes just a slit. Seeing the empty corridor in front of her, she patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

The bats disappeared, and the surroundings became unnervingly quiet. Nakamori Aoko turned her head and was about to tease Kuroba Kaito: Maybe after the scene reappeared, he still couldn't crack the wing employee's method, so he was shutting himself down.

However, when she turned around, she suddenly froze.

——Behind was the empty Senleng Church, and as far as the eye could see, there was no shadow of Kuroba Kaito at all.

Nakamori Aoko: "..." Where are people, people? ! !

As soon as her companion was thrown away, she stiffly raised her head and looked at the naked haunted house whose tricks had been exposed again. She felt an eerie aura rising from the soles of her feet, and cold sweat quickly covered her back.

Is this... really haunted? !

As if afraid of disturbing something, Nakamori Aoko asked softly: "Is there anyone?"

Suddenly there was a slight sound of feathers flapping beside him.

The tips of Nakamori Aoko's ears twitched slightly, and she turned her head suddenly, suddenly meeting a pair of dark golden eyes that glowed in the darkness.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!"

She let out a scream of terror, jumped up, closed her eyes and rushed out without knowing where she was going.

When he came back to his senses, Nakamori Aoko opened his eyes and found that he had run out of that corridor and came to the next room.

This looks like an ancient morgue.

The moment Nakamori Aoko looked into the room, the linen next to her slowly bulged, and a "corpse" slowly sat up, twisted its body stiffly, and looked at her.

"Corpse" is actually a little nervous right now.

He is an employee of this haunted house and has been in the business for five years. He can scare the visitors who come in every time.

However, today, when he listened to the feedback from his colleagues on the headphones, he felt that his professional level had been severely challenged.

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