Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1249 1249 [So you are a monster]

Through headphones hidden under the wig, Corpse can hear messages from other employees.

The employee in front of him had just told him that it was difficult to scare the new pair of young high school students—compared to visiting a haunted house, they were just here to give pointers, especially the boy.

"Corpse" believed in the strength of his companions, so on the one hand he was shocked by the strong minds of these high school students, and on the other hand he was eager to challenge them.

He took a deep breath and was about to show off his power.

At this time, the girl opposite looked at him blankly, then suddenly let out a scream and ran away, as fast as a frightened rabbit.

"Corpse": "..." Huh?

Is this the end?

He hasn't started yet...

He couldn't help but touch his face, wondering if he looked so scary? Just as he was thinking about it, the employee suddenly remembered something.

"..." Speaking of which, didn't the colleagues in front of me say that there were two people coming?

so now……

What about the legendary high school boy who talks a lot?

"Corpse" suddenly realized something and turned his head to look in the direction where Nakamori Aoko came.

Not sure if it was an illusion, he suddenly trembled, as if he saw a pair of strange eyes flashing away.

"..." There seemed to be something extremely terrifying hidden in that corridor.

the other side.

A high school boy who talks a lot, even if he "disappears", he still talks a lot.

——Just now, Nakamori Aoko and Kuroba Kaito pushed the back door of the church, and found that when the scene reappeared, they had different reactions.

Kuroba Kaito did not close his eyes in fear, but immediately looked at the group of flying "bats".

Then it was confirmed again that the huge crow mixed among the artificial bats was actually the foggy dog.

Before Kidd could finish his shock, he was skillfully picked up by the foggy dog ​​and dropped to the side beams in the blink of an eye.

Kuroba Kaito: "..." With his skillful leadership skills, we really can't blame him for doubting the legend of "a dog hanging on a person in a foggy sky".

However, compared to the illusory legends, it is obviously what is happening in front of us, which is more concerning.

Kuroba Kaito looked at his fellow monsters in surprise: "Is it really you? What are you doing in the haunted house?"

Jiang Xia opened the foggy dog's vest, glanced at him, and then thought of Nakamori Aoko who was so frightened that she screamed just now, and muttered in her heart: Come join in the fun, the expert's talk is really boring.

Of course, it is definitely not convenient to say this.

Thinking about Kidd's favorite way of speaking, Jiang Xia said sternly: "I heard that you are in trouble, and I'm here to help - aren't you humans very particular about helping each other?"

Kidd: "..." I heard? Where did you hear that? Could it be that the foggy dog ​​wanted to come to his place again in the morning to collect magic power, but he saw that the Nakamori father and daughter were there at that time, so he did not come in?

In any case, Wu Tiangu actually offered to help. Kidd couldn't help but feel a little touched after hearing this.

But after being moved, he still erred on the side of caution and asked a few more questions: "When you say exactly do you want to help?"

... He doesn't want Nakamori Aokojo, he doesn't want Fenggan Police Department, and he doesn't want any parent-child donburi.

The foggy dog ​​glanced at him: "Although your face was seen last night, you should already have a way to deal with it. For example, when you go to get the 'Crown of Angels' tonight, you will be disguised as a police officer from the Zhongsen Police Department." Other acquaintances, let him think that you often disguise yourself as the people around him, but you happened to choose to dress up as 'Kuroba Kaito' yesterday - after all, a thief like you who is good at disguise will steal without disguise, listen. It's rather strange to go up there.

"In addition, Nakamori Aoko's test against you today is also very important, so at 8 o'clock tonight, you must appear in two places at the same time to remove suspicion.

"Of course, considering that you don't know how to clone yourself, there is a 'you' that needs to be impersonated by someone else - playing 'Kid' is more difficult, but playing 'Kuroba Kaito' to go shopping with a girl, as long as the game is complicated enough , leaving her with no energy to observe and no chance to confirm, but it’s actually not difficult to do.”

Kidd was stunned for a moment.

These words sounded very pertinent, and he actually thought so himself.

…But the problem is, no matter how you look at it, this doesn’t look like something a foggy dog ​​would say.

Kuroba Kaito: "..." Speaking of which, I don't know why, this tone seems a bit familiar, very much like those annoying detectives... Wait, detective?

The keyword flashed away, and he vaguely felt that he had caught something.

But before he could think about it, Kiritengu said again: "I can find someone to help you play the role of 'Kuroba Kaito'."

"Huh?" When Kidd heard this, his previous analysis was completely disrupted.

There was only one thought left in his mind for a short time: the helper that Wutian Dog had found might also be a monster. Since he can transform, could he be...a raccoon cat spirit?

Or vixen?

When he thought that there were other monsters in the world, Kidd was surprised, but he also couldn't help but have a little expectation of "let me see".

"Well..." Although he was worried that the monsters were unreliable, he didn't want to miss this opportunity to visit other monsters.

So in the end, Kuroba Kaito, like an unscrupulous interviewer who only wants to see people and doesn't want to recruit, whispered: "Can I take a look first?"

The foggy dog ​​nodded.

After a moment of pause, he added: "Actually, you don't need to look. I heard that you have met before - you know Jiang Xia, right?"

Kidd: "...?"

He was startled and looked at Wutian Gou, trying to make sure he heard correctly: "The helper you mentioned refers to Jiang Xia? The detective?!"

Jiang Xia turned out to be a civet cat spirit! No wonder he reasoned so quickly and could convince the leopard to ride him. Maybe he used some magic...

…No, no, no, that’s not right.

Kuroba Kaito's thoughts wandered for a moment, but he was quickly brought back on track.

——Jiang Xia looks different from a monster.

And if you think about it carefully, Wutiangu didn't actually say that the "helper" he found must also be a monster.

Kidd: "..." Speaking of this, the last time he and Jiang Xia met by chance, Jiang Xia did say "I heard about Kidd from Wutian Gou."

...These two people, no, this detective and this demon, how did they meet?

But in this way, Kidd immediately understood the sense of déjà vu when the foggy dog ​​said that long series of words just now.

That must be what Jiang Xia once said, and Wutian Gou was just repeating it.

Thinking of this, Kidd looked at the foggy dog ​​across from him and was silent for a moment: "Do you know that the 'helper' you are talking about is actually a detective?" - the lifelong enemy of the Phantom Thief!

The foggy dog ​​glanced at him: "Didn't I tell you before? He doesn't think the phantom thief is as interesting as the murderer, so he won't catch you."

Kidd: "..." Tsk, you really won't arrest him? It sounds like he has been underestimated.

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