Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1286 1286 [Suspicious Person]

"In this way, the next time the deceased wipes his hands with a tissue, the poison will be on his hands, and then it will be on the sushi when he is making it, swallowed in his stomach, and eventually he will die."

After Jiang Xia finished speaking, he noticed that the blue hat's face was twisted, as if he wanted to say something, so he took the first step and said: "Are you going to say that you don't have poisonous wipes on you at all, so you are not the one who poisoned it?"

Blue hat: "..."

His lines were ruthlessly snatched away. He stayed there for two seconds before slamming the table angrily: "That's right! This is slander!"

However, the cold sweat on his forehead and the slightly trembling voice revealed his nervousness and guilty conscience.

Jiang Xia looked at him for a moment and sighed quietly: Maybe there were too many people around, so it was not a good place for a silence detective. On the Blue Hat side, there was no additional murderous intent.

The fake detective suddenly lost the motivation to continue entangled with the suspect. He simply said:

"That poisonous wipe is probably in the kitchen waste bin now - the sushi plate here has an identification code printed on the bottom. Once the sushi is placed on the conveyor belt for a certain period of time, it will be pushed down by the automatic recycling device conveyor belt.

"When the deceased fell to the ground, there was chaos all around. The murderer took the opportunity to pull out the plate he had used earliest, put wet wipes on it, and then put sushi to cover it. When the plate was transferred to the recycling port, the poisonous wipes would be discarded by the machine together with the plate. , will not remain on the conveyor belt, hiding evidence."

The Otaki Police Department listened to Jiang Xia's words and looked at the blue hat's expression, realizing that Jiang Xia was probably right.

He turned to the police officer from the forensics department: "Look for him immediately!"

When eating in a restaurant, it is strange to deliberately wear gloves to cover up fingerprints. Blue Hat's fingerprints were still printed on the poisonous wipes packaging bag.

He himself thought of this, turned pale, and slumped down beside him.

Then he punched the table angrily: "I confused the seabass and halibut that day. It is indeed because I have a cold and my sense of taste is not very sensitive, but it is not entirely a problem with my taste! - Before the plate of seabass was turned over, that bastard of my wife He quietly took the seabass off and put it on the plate with flounder. He just saw that my wife and I were chatting happily next to each other, so he deliberately made me look embarrassed in front of women!

"Not only was I embarrassed in front of my wife, but I was also ridiculed on his blog, and his fans also laughed at me. After that, every food blog post I posted was ridiculed mercilessly by them. How could I bear it? ! Since then, everything I eat has tasteless taste, and my wife and I have divorced... I, I just simply love food, and I blame the devil for ruining me! A person with an ugly heart like him is not worthy of being a gourmet food writer!"

The case was solved smoothly.

The Otaki Police Department was very pleased: Jiang Xia lived up to his reputation and solved cases quickly. Compared with the time it took to solve the case, he actually spent more time on the phone.

"Alas, I ended up coming to the police station to take notes."

Toyama and Ye jumped out of the police car, looked up at the police headquarters building in front of them, and sighed sadly.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko originally wanted to sigh too, but after thinking about it, they seemed to be used to it - every time they went out with Jiang Xia and Conan, things seemed to turn out like this. Their hearts gradually became calmer.

Conan was very interested and visited the police headquarters in Osaka freshly.

Although he had been here several times before, the people he met each time were different. Observing the police is also part of the fun, and if you are lucky, you might be able to help solve some difficult cases.

The group of people were already considered skilled workers and quickly finished recording the transcript.

They were already able to leave, but the detectives had another thing on their mind - the murder they encountered that happened under the bridge on their way to dinner.

At that time, a burly man died under the bridge, fatally shot by the murderer. According to the eyewitness testimony of an enthusiastic old man passing by, the murderer was a young man with yellow hair.

At present, Huang Mao has been brought back to the headquarters and is being questioned.

When Jiang Xia got up, he happened to see the table next door sorting out information about the case, so he asked casually: "How is the case under the bridge?"

The police officer heard the sound and raised his head from the computer and glanced in his direction.

They recognized Jiang Xia as a detective, and the black guy next to Jiang Xia seemed to be the son of their head of department. The police officer hesitated for a moment and did not hide anything: "Although there are witnesses, the most important murder weapon has not been found yet, which is a bit troublesome."

Next to him, his young colleague was holding a tea cup, moistening his throat, and then sighed: "The suspect is too tough and refuses to admit that he killed the person. But what happened will always leave traces. As long as we follow that yellow hair, we will definitely find clues! - Fortunately, there were witnesses who saw him, and we were able to catch him on the spot. Otherwise, if the murderer escaped, we would have to conduct a lot more investigations. A step of."

Another police officer had done many inspection visits before. Thinking of the terrible workload, he deeply agreed: "Mr. Fayue is indeed an enthusiastic person."

Conan was startled: "Do you know the old man who witnessed the crime scene?"

The young policeman nodded, showing a nostalgic look: "He can make paper plays. Whenever he is free, he performs for free for children in Camellia Park. I also went to see it when I was a child. In addition to paper plays, he also taught Our kendo - even though he is old now, he is a master of the fifth degree of kendo. But later, maybe because of his age, or maybe he was injured in a fight between children, and he felt a little guilty, so he only made paper It’s drama.”

"A master of the fifth level of swordsmanship?!"

Several detectives looked at each other and suddenly remembered that the deceased seemed to have been hit on the head with some kind of blunt instrument, causing a fatal blow.

Jiang Xia remembered what she said before about helping Ginjiu find someone, and asked the policeman: "I remember you said before that the deceased and the current suspect are suspected of engaging in fraud activities-among the possible victims, Fayue Are you an acquaintance of Mr.

The young policeman was startled, then suddenly understood what he meant, and sat upright: "You suspect it's him..."

"I'm just providing some investigation ideas. Anyway, you haven't found the murder weapon yet, so why not check in a few more directions."

Jiang Xia left the trivial work to the police.

Although the murderous aura on the old man's body didn't smell like normal food, it was indeed a high-end murderous aura with a unique taste. The texture was tight, and there were ten strands in one strand. It could be used to feed Noah - anyway, Noah tasted it. It doesn’t have much flavor, just nutritious.

Rather than letting Fayue Dema be angered by Gin and fall into a corner with a shot when passing by, it would be better to keep him alive and produce more murderous intent... It's a pity that most of the murderous intent of ordinary people is one-time. Enemies are gone as soon as they die, unlike the endless supply of organizational cadres.

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